Founded in 1980, UCFV Theatre champions the university college’s mission statement, which states that our fundamental purpose is to help students achieve their goals. Theatre options at UCFV include a two-year diploma, a two-year Associate of Arts degree, a four-year Bachelor of Arts degree (extended minor or minor options), weekend workshops, public lectures, and external study tours. Students can also participate in the co-operative education option. The series of public performances that constitutes our season of theatre serves to both advance students’ educational qualifications and skills and enrich the quality of life in communities of the Fraser Valley.

You may want to take Theatre at UCFV for one or several of the following reasons:
• to acquire a Bachelor of Arts degree with a theatre extended minor or minor, an Associate of Arts degree, and/or a Theatre diploma
• to develop pre-professional skills to be further developed in career-oriented theatre schools
• to pick up university transfer credits for other degree programs and/or diplomas
• to improve your abilities as a community theatre participant
• to prepare for a lifelong enjoyment of the performing arts.
    The season of theatre mounted in the department’s theatre on the Chilliwack campus is a vital component of the program. Emphasis is placed on producing Canadian plays and classics (mainly Shakespeare).
    In addition to the diploma program, the Associate of Arts, the Bachelor of Arts: Theatre extended minor/minor option, and the season of theatre, the Theatre department also sponsors public lectures, trips to professional and university productions, and visits by touring theatre groups. External study tours are organized to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival and are open to all students and community members.
    This section specifies the extended minor and minor discipline requirements only. Information on additional Bachelor of Arts requirements can be found in the Bachelor of Arts section.

Theatre extended minor requirements
Lower-level requirements: 24 credits
• Twenty-four credits 100/200–level Theatre including:
• Fifteen credits from THEA 101, THEA 111, THEA 121, THEA 201, or THEA 202, THEA 199 or THEA 299.
• Students are advised to select lower-level theatre courses that are prerequisites (or recommended) for the upper-level theatre courses that are of interest to them. See the course description section of the calendar for more information.

Upper-level requirements: 16 credits
• Sixteen credits of 300/400-level Theatre
• Students should note that most 300/400-level theatre courses are offered every other year. Please consult the Theatre department head for information on which courses are being offered.

Theatre minor requirements
Lower-level requirements: 15 credits
• THEA 101
• THEA 111
• THEA 121
• THEA 199 or 299
• THEA 201 or 202.
* Students are advised to select lower-level theatre courses that are prerequisites (or recommended) for the upper-level theatre courses that are of interest to them. See the course descriptions section of the calendar for more information.

Upper-level requirements: 16 credits
• Twelve credits 300/400-level Theatre*
• Four credits from: English 310, 312, 361, 368
• Theatre 300/400 level*
• Visual Arts 300-level
* Students should note that most 300/400-level theatre courses are offered every other year. Please consult the Theatre department head for information on which courses are being offered.

Certificate in Extended Studies
The extended studies certificate is designed for students who have baccalaureate degrees, who wish to complete the equivalent of a minor, or extended minor, in Theatre. For details about entrance requirements and program requirements, please contact the department.

Associate of Arts degree: Theatre
Admission for the program is for the September semester. Students wishing to start in January may do so by taking any course for which they have the stated prerequisites and then applying for the following September.

Entrance requirements
See this section for details on entrance requirements and application procedures.

Program requirements
See Associate of Arts - Theatre for details on program requirements.

Theatre diploma
UCFV offers a two-year, 60 credit program (including practical skill development courses and university transfer courses) leading to a diploma in theatre. The program prepares students for a life-long enjoyment of the theatre. Graduates are qualified to seek entry into professional training schools, transfer to university degree programs, or pursue involvement in community theatre. Exceptional students may be qualified to seek professional work upon graduation.

The majority of courses in the Theatre program are transferable to university. Consult the B.C. Provincial Transfer Guide at for details. Students who plan to continue their education at another post-secondary institution should make themselves fully aware of its requirements, particularly when choosing electives. Consult the program head, this calendar, the B.C. Provincial Transfer Guide, and a UCFV Student Services advisor for advice.

Entrance requirements
B.C. Secondary school graduation or equivalent, or 19 years of age or older before classes begin. Students with university-level credit must have a grade point average of 2.0 on all credits attempted.
Note: While the Composition Placement Test (CPT) is not necessary to apply to this program, it is a prerequisite for ENGL 105, one of the required program courses. Students are advised to arrange for the CPT well before they plan to register for ENGL 105.

How to apply
1. Submit the application fee along with your UCFV application for admission form to the Admissions and Records (A&R) office. Application forms are available from any A&R or Student Services office. You can also print an application form from our website at, or you can apply directly through the internet at See the Admissions Guide for a complete list of application dates and general information.

Additional documents required for a complete application:
    • proof of B.C. secondary school graduation or equivalent
    • transcripts (or interim transcripts) showing grade/course achievement as per entrance requirements.

2. Students who have attended a post-secondary institution must submit an official transcript (sealed envelope) for each institution attended, whether or not they have completed courses there. If transcripts are being sent directly from the institution(s) attended, please indicate they are on order. To retain your original application date, order early so transcripts arrive within two weeks of the date your application is mailed or submitted.

3. In March you will be informed of an interview that is required. You must attend or make special arrangements with the program head to be eligible for admission to the program.

4. Upon admission to the program you will be provided with registration information. A deposit is required when you register (see the Fees and Other Costs section). This money will be applied to the tuition fees and is not refundable. Final payment of all course fees is due the end of the second week of classes.
If you meet all of the entrance requirements, but the program is full, you will be given an opportunity to register in the general studies program. Should a space become available at a later date, you will be contacted.

5. In cases where interim transcripts are submitted, an admission decision may be made conditional upon completion of academic requirements. Proof of completion of entrance requirements are due the beginning of August.

Fees and other costs
Fees stated are in effect for 2004/05 and are subject to change for 2005/06.
    Tuition fees for most full-time students are about $1.900 per semester (based on enrolment in five courses or 15 credits). Books and additional supplies cost approximately $100 per course. See the Fees and Other Costs section for more information. Additional costs may include theatre tours, workshop fees, art supplies, and suitable acting-class clothing.

Workload and classroom expectations
Full-time students will carry a workload of five courses per semester, either five university-transfer or four UT and one practicum. Each UT course meets for three or four hours each week and requires approximately twice that time out of class, in study and preparation time. The practicums require from 60 to 200 total hours spread over approximately 10 weeks. Students must have flexibility in their scheduling to accommodate the varied time demands of the practicums. Rehearsals take place in the evenings and on weekends.
    There is a definite need to learn to balance time and workload in order to succeed in the program.

Dates and locations
The normal academic year is from September to the end of April. Admission for the program is for the September semester. Students wishing to start in January may do so by taking any course for which they have the stated prerequisites and then applying for the following September. However, they should be aware that because of timetabling and sequencing of courses they can expect to spend 2.5 years to complete the program.
It is possible to earn credits by participating in the external study tours. Contact the program head.
The Theatre department is based on the Chilliwack campus. Most courses and practicums are offered in Chilliwack; however, some courses each year are offered in Abbotsford.

Part-time students
Part-time students may enrol in any available theatre course at any time convenient to them, provided they meet the stated prerequisites. Part-time students wanting to complete the Theatre program should consult with the program head as early as possible in order to ensure they are taking the right courses in the right sequence.

Standing required for continuance
Students must maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average (CGPA).

Academic warning
Students whose grades fall below a 2.0 CGPA will be placed on Academic Warning for the next semester. A student on Academic Warning may not register in a course overload. Students who achieve a semester grade point average of 2.0 will continue on Academic Warning until the CGPA equals or exceeds 2.0

Required to withdraw
Students who do not achieve a minimum semester grade point average of 2.0 while on Academic Warning will be withdrawn from the Theatre program. A student who has been required to withdraw may continue to take courses as a General Studies student.

Readmission to the program
To be readmitted to the Theatre diploma, you must complete nine university-level credits (can be duplicate courses), with a minimum 2.0 CGPA. Once these criteria are met, you may apply for readmission at the Admissions and Records office. When readmitted, you will remain on Academic Warning until your overall CGPA is 2.0.

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure all program requirements are met. This should be done by regular consultation with the Theatre department head.
    Diploma candidates who qualify to receive a UCFV Theatre diploma must be approved by the UCFV Arts division and the University College Board.
    Students must apply for graduation by completing a Request to Graduate form available at the Admissions and Records office. We recommend this be done in the first month of the graduating semester. The final deadline for submissions is April 1, with all program requirements completed by April 30 for students wishing to attend the June convocation ceremony.

Program requirements
A cumulative grade point average of 2.0 is required in order to receive a diploma.
    Students are required to attend an interview with the program head either prior to registration or during the first week of the first semester. Additional interviews will be scheduled to monitor individual student progress.
 Acting roles in the practicum sections are obtained through audition.
    Theatre students are strongly encouraged to take a high school and/or college-level language course.
Students are not required but are encouraged to take a selected reasoning course. These courses are Philosophy 100, Mathematics 104, 105, or 110.

Required courses: 36 credits
    • THEA 101
    • THEA 111 and 112
    • THEA 121 and 123
    • THEA 199
    • THEA 201 or 202
    • THEA 211 and 212
    • THEA 299
    • ENGL 105
    • ENGL 130

Elective courses: 24 credits
• All elective credits must be university transferable.
• Students planning to “ladder” the diploma into a Bachelor of Arts: Theatre minor or extended minor program should plan their electives carefully to meet the requirements of the Bachelor of Arts.
• At least three elective credits are required from each of Note 1, Note 2, or Note 3 below.
• At least three arts elective credits must be from a subject area other than Theatre, and from courses other than English 105 or 130.

Program outline
First Year
Semester I

Course  Title  Credits
THEA 101  Introduction to Theatre  3
THEA 111  Acting I  3
THEA 121  Introduction to Technical Theatre I  3
ENGL 105  The Reading and Writing of Prose  3
Elective*  Choose from Note 1  2 or 3
Total    15

Semester II

Course  Title  Credits
THEA 201  History of Theatre — Major Trends and Issues of the 20th century
or THEA 202  History of Theatre — Major Trends and Issues to the 19th century  3
THEA 112  Acting II  3
THEA 123  Introduction to Technical Theatre II  3
ENGL 130  Introduction to Modern Drama  3
Elective*  Choose from Note 1,2,or 3  3
Total    15

* Students are strongly recommended to complete a theatre practicum (THEA 199 or 299), and at least three elective credits in either the Social Sciences or Sciences during their first year of the Theatre diploma.
Second Year
Semester III

Course  Title  Credits
THEA 211  Acting III  3
THEA 199*  Practicum I  3
Elective**  Choose from Note 1, 2,or 3  3
Elective  Choose from Note 1, 2,or 3  3
Elective  Choose from Note 1, 2,or 3  3
Total    15

* If not taken in Semester I
** ENGL 211 or ENGL 230 strongly recommended
Semester IV

Course  Title  Credits
THEA 212  Acting IV  3
THEA 299*  Practicum II  3
Elective **  Choose from Note 1, 2, or 3  3
Elective ***  Choose from Note 1, 2, or 3
Elective  Choose from Note 1, 2, or 3
Total    15–16

* If not taken in Semester II
** THEA 201 or 202 are strongly recommended if not taken already
*** Students may take an upper-level theatre course, provided they have met the necessary prerequisites.

Must be university transferable. Students are strongly encouraged, but not required, to take a selected reasoning course chosen from Philosophy 100, Mathematics 104, 105, or 110.
Note 1: Social Science elective
• Anthropology
• Criminology*
• Economics
• Geography (except those listed under the Science elective category under Note 2)
• Latin American Studies
• Media & Communication Studies
• Political Science
• Psychology
• Sociology
• Social, Cultural and Media Studies
* Please contact the Liberal Arts advisor for details regarding acceptable Criminology electives.
Note 2: Science elective
• Biology (100-level or higher)
• Chemistry (100-level or higher)
• Computing Science
• Geography 101, 102, 201, 202, 251
• Kinesiology and Physical Education 163 or 170
• Physics (100-level or higher)
• Psychology 210 or 220
Note 3: Arts electives:
• Art History
• English
• Film
• History
• Languages
• Mathematics
• Philosophy
• Religious Studies
• Theatre
• Visual Arts

Course listings
For complete details on courses see Course descriptions.


Two practica are required during the two-year program, one in each year. Students are allowed to take more than two practica, however, these additional practica must not interfere with course work. A maximum of six practicum credits will be counted towards the diploma.
    All theatre courses require some production team work (usually 10 hours). Involvement in a practicum removes the production team requirement for the course in that semester except for Theatre 121 and 123 (30 hour requirement). Actors in the productions are encouraged and sometimes required to work on backstage aspects of the department shows.
    Practica count for some credit towards Theatre 101, 201 and 202.

Course listings
For complete details on courses see Course descriptions.

Work Study
The Theatre department participates in UCFV’s work study program. Consult the student Financial Aid department.

Ian Fenwick, Department Head, BA (Brock), BA (Hons) (Queen’s),MFA (UBC), Acting, Directing, Play-making
Bruce Kirkley, BA (Hons) (UBC), MA (Toronto), PhD (Toronto), Theatre History, Acting, Voice
Astrid Beugeling, Fine Arts diploma (UCFV), BFA (UVic), Technical Theatre and Design
Richard Wolfe, BA (U of Sask), MFA ((UBC), Acting, Directing, Theatre History


Astrid Beugeling, Fine Arts diploma (UCFV), BFA (UVic), Resident Designer and Technical Manager
Jody Cameron, Production Manager
Dan Easy, Joinery (UCFV), Set Construction
Rick Mawson, Theatre diploma (UCFV), BA (UCFV), Department Assistant and Publicity Manager
Heather Robertson, Theatre diploma (UCFV), BA (SFU)
Jim Wenting, Technician Diploma (National Theatre School)

Part-time staff:
Muriel Morris, BA (Hons), MEd (UBC), Educational Coordinator

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