UCFV offers a number of options to people interested in studying criminology and criminal justice:

• Criminal Justice diploma program
A two-year, 64-credit program designed to prepare students for front-line/entry-level jobs in the criminal justice field. The program consists of a combination of theoretical and skill development courses, and will be of interest to people who wish to become (for example) police officers, correctional officers, youth workers, immigration officers, bylaw enforcement officers, customs inspectors, community service order officers, and sheriff’s officers.

• BCIT Forensic Investigation transfer option
This option of the Criminal Justice diploma is designed primarily for students who wish to transfer directly into the third year of the Bachelor of Technology in Forensic Investigation at BCIT, following completion of their UCFV diploma. Students taking this option must choose one of three paths (i.e., Economic Crime Studies, Forensic Science Studies, or Computer Crime Studies), each of which provides the prerequisites for a path of study at the upper-level with the BCIT Bachelor of Technology in Forensic Investigation transfer option. Students can also ladder directly into the third year of the UCFV BA (Criminal Justice) program. Students considering this option are reminded that they can also enter directly into the third year of the Bachelor Technology in Forensic Investigation with either an Associate of Science degree or Computing Information Systems diploma from UCFV. Students interested in this transfer option can obtain details from the department.

• Bachelor of Arts (Criminal Justice) degree program
A four-year, 124-credit program which provides for advanced study beyond the Criminal Justice diploma program. Specifically, the program prepares students for front-line jobs after two years, but it also provides them with the opportunity beyond that (within an additional two years of study) to acquire a liberal arts orientation and the research skills, knowledge base, and analytical ability necessary for graduate studies and advanced career opportunities in the criminal justice field. This program will be of interest to people already working in the criminal justice field who seek supervisory positions, and to those who ultimately seek careers in the areas of criminal investigation, national security, evaluation research, crime prevention, offender case management (including probation and parole), and criminal law.

• Bachelor of Arts (Criminal Justice) degree with minor or extended minor in another discipline
Students who choose to combine their BA in Criminal Justice with a minor or extended minor in another discipline (e.g., Psychology, Sociology, History, Geography, English) must complete all the requirements of the BA in Criminal Justice and all the discipline requirements of the minor or extended minor.
If you are interested in pursuing this option, contact the Criminology and Criminal Justice department to discuss your program plan.

• Extended Minor and Minor in Criminal Justice
These credentials are offered in the Arts division, Bachelor of Arts program. Please refer to the Bachelor of Arts section for details.

• General Studies
You need not be registered in any of the above programs to take criminology courses. This option will be of interest to students pursuing other degrees and to individuals who are exploring various educational and career options. In this regard, the following courses are recommended as good courses to take for students who have not previously completed a criminology course: CRIM 100, 101, 103, 105, 129, 151, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 230, 250.

Entrance requirements

1. Criminal Justice diploma program
All applicants must have a B.C. secondary school graduation or equivalent.

In addition, applicants must:
• Have English 12 (A) or a CPT score of 48 or better or UCFV English 081, 091 (C+ or better) or UCFV
ENGL 099 (C or better) or a satisfactory LPI score (30/40 or level five out of six on the essay) (See Note 1). Acceptance will be conditional upon proof of having met this entrance requirement. Applicants are encouraged to submit proof as soon as it is available.
• Be willing to undergo an initial security clearance check and further checks as may be required in individual courses
• Be willing to provide a statement from a physician as evidence of good health (to be obtained after applicant’s interview with faculty)
• Provide the complete names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three people (non-relatives) who will be willing to provide a comprehensive personal reference
• Provide a neat and well written 300- to 500-word statement articulating your personal strengths and weaknesses and interest in criminal justice
• Attend an orientation session in April during which criminal justice faculty present an overview of the options available and career opportunities in criminal justice
• Attend a personal interview in April with criminal justice faculty, during which suitability for (and interest in) criminal justice will be discussed and assessed (students will be contacted regarding the orientation and interview process).
Note 1: Students should be aware that meeting the above English entrance requirement may not be sufficient to satisfy the prerequisite for some courses required in the program. Students should consult the course descriptions for details on specific course prerequisites.

2. Bachelor of Arts (Criminal Justice) degree program
Applicants must have completed, by the end of the fall semester in the application period, at least 45 credits that may be applied to the degree program with a CGPA of at least 2.67.

In addition, applicants must:
• Attend an orientation session in April during which criminal justice faculty present an overview of the options available and career opportunities in criminal justice. You must attend the orientation and interview or make special arrangements with the program head to be eligible for admission to the program
• Attend a personal interview in April with criminal justice faculty, during which suitability for (and interest in) criminal justice will be discussed and assessed (students will be contacted regarding orientation and interview process)
• Provide a neat and well written 300- to 500-word statement articulating your personal strengths and weaknesses and interest in criminal justice.
A CGPA of 2.67 and attending an orientation and interview are minimum requirements and do not guarantee admission to the program.

How to apply
1. Submit the application fee along with your UCFV application for admission form to the Admissions and Records (A&R) office. Application forms are available from any A&R or Student Services office. You can also print an application form from our website at, or you can apply directly through the internet at See the Admissions Guide for complete list of application dates and general information.

Additional documents required for a complete diploma application:
• proof of B.C. secondary school graduation or equivalent
• official transcript (or interim transcript) and/or Grade 12 test scores showing grade/course achievement as per entrance requirements.
• The complete names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references
• A 300- to-500-word statement articulating your personal strengths and weaknesses, and interest in criminal justice.

Additional documents required for a complete degree application:
• a 300- to 500-word statement articulating your personal strengths and weaknesses and interest in criminal justice
• official transcripts (or interim transcripts) from every post-secondary institution you have attended showing grade/course achievement as per entrance requirements.
• You must attend the orientation and interview or make special arrangements with the program head to be eligible for admission to the program.

2. You will be advised of an admission decision and provided with registration information. A deposit is required when you register (see the Fees and Other Costs section on page 22). This money will be applied to the tuition fees and is not refundable. Final payment of all course fees are due the end of the second week of classes.

3. In cases where interim transcripts are submitted, an admission decision may be made conditional upon completion of academic requirements. Proof of completion of entrance requirements is due the end of the first week in August.

Fees and additional costs

Fees stated are in effect for 2004/05 and are subject to change for 2005/06.
Tuition fees for most full-time students are about $1.900 per semester (based on enrolment in five courses or 15 credits). Books and additional supplies cost approximately $100 per course. See the Fees and Other Costs section for more information.

Dates and location
Full-time students are advised to register for the fall semester. Since many courses in the diploma, degree, and university-transfer options are sequential, students registering in January may be unable to take preliminary courses until the following September.
    The normal university college year is from September through April, with between 15 and 18 hours of classes required in each of the fall and winter semesters. Students enrolled in field practice in any semester (normally requiring two full days per week) would normally take 11 hours of classes. Occasionally, courses are challenged for credit, making it possible to complete the program more quickly. Mastery of course objectives must be demonstrated in order to successfully challenge a course.

Program requirements
To maintain their status as a program student, individuals with more than 15 credits must maintain a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of at least 2.0. Further, to maintain status as a degree program student, individuals registering for upper-level criminology courses must possess a CGPA of at least 2.67.

Continuance in program
Students who do not maintain the required cumulative grade point average will be placed on Academic Warning for one semester. If you do not attain the required CGPA, you will be required to withdraw. Students who have been required to withdraw are not normally readmitted to the program.

Re-taking courses
The Criminology/Criminal Justice department does not approve challenge requests from students who are asking to re-take a Criminology course. These students must register in, and complete the requirements for, a regularly timetabled section of the course.

Auditing courses
Students wishing to audit a course in Criminology/ Criminal Justice must request permission from the instructor no later than the end of the fourth week of classes. No changes from regular to audit status will be permitted after this date.

A prerequisite is a requirement which must be met before a student enters a course or program. A P grade does not, unless stated otherwise, meet a prerequisite requirement. Students who do not have the stated prerequisite courses may not register in a course having these requirements without the permission of the instructor.

Transfer credit
At least 25 per cent of the course work must be completed at UCFV. However, students must complete at least 50 percent of the upper-level Criminology credits required for the degree at UCFV.

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition
You may be able to obtain credit for prior learning through evaluation of previous studies or learning through experience after you have completed 30 credits in the diploma program. Contact the department for further information.

Course withdrawal deadlines
Course withdrawal deadlines follow university-college policy.

Candidates who qualify to receive a UCFV degree or diploma must be approved by the UCFV Criminology/ Criminal Justice department and the University College Council. Students must submit a Request for Graduation form to the UCFV Admissions and Records office by April 1.

Program outlines

Criminal Justice diploma
Semester I

Course  Title  Credits
CRIM 100  Introduction to Criminology  3
CRIM 103  Introduction to the Criminal Justice System  3
CRIM 129  Academic and Professional Development  3
PSYC 101  Introduction to Psychology  3
SOC 101  Introductory Sociology  3

Semester II

Course  Title  Credits
CRIM 104  Sociological Explanations of Criminal and Deviant Behaviour  3
CRIM 105  Psychological Explanations of Criminal and Deviant Behaviour  3
CRIM 160  Problem Management Skills for Criminal Justice Interventions  3
CRIM  Elective  3
CMNS/ENGL  one of:  3
   CMNS 125 Business Communications
   CMNS 155 Communications for Human Services
   ENGL 105 The Reading and Writing of Prose

Semester III

Course  Title  Credits
CRIM 201**  Physical Fitness Training I  2
CRIM 260  Methods of Intervention in Criminal Justice  3
Elective Arts  (UCFV) 200-level or higher (non-criminology)  3
Elective General:  Any 100/200 level university-transferable non-criminology course  3
CRIM  Elective  3
CMNS/ENGL  one of:
CMNS 250  Report Writing for Business, Information Technologies, Social and Human Services  3
ENGL  120–170 or higher*  3

Semester IV

Course  Title  Credits
CRIM 202**  Physical Fitness Training II  2
or CRIM 203  Peace Officer Use of Force  2
CRIM 220  Research Methods in Criminology  3
CRIM 230  Criminal Law  3
CRIM 281  Field Work Practicum  6
POSC 110  Canadian Politics  3
Total    64

* Students who have taken the (now discontinued) English 110 course may use it for this requirement.
** CRIM 201 and CRIM 202 cannot be taken concurrently.
Crim electives include: CRIM 101, 109, 130, 135, 151, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 250.

BA (Criminal Justice) UCFV degree
Semester I

Course  Title  Credits
CRIM 100  Introduction to Criminology  3
CRIM 103  Introduction to the Criminal Justice System  3
CRIM 129  Academic and Professional Development  3
PSYC 101  Introduction to Psychology I  3
SOC 101  Introductory Sociology  3

Semester II

Course  Title  Credits
CRIM 201**  Physical Fitness Training I  2
CRIM 260  Methods of Intervention in Criminal Justice  3
Elective Arts  (UCFV) 200-level or higher (non-criminology)  3
Elective General:  Any 100/200 level university-transferable non-criminology course  3
CRIM  Elective  3
CMNS/ENGL  one of:
CMNS 250  Report Writing for Business, Information Technologies, Social and Human Services  3
ENGL  120–170 or higher*  3

Semester III

Course  Title  Credits
CRIM 260  Methods of Intervention in Criminal Justice  3
Elective  CRIM  3
Elective  Arts (UCFV) 200-level or higher (non-CRIM)  3
Elective  General: Any 100/200 level university- transferable non-criminology course  3
CMNS/ENGL  one of:  3
CMNS 250  Report Writing for Business, Information Technologies, Social and Human Services
ENGL  120–170 or higher*

* Students who have taken the (now discontinued) English 110 course may use it for this requirement.

Semester IV

Course  Title  Credits
CRIM 220  Research Methods in Criminology  3
CRIM 230  Criminal Law  3
CRIM 281  Field Work Practicum  6
POSC 110  Canadian Politics  3
Total    60

Students wanting a diploma must also complete CRIM 201, and one of CRIM 202 or CRIM 203.
Students should plan their 100/200-level electives to ensure they will have the necessary prerequisites for the required 300/400-level non-criminology electives.

Upper-Level BA (Criminal Justice) degree
Note: Students must have a cumulative GPA of 2.67 in order to continue into upper level.

Semester V
Course, Title, Credits

CRIM 310  Advanced Theoretical Perspectives  3
CRIM 330  Criminal Procedure and Evidence  3
MATH 104  Introductory Statistics  4
Elective  Arts: Any one of art history, history, languages, visual arts, film, Philosophy 100 or higher,
          theatre, or English 120–170
Elective  Science: Any biology, chemistry, physics 100-level or higher, or GEOG 101 or 102  4

Semester VI

Course  Title  Credits
CRIM 311  Multiculturalism, Conflict, and Social Justice  3
CRIM 320  Research Techniques  5
CRIM 335  Human Rights and Civil Liberties  3
Elective  Any 300/400 non-Crim. course  3
Elective  Any 300/400 non-Crim. course  3

Semester VII

Course  Title  Credits
CRIM 420  Research Project Seminar  6
CRIM 460  Comparative Criminal Justice Systems  3
BUS 203*  Organizational Behaviour  3
Elective  General: Any university transfer course  3

Semester VIII

Course  Title  Credits
CRIM 450  Social Policy Analysis  3
CRIM 480  Field Work Practicum  6
Elective  Any 300/400 non-Crim. course  3
Elective  Any one of CRIM 410–419  3
Total  64
Plus lower-level credits    60
Total program credits    124

* BUS 102 prerequisite waived for Criminal Justice degree reserved seats.

Course listings:
For complete details on courses see Course descriptions.

Full-time faculty
Darryl Plecas, BA, MA (SFU), EdD (UBC), Chair
Terry Anderson, BA, MA (Cal State), PhD (CPU)
Irwin Cohen, BA (Concordia), MA (Toronto), MCA (Ottawa), PhD (SFU)
Martha Dow, BA, MA (UWO), PhD (UBC)
Aili Malm, BA, MA, PhD (SFU) in progress
John Martin, Dip. Crim. Justice (UCFV), BA, MA (SFU)
Kim Polowek, BA, MA (SFU)
Martin Silverstein, BA (Toronto), BA (Queen’s), MA (Ottawa), PhD (Arizona State)
Paul Tinsley, BA, MA (SFU), EdD (UBC)

Part-time faculty
Yvon Dandurand, BA (Ph), BPh, MA (Ottawa)
Scott Fast, BA (Wash), MA (UBC)
Peter German, BA (Hons) (Mt. Allison), MA (SFU), LLB (NB), LLM (UBC)
Jay Jones, BA (UBC), MA (SFU)
Ian MacKenzie, LLB (UBC)
Alard Malek, PhD
Allan Speevak, BA, MSc, (Michigan State)
Tim Segger, BA, MA, (UVic)
Gordon Taylor, BA, LLB (UBC)
Wendy Van Tongeren, BA (UBC), LLB (Queen’s)

Support staff

Lori Moren, Program Advisor

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