
Careers in business administration offer excitement and challenge but require dedication, hard work, and a sound education. UCFV Business Administration programs provide students with relevant preparation for roles in business and organizational management and help them develop an effective foundation of skills and knowledge applicable to most business careers.

The Business Administration department offers the following programs:
Bachelor of Business Administration degree (Co-op Ed option available)
• Bachelor of Business Administration degree (Aviation) (see Aviation section)
Business Administration diploma (Co-op Ed option available)
Accounting certificate (For students who have completed college-level accounting)
Administration certificate (Part-time)
Marketing and Sales certificate (Part-time)
Minor in General Business
Minor in Accounting
Minor in Financial Management
Minor in Marketing
Minor in Human Resources/Organization Studies
Minor in Management Science/Information Systems
Minor in International Business (see also Bachelor of Arts section)
Programs are available to students who have recently graduated from high school as well as those with work experience who wish to resume or continue their education. Students who do not meet program entrance requirements or who lack recent preparation are encouraged to consult with the Business Administration department about preparatory and refresher courses.

Entrance requirements

Business Administration diploma
1. B.C. secondary school graduation, or equivalent.

2. Principles of Mathematics 12 provincially examined (C+ or better), or UCFV MATH 095 (C+ or better), or Math 110 (C+ or better) or a MATA score of 67% or better (see Note 1) or equivalent. MATH 111 and 115 also meet this requirement but have Math 12 as a prerequisite;

3. English 12 provincially examined (C+ or better) or a CPT score of 48 or better or UCFV English 081 and 091 (C+ or better) or UCFV ENGL 099 (C+ or better).
Note 1: The Math 12 Ability Test (MATA) is available for students to determine their proficiency in Mathematics for UCFV Business programs only. Students who receive a passing grade on the MATA will be considered to have met the Math 12 admission requirement for UCFV Business programs (but will not receive Math 12 credit). Students considering taking this test should contact the Business department for procedures, exam dates, and permission to write.
Note 2: All students entering Business Administration programs are expected to be computer literate. This means knowing how to run programs from a Windows environment, and having basic Internet, word processing, and spreadsheet skills. CIS 100 with a C or better is recommended.
Note 3: Students intending to register in CMNS 125 should refer to the prerequisites listed in the course description for CMNS 125.
Students who have completed relevant certificate or one-year programs such as the Administration certificate may have some or all of their credits recognized for credit to the Business Administration diploma program. See the department for further information.

Bachelor of Business Administration
1. Business Administration diploma graduates

• Completion within the last 10 years of either the UCFV Business Administration diploma or a Business Administration diploma from another Canadian college or institute that is considered equivalent to the UCFV Business Administration diploma.
• At least a C grade must be obtained in all diploma courses. (Refer to the diploma program outline on pages 116–117 for courses.)
• A Business Administration diploma grade point average of at least 2.67 (B- average at UCFV)
• Principles of Mathematics 12 provincially examined (C+) or better; or MATH 110 (with a C+ or better; or a MATA score of 67% or better (see Note 1) or equivalent. MATH 111 and 115 also meet this requirement but have Math 12 as a prerequisite.
• English 12 provincially examined (C+ or better) or a CPT score of 48 or better or UCFV ENGL 081 and 091 or UCFV ENGL 099 (C+ or better)

2. Departmental discretionary admission

    (also see Note below):
The Business Administration department will also consider applications from Business Administration diploma graduates with at least five years of significant and relevant business experience after completion of the diploma even though they may not possess the required grade point average, course grades, or course currency necessary for entry into the degree program. The department will exercise its discretion in such cases and, where warranted, accept students on a conditional basis (see note below). Students accepted to the program under this applicant category may be required by the department to refresh their academic background by completing one or more lower-level business courses, as determined by the department, in addition to satisfying any course deficiencies.
    Students applying under this category must contact the program chair prior to submitting a formal application in order to obtain a written statement of permission to apply. Permission given for this purpose does not imply acceptance; it only facilitates the application process.
Note: Applicants missing a limited number of specific course requirements may, at the discretion of the Business Administration department, be considered for conditional admission.

Program re-entry
For re-entry to a Business Administration program, GPA will be calculated based on the courses that will be used to fulfil the program requirements only (program GPA). Limitations on the number of courses retaken will apply.

How to apply to the certificate, diploma, or degree programs
1. Submit the application fee along with your UCFV application for admission form to the Admissions and Records (A&R) office. Application forms are available from any A&R or Student Services office. You can also print an application form from our website at, or you can apply directly through the internet at See the Admissions Guide for a complete list of application dates and general information.
Additional documents required for a complete application:
• Official transcripts (or interim transcripts) of all post-secondary institutions attended showing grade/course achievement as per program entrance requirements.
The following must be included:
    a. Official transcript (or interim transcript) from high school
    b. B.C. English 12 with C+ or better or equivalent (provincially examined) (all programs).
    c. B.C. Principles of Math 11 with C+ or better or equivalent (Administration and Marketing and Sales    certificates).
    d. B.C. Principles of Math 12 with C+ or better or equivalent (provincially examined) (Accounting certificate, diploma, and degree programs).
    e. B.C. secondary school graduation or equivalent
Note: Students making an early application must provide evidence of courses in progress as soon as available.

2. In April/May an orientation will be offered for all programs. Attendance at the orientation is mandatory.

3. Upon admission to a program you will be provided with registration information. A deposit is required when you register (see the Fees and Other Costs section). This money will be applied to the tuition fees and is not refundable. Final payment of all course fees is due the end of the second week of classes.

4. In cases where interim transcripts are submitted, an admission decision may be made conditional upon completion of academic requirements. Proof of completion of entrance requirements must be submitted by the date stated on your acceptance letter.

How to apply to the Business minors programs
Students wishing to take a minor in business must have declared and be enrolled in a major program of study (other than Business) that permits Business minors (e.g., Bachelor of Arts) before applying to the minors programs. Once enrolled in a major program of study, students may apply to the Business Administration program for one of the business minors offered. Please refer to the Minors in Business Administration requirements and procedures.

Co-operative Education option
The Co-operative Education option offers students in the Business Administration diploma and degree programs the opportunity to obtain paid, career-related work experience in their field of study during their education at UCFV. After completing their first year of study, Co-op Ed students alternate between semesters of full-time study and full-time paid employment.
A typical study-work schedule is:

Year  Fall  Winter  Summer
1   Study term 1  Study term 2  Work term 1
2  Work term 2  Study term 3  Work term 3
3*  Study term 4
 Diploma Graduation
 Study term 5  Work term 4
4*  Study term 6  Work term 5  Work term 6
5*  Study term 7  Study term 8  Degree graduation

* These study and work term sequences will vary for students entering into a UCFV Co-op Ed option at the third-year level. See the Co-operative Education section of the calendar for further details.

General interest
It is possible to begin Business Administration program courses as a General Studies student, but in order to complete a program, you must eventually apply and be accepted into one of the department’s programs and meet all of the entrance, academic performance, and course requirements. You are encouraged to apply before completing three Business Administration courses.

Recognition of previously completed Business Administration courses
Former UCFV business administration students who finished their studies more than 10 years ago and students who completed courses in other programs and/or at other post-secondary institutions prior to starting a UCFV Business Administration program should contact the Business Administration department to determine whether any courses/credits can be recognized for or transferred to the desired UCFV Business program. Applicability of courses and/or transfer credits is determined on an individual student basis. The following criteria are used:
• Relevance and suitability of the course to the program as determined by the Business Administration department
• Generally, courses taken more than 10 years ago will not be considered applicable; courses taken more recently may not be considered applicable if there has been significant change in the course subject matter since the course was taken.
• Grades received (a C grade is the minimum acceptable if the course was taken at another institution)
• Courses taken at other institutions may not be used to meet the program residency requirements.

Transferring courses to other institutions and associations
Students intending to pursue commerce or business administration studies at UBC, SFU, UVic, or UNBC are advised to study those institutions’ calendars carefully before enrolling in any UCFV courses which have a BUS designation. Students should consult an educational advisor in Student Services or at the institution to which they intend to transfer, or refer to the Provincial transfer guide at for transfer details.
    Many business administration courses are transferable to B.C. colleges and institutes. To obtain maximum transfer credit, students should ensure that electives chosen are transferable and appropriate for the desired program.
    Most accounting and finance-related business administration courses offered at UCFV have transferability with the professional accounting associations — the Institute of Chartered Accountants (CA), the Society of Management Accountants (CMA) and the Certified General Accountants Association (CGA). A number of the department’s courses are also recognized by the Municipal Administrators’ Education Council, the Canadian Credit Union Institute, the Institute of Canadian Bankers, and the Purchasing Management Association of Canada. (See ‘Transfer’ in Course descriptions.)

Distance education
A number of courses applicable to the degree, diploma, and certificate programs are available by distance education through the Open Learning Agency. If your work schedule, or UCFV’s timetable, prevents you from taking a course when needed, or you find it impossible to obtain a seat in a course because it is full, you may be able to arrange to take an equivalent course through the publicly funded Open Learning Agency. Contact the Business Administration department to get information about equivalent courses available on this basis, and to request a Letter of Permission (written authorization) to include them in your program.

Fees and additional costs
Fees stated are in effect for 2004/05 and are subject to change for 2005/06.
Tuition fees for most full-time students are about $1,900 per semester (based on enrolment in five courses or 15 credits). See the Fees and Other Costs section for more information.
    Textbooks and supplies cost approximately $750–900 per year. Textbooks should be considered an investment and become part of your business library. You may be required to purchase one or more computer software packages. Software costs should not exceed an average of $200 per year and are in addition to the textbooks costs cited above. You should also consider purchasing or arranging access to an industry-compatible computer.

Academic performance requirements
Diploma and certificate programs
Students must obtain a minimum grade point average of 2.0 (C average) in their final semester as well as cumulatively in order to be awarded the diploma or a certificate. Students whose cumulative grade point average and/or semester grade point average falls below 2.0 during their program are subject to academic warning and/or removal from the program (see Academic Warning for details).
Note: The maximum number of courses applying to Business Administration programs that can be retaken is five, whether for repeating or for upgrading. This maximum applies to any one program and cumulatively to all Business programs taken at UCFV.
Note: Diploma students continuing to the degree program require a higher performance level than the minimum stated here to be considered for entry to third year; specifically, no course grade below C, and cumulative Business diploma grade point average of 2.67 (see the degree program entrance requirements).

Degree program
Students in the third and fourth years of the Business Administration degree program must maintain a cumulative degree program grade point average of 2.67 (B-average) in order to be awarded the degree. Students whose cumulative grade point average and/or semester grade point average falls below 2.67 during their program are subject to academic warning.
The maximum number of courses applying to Business Administration programs that can be retaken is five, whether for repeating or upgrading. This maximum applies to any one program and cumulatively to all Business programs taken at UCFV.

and degree programs

Business Administration diploma

The two-year diploma program is designed to give graduates a solid educational background on which to build a business career. The Business Administration diploma program develops practical skills in business writing, mathematics, and computing along with an understanding of fundamental principles in the areas of marketing, accounting, economics, and management. Students who complete the two-year diploma and meet the entrance requirements to the third-year degree level will normally have all their courses recognized as satisfying the first two years of the Business Administration degree program offered at UCFV. To maximize this recognition (up to 60 of the 120 credits required for the degree program). Students should consult degree program requirements before registering for diploma courses.

Length and location
You can complete the diploma program in two years if you take five courses each fall and winter semester. A reduced course load is permitted but will result in a longer period of time needed for program completion. The department normally requires the diploma to be completed within seven years.
The full diploma program is offered at both the Abbotsford and Chilliwack campuses. Most of the first year of the diploma program is offered at the Mission campus. All students should expect to travel between campuses during their program.

Program outline
Diploma and Years I and II of the degree program
The Business Administration diploma is the foundation of the Bachelor of Business Administration degree program. The diploma represents the first two years of the degree and is a prerequisite for entrance into the actual degree program, which begins in third year and continues into fourth year.

First Year
Semester I

Course  Title  Credits
BUS 100  Introduction to Business  3
or BUS 102  Introduction to Business  3
BUS 120  Essentials of Marketing (see Note1)  3
BUS 143  Accounting I  3
or BUS 145  Accelerated Financial Accounting (see Note2)  3
BUS 160  Computerized Business Applications
or CIS 110  Computerized Business Applications  3
CMNS 125  Business Communications  3

Semester II

Course  Title  Credits
BUS 144  Principles of Accounting II  3
or BUS LL  Business Lower Level Elective (see Note2)  3
BUS 162  Mathematical Methods for Business  3
BUS 221 or 222
or 223 or 224
 Marketing Elective 1
CMNS 250 Report Writing for Business, Information Technologies, Social and Human Services  3
  Business or general elective (see Note3)  3

Second Year
Semester III

Course  Title  Credits
BUS 203  Organizational Behaviour  3
BUS 227  New Business Development  3
BUS 247  Management Accounting I  3
ECON 100  Principles of Microeconomics  3
  Business or general elective (see Note3)  3

Semester IV

Course  Title  Credits
BUS 201  Human Resource Management  3
BUS 206  Business Policy  3
BUS 261  Business Law  3
ECON 101  Principles of Macroeconomics  3
MATH 106  Statistics I  3

Note1: In order to fulfill their diploma marketing requirements, students must complete BUS 120 and one of the following: BUS 221, 222, 223, or 224.
Note2: Students who have completed Financial Accounting 12 with a B+ or better should complete
BUS 145 as equivalent to BUS 143 and BUS 144. Students taking BUS 145 must take an additional business elective for three credits.
Note3: General Education elective: Diploma students over the two-year program must complete two business or general education electives. Degree students over the four-year program must meet the following general education requirements: a) one natural science (lab) course; b) one humanities course other than English;
c) one social science course other than economics; and d) one business or general education elective. It is recommended that the diploma general education electives be satisfied by completing two of the four degree requirements for those students who plan to ladder up to the degree. Students must consult with the program assistant or program chair regarding acceptable electives.
Note4: Accounting concentration: For those who intend to choose the Accounting concentration in the degree, Management Accounting II (BUS 348) should be taken as a Business Elective in Semester 4. Instructor’s permission will be required.

Course listings
For complete details on courses see Course descriptions.

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