UFV Academic Calendar 2010/11

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Transfer Credit

Using transfer credit for UFV programs

Transfer credit process

Advanced standing

Advanced Placement program

International Baccalaureate program

Letters of Permission

Visiting students

Using transfer credit for UFV programs

Many credit courses offered at recognized post-secondary institutions have been evaluated for equivalency by UFV. The UFV Admissions and Records office maintains a list of transfer credit arrangements. Transfer credit arrangements for first and second year courses, and some upper-level courses, in B.C. institutions are published in the BC Transfer Guide.

Once an official transcript is evaluated for transfer credit, the official UFV transcript will list all transferable courses (including grades) and their equivalents at UFV.

Only transferable courses with a grade of P (D) (equated to the UFV grading system) or better can be applied towards the requirements of any UFV credential. Some departmentsmay require a minimum higher than a P. Failed courses are usually counted in admission grade point average calculations.

Transfer credit granted for previous work at another institution may or may not be applicable to a student’s program, and does not necessarily excuse the student from meeting the prerequisites or other requirements for entry into a course or program.

Normally, transfer credit cannot be used for more than 50% of the credits necessary to complete the requirements for a degree, diploma, or certificate. This limit may be increased to 75% for some programs.

Recognition by UFV of studies completed elsewhere does not imply, or in any way guarantee, that the transfer credits will be recognized by another institution.

Transfer credit process

Official transcripts (see Note) are reviewed routinely for all students in, and applicants to, undergraduate programs (excluding vocational certificate programs). Students in other programs must request transfer credit. To request transfer credit, students must submit a Request for Transfer Credit form to the Admissions and Records office. These forms are available at www.ufv.ca/ar/forms or at the Admissions and Records office.

Note: A transcript is considered official if it is sent directly to UFV Admissions (33844 King Road, Abbostford, BC, V2S 7M8) from the originating institution in the original sealed envelope with the institution's name and address imprinted upon it. The transcripts must bear the official institution seal or authorizing signature. Exceptions may be made when it is not possible for a transcript to be sent directly to UFV, provided the credential evaluation office can reasonably determine the document's authenticity.

A minimum of six to eight weeks is required for evaluation. Detailed course outlines may be required if no articulation agreement exists. If you intend to use credits from another institution towards a UFV credential, apply for transfer credit at least three to four months prior to application for graduation.

For documents that are not in English, including official transcripts and course outlines, a translation into English by a certified translator must accompany the documents.

Documents submitted become the property of UFV. Only documents that are considered by UFV to be irreplaceable will be returned to the student, provided the student requests return of the document upon submission.

Advanced standing

For some UFV courses, a student may demonstrate mastery of a subject area and be admitted directly to a higher-level course without completing prerequisite or co-requisite courses. Advanced standing does not give the student credit for courses bypassed, nor does it preclude the necessity of obtaining credit for courses required by other institutions.

Advanced Placement program

Transfer credit and/or advanced standing will be granted to students who complete certain Advanced Placement Program examinations. Normally, a minimum grade of 4 is required for transfer. These examinations are administered by the College Entrance Examination Board. Transferability of Advanced Placement courses is listed in the BC Transfer Guide, under "Other Transfer Guides".

In addition, UFV will grant general unassigned credit for other AP courses with a grade of 4 or 5 if the courses are accepted for transfer at other B.C. public universities or university colleges. See the transfer guide at www.bctransferguide.ca under "Other Transfer Guides" to determine transferability of AP courses.

To obtain transfer credit, official AP score results from the College Board must be sent directly to UFV Admissions, 33844 King Road, Abbotsford, BC, V2S 7M8. Transfer credit will not be given on the basis of transcripts issued by high schools or other third parties. 

Note: For the Advanced Placement program, the institutional number for UFV is 6750.

International Baccalaureate program

Transfer credit and/or advanced standing may be granted to students who complete certain higher level International Baccalaureate diploma courses. Normally, a grade of 5 or better is required for transfer. Transferability of International Baccalaureate courses is listed in the BC Transfer Guide, under "Other Transfer Guides".

In addition, UFV will grant unassigned credit for other IB higher level diploma courses with a grade of 5 or higher that are accepted at other B.C. public universities or university colleges. See the transfer guide at BC Transfer Guide.

To obtain transfer credits, official IB certificates or diplomas should be sent directly to UFV Admissions, 33844 King Road, Abbotsford, BC, V2S 7M8. Transfer credit will not be given on the basis of transcripts issued by high schools or other third parties.  

Note: For the International Baccalaureate program, the institutional number for UFV is 00084.

Letters of Permission

Students currently enrolled in a UFV certificate, diploma, or degree program who plan to take academic work at another institution to count toward their programs should request a Letter of Permission. The Letter of Permission request should be submitted to Admissions and Records well before registration for the course in question. Forms are available from www.ufv.ca/ar or from the UFV Admissions and Records office.

Letters of Permission will be issued only to students in good academic standing (students must meet the minimum GPA required for their program, or maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher if the program does not specify a minimum). Students must ensure that any outstanding fees are paid, and any library holds are cleared.

Visiting students

Students from other post-secondary institutions who plan to attend UFV as visiting students should contact their home institution for permission. Visiting students to UFV must submit a UFV application form, the application fee, and the Letter of Permission (if applicable) from the home institution. Visiting students must also meet general UFV admission requirements (must either have B.C. high school graduation or equivalent, or be 19 years of age or older as of the first day of classes).

A recent transcript and Request for Transfer Credit form is also required if you have taken a prerequisite course at another institution.

Transfer to other institutions

Please see this section for information on transfer to other institutions.