UFV Academic Calendar 2010/11

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Communications minor

The requirements of the Communications minor are designed to be met within a four-year Baccalaureate program. The Communications minor will provide 27-28 credits towards the 120-credit minimum required for a UFV Baccalaureate degree, the balance to come from the declared major, plus electives. Of these credits, 15-16 will come from upper-level CMNS courses. Students will be advised to choose a major prior to declaring a minor in Communications. Formal declaration will be completed in consultation with the advisor in their discipline and the Communications department.

Core and Prerequisite courses

Course listings

Lower-level requirements: 12 credits

Course Title Credits
One of:   3
CMNS 125 Introduction to Workplace Communication  
CMNS 155 Introduction to Workplace and Academic Communication  
CMNS 165 Professional Communication for Kinesiology  
CMNS 175 Writing for the Internet  
One of: 3
CMNS 180 Introduction to Intercultural Communications  
CMNS 212 Basic Public Relations and Advocacy Communications  
HSER 120 Introduction to Interpersonal Communications
CMNS 235 Oral Communication 3
CMNS 251 Professional Report Writing 3

Upper-level requirements: 15-16 credits

Course Title Credits
One of:   3
CMNS 351 Professional Formal Research Report Writing  
CMNS 390 Designing End-User and Technical Documentation  
One of:   4
CMNS 412 Community and Public Relations Practicum  
CMNS 413 Professional Communications Practicum  
CMNS 490 Special Topics in Communications  
8-9 credits from below:    
CMNS 300/JRNL 300 Introduction to the Practice of Journalism 3
CMNS 301/JRNL 301 Advanced Practice of Journalism 4
CMNS 312 Introduction to Public and Community Relations 3
CMNS 325 Writing for the Sciences and Technologies 3
CMNS 335 Advanced Oral Communication for Professionals 4
CMNS 345 Instructional Skills for the Workplace 4
CMNS 360 Advocacy Writing 4
CMNS 365 Grant and Proposal Writing 3
CMNS 375 Document Design, Desktop, and Web Publishing 3
CMNS 385 Language and Action: A Survey of Contemporary Rhetoric 3
CMNS 445 Facilitating Skills for the Workplace 4
CMNS 480 Crisis Communication 4

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section. All Communications courses (except CSM 104, CSM 108 and CMNS 115) require some proficiency with email, web-based research, and word-processing packages. CMNS 125, 155, 251, 325, 351, and 360 are offered online, as well as in classroom format.