UFV Academic Calendar 2010/11

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Continuing Studies

Nursing Unit Clerk certificate

This certificate program is designed to prepare people to work as nursing unit clerks or to upgrade their skills if presently employed as nursing unit clerks.

Program goal

The goal of the program is to provide students with the knowledge and skills to perform the duties required of a nursing unit clerk.

Graduates will be able to:

• Communicate effectively with patients, visitors, and other members of the health care team
• Demonstrate an understanding of the organization, structure, and function of the various departments of a hospital
• Function effectively in a fast-paced environment, often in emergency situations
• Process doctors' orders and requests
• Perform clerical duties related to hospital nursing unit and patient records
• Identify, pronounce, and spell the names of commonly used hospital drugs
• Perform clerical duties relating to the overall care of patients
• Perform standard receptionist duties
• Have a knowledge of and ability to work within general hospital code of ethics.

Entrance requirements

1. Grade 12 or equivalent.

2. Strong oral and written knowledge of English. A CPT score of 48 or better or successful completion of ESL course level 80 English may be required.

3. Introductory computer course or equivalent experience.

4. 30 wpm typing speed. (Attach copy of certificate.).

5. Willingness to undergo a security clearance check.

6. Willingness to obtain inoculations to participate in hospital practicum placement.

7. A 500-word written statement outlining your reasons for wanting to take the program.

8. Interview with instructor(s).

9. Personal suitability — recommended skills and attributes:
    • patience and composure under stress
    • concern for the welfare of others
    • previous hospital experience
    • ability to work under close direction as part of a health care team
    • ability and willingness to do shift work
    • communication and people skills, diplomatic front-line people.

When to apply and register

Applications are accepted on a continuous basis throughout the year. Qualified applicants are considered for the next intake in which there is space. See Continuous application process for more information.

How to apply and register

1. Fill out a UFV application for admission form.

2. Fill out a Continuing Studies additional application form.

3. Attach all required documentation and return completed registration package to the Continuing Studies office at the Abbotsford Campus.

4. A Composition Placement Test (CPT) score of 48 or better may be required.

5. Once advised of acceptance to the program, you may register. Section fees are due when you register for each section.

6. Applications are accepted and instructor appointments held periodically throughout the year.


Tuition fees: $6,045 (subject to change)

Books: $300

Supplies: $100 (subject to change)

All fees which total more than $100 in a calendar year are fully tax deductible.

Financial aid

Financial aid is available from a variety of sources. For more information, contact the Financial Aid and Awards office at either the Abbotsford or Chilliwack campus. A variety of bursary applications are also available from the Financial Aid and Awards offices.

Student evaluation

Students will be evaluated for each course in the program on classroom participation, classroom assignments, study projects and practica, as well as by examination. Students must maintain a grade percentage of 80% and an attendance record of 90% per module. You must successfully complete all theory components prior to practicum placement.


The grading procedure for this program is based on the UFV grading system policy. Letter grades are awarded for the first theory modules and a credit (Cr) or no credit (NCr) is awarded for the practicum module. Official transcripts are issued upon completion of the entire program.

Challenge policy

Students challenging components are required to pay the full tuition fee for that section prior to examination. (Based on the UFV official policy on course challenge.)


In addition to classroom activities, students will be required to research, study and prepare assignments outside of class for approximately three to six hours per week (part time) or eight to ten hours per week (full time).

Course schedule

Part-time classes are Tuesday and Thursday evenings and some Saturdays at the UFV Marshall Road Annex campus. The part-time program begins in January, with a summer break, and the practicum begins the following March.

The full-time program runs between Monday-Friday at the UFV Abbotsford campus. The full-time program begins in September, with a Christmas break, and the practicum begins in April.


Module Hours
Communication Skills for the Nursing Unit Clerk (HLTH NC01) 30
Medical Terminology (HLTH NC00) 45
Patient Chart Records (HLTH NC02) 15
Admissions/Transfers/Discharges (HLTH NC03) 27
Pharmacology I (HLTH NC04) 30
Pharmacology II (HLTH NC05) 40
Diagnostic Orders (HLTH NC06) 36
Medical Imaging (HLTH NC12) 36
Laboratory Orders (HLTH NC07) 48
Surgical Orders (HLTH NC08) 36
Therapeutic Orders (HLTH NC09) 33
Hospital Practices (HLTH NC11) 24
Practicum (HLTH NC10) 150
Total hours (including practicum) 550

Course descriptions

Medical Terminology

• Identify organs and structures of the body and explain main functions of these systems
• Define prefixes, suffixes, word roots and combining forms of medical terminology
• Pronounce and spell medical terminology
• Understand and use medical definitions and abbreviations

Communication Skills for the Nursing Unit Clerk

• Communication devices
• Communication with hospital staff, patients, and visitors
• Nursing unit observation
• Stress management
• Assertiveness skills
• Meeting hospital emergencies

Patient Chart Records

• Patient charts and records
• Maintaining the patient's charts

Admissions, Transfers and Discharges

• Admitting, transferring, and discharging the patient
• Patient deaths

Pharmacology Medication Orders — Part I

• Using the compendium of pharmaceuticals
• Specialties
• Drugs that affect disease-causing organisms
• Drugs that affect the nervous system
• Drugs that affect the endocrine system
• Drugs that affect the respiratory system
• Medication order components

Pharmacology Medication Orders — Part II

• Describing the process necessary to transcribe medication orders and identify specific forms
• Transcribing doctors' orders to appropriate forms
• Communicating new or changed doctors' orders
• Replacing or updating policy, and the process necessary to change a doctor's order
• Using the CPS to process medication orders

Diagnostic Orders

• Radiology and other diagnostic orders

Laboratory Orders

• Introduction to processing of doctors' orders
• Introduction to the laboratory department
• Haematology orders, chemistry orders
• Practical applications
• Microbiology orders, pathology orders
• Blood bank orders
• Miscellaneous laboratory orders
• Obtaining laboratory results

Surgical Orders

• Diet orders
• Consultation orders
• Surgical orders

Therapeutic Orders

• Drugs that affect the gastrointestinal system
• Drugs that affect the circulation system
• Processing medication orders
• Processing IV Therapy orders

Nursing Unit Clerk Practicum

• Communication devices
• Admissions, transfer, and discharges
• Processing of doctors' orders
• Managerial skills, interpersonal relations
• Professional conduct

Hospital Practices

• Hospital computer systems
• Utilize the MediTech order entry systems
• Basic resume styles
• Interview process and questions

Medical Imaging

• Theoretical and clinical components of Medical Imaging departments
• Sub-sections in a Medical Imaging department
• Medical Imaging tests, abbreviations, and patient preparation
• Personal radiation safety devices
• PACS (Picture Archiving and communication System)
• Medical imaging workflow in film and filmless environments

For more information

Contact the Continuing Studies department at 604-851-6324 or 604-792-0025, local 6324, or toll-free (within Canada) 1-888-504-7441, local 6324. Email: continuingstudies@ufv.ca.

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