English as a Second Language
University Foundation certificate
The University Foundation certificate program is an intensive, full-time academic preparation program specifically designed for students who do not meet the English language requirements for full time-time academic study at UFV.
Entrance requirements
In order to be admitted to the University Foundation certificate program, students must meet the requirements for either Level 1 or Level 2.
Level 1
• placement at level 70 of UFV ESL program or completion of:
• ESL WG64, RV68 and S66 or articulated equivalent with a minimum GPA 2.33 or higher or TOEFL 500 (173 CBT/61
iBT) or IELTS 5 or CanTest 4.0 or CAEL 50 or LPI essay score 20 (level 3) or MELAB 70.
Level 2
• placement at level 80 of UFV ESL program or completion of:
• ESL WG74 and R70 or articulated equivalent with a minimum GPA 2.33 or higher or TOEFL 550 (213 CBT/79
iBT) or IELTS 6 or CanTest 4.5 or CAEL 60 or LPI essay score 25 (level 4) or MELAB 80 or CPT 41.
Glossary of Acronyms
• CAEL — Canadian Academic English Language Assessment
• CanTest — Canadian Test for English for Scholars and Trainees
• IELTS — International English Language Test scores
• LPI — Language Proficiency Index
• MELAB — Michigan English Language Assessment Battery
• TOEFL — Test of English as a Foreign Language
When to apply
Applications are accepted for entrance to the Fall, Winter,
and Summer semesters. For application deadlines, see
Specific intake application
How to apply
International students should contact UFV International at 604-854-4544,
604-504-7441, or international@ufv.ca, or refer to the international education website at www.ufv.ca/international for application procedures.
Application forms for Canadian and landed immigrant students are available online or from any A&R or Student Services office. There is a $45 application fee.
Fees and additional costs
See the Fees and Other Costs section.
Books that are required for individual courses are available in the UFV bookstore. Information regarding tuition for international students is available on the international education website at www.ufv.ca/international.
Dates and location
UFV offers courses in three four-month semesters (fall, winter, and summer), primarily in Abbotsford.
Program requirements
To maintain status in the University Foundation certificate program, students must maintain a grade point average of at least 2.33. Upon successful completion (a grade point average of 2.33 or C+ average and at least a C+ in ESL WG84) of all Level II core courses and a total of 27 credits (of which nine credits must be 100 level or above), students
may be granted a certificate in the University Foundation certificate program. See Graduation below.
The program electives are to be taken from an approved list, which is
included below.
Continuance in a program
Students whose cumulative grade point average falls below 2.33 during their program are subject to academic warning and/or removal from the program.
Academic warning
Students, whose cumulative grade point average falls below 2.33 during their program are subject to academic warning and/or removal from the program.
Students must meet all prerequisites for any course at UFV.
Transfer credit
Students transferring to UFV must seek advice from an advisor to determine how their previous courses can be used toward fulfilling the current requirements. At least 50% of the academic course work must be completed at UFV.
Students wishing to challenge an academic course require permission from the department or program head of the course that they wish to challenge. Courses challenged do not count towards UFV program residency requirements.
Course withdrawal
Course withdrawal deadlines follow university policy.
Students must submit a Request for Graduation form to the UFV Admissions and Records office by April 1. All program requirements must be met by April 30 in order to participate in the June graduation ceremony. There is a $25 graduation fee.
Program outline — Level 1
Compulsory courses (see Note 1)
Course |
Title |
Credits |
ESL WG74 |
Writing/Grammar 74 |
6 |
ESL R70 |
Reading 70 |
3 |
1-3 electives per semester chosen from ESL, Upgrading and University
and/or Academic (see Note 2) |
Note 1: Alternate compulsory course(s) may be substituted by program advisor, depending on individual skill component score(s) as indicated by English proficiency assessment (TOEFL, IELTS, etc) results.
Note 2: Access to academic courses is dependent upon GPA:
• Students with a GPA of 3.0 or less may take one academic course only.
• Students with a GPA of 3.0 or more may choose a maximum of two academic courses. Elective
a) ESL and/or b) Upgrading and University Preparation, and Academic (maximum three courses)
a) ESL electives:
Course |
Title |
ESL BU75 |
Business English |
Computer-Mediated Studies |
ESL CB60 |
Computer Skills for Business |
English through Film |
ESL BU55 |
Intermediate English for Business |
ESL S76 |
Oral Communication for Academic Purposes |
ESL P55 |
Phonics 55 |
ESL P45 |
Pronunciation 45 |
ESL P65 |
Pronunciation 65 |
ESL T85 |
TOEFL Preparation |
ESL V73 |
Vocabulary 73 |
b) University preparation and academic electives
Choose only one:
Note: Students must meet all prerequisites for university preparation and academic elective courses
Astronomy — ASTR 103, ASTR 104
Biology — BIO 083, BIO 093
Business — BUS 100
Chemistry — CHEM 083, CHEM 110
CIS — CIS 100, CIS 110, CIS 162
Fashion Design — FD 113, FD 171, FD 180
Kinesiology — KPE 103, KPE 170
Languages — FREN 100, HALQ 101, JAPN 101, MAND 101, RUSS 101, SPAN 101
Math — MATH 084, MATH 085, MATH 094, MATH 095
Physics — PHYS 083, PHYS 093, PHYS 100, PHYS 101, PHYS 102, PHYS 105
Theatre — THEA 111
Visual Arts — VA 113, VA 115, VA 117, VA 123, VA 131, VA 151, VA 160, VA 170, VA
171, VA 180, VA 183
Students with a GPA of 3.0 or more have the option of choosing a maximum of two courses from the list above or below (only one “bolded” course)
Biology — BIO 083
Business — BUS 120, BUS 143, BUS 160
CIS — CIS 145
Computing Science — COMP 125
Criminology — CRIM 201
Kinesiology — KPE 260
Math — MATH 117
Visual Arts — VA 171
Note: Students may take alternate university preparation or academic electives with advisor and/or instructor approval
• Recommended order of Business courses: BUS 100, BUS 160 (or CIS 110), BUS 143 or MATH 117 (if English skills are weak), MATH 106, BUS 120
• Recommended order of CIS/COMP courses: BUS 100 (elective), CIS 145, MATH 125 (MATH 117 if English skills are weak), COMP 125 (CIS 100 if computer skills are weak)
Program outline — Level 2
Compulsory ESL (core) course
Course |
Title |
Credits |
ESL WG84 |
Writing/Grammar 84
(see Note 1) |
6 |
Plus compulsory academic (core) course
Course |
Title |
Credits |
CSM 104 |
Integrated Academic Learning Skills |
3 |
1-3 electives per semester chosen from ESL and/or University Prep
and/or Academic per semester (see Note 2) |
Note: Alternate compulsory course(s) may be substituted by program advisor depending on individual skill component score(s) as indicated by English proficiency assessment (TOEFL, IELTS, etc) results.
Note: Access to academic courses is dependent upon GPA:
• Students with a GPA of 3.0 or less may take two academic course only.
• Students with a GPA of 3.0 or more may choose a maximum of three academic courses.
Completion of the University Foundation certificate program requires completion of all core courses in Level 2, nine credits at the 100-level, and 27 credits in total.
Elective options
a) ESL and/or b) University Preparation and Academic (maximum 3 courses)
a) ESL electives:
Course |
Title |
ESL L87 |
Academic Transition |
ESL BU75 |
Business English |
Computer-Mediated Studies |
ESL CB60 |
Computer Skills for Business |
English through Film |
ESL S76 |
Oral Communication for Academic Purposes |
ESL P55 |
Phonics 55 |
ESL P65 |
Pronunciation 65 |
ESL R80 |
Reading 80 |
ESL T85 |
TOEFL Preparation |
ESL V83 |
Vocabulary 83 |
b) University preparation and academic electives:
Choose 2 maximum (only 1 “bolded” course)
Note: Students must meet all prerequisites for university preparation and academic elective courses.
Anthropology — ANTH 130
Astronomy — ASTR 103, ASTR 104
Biology — BIO 083, BIO 093, BIO 105, BIO 111
Business — BUS 100, BUS 120, BUS 143, BUS 144, BUS 160
Chemistry — CHEM 083, CHEM 105, CHEM 110, CHEM 113, CHEM 150
CIS — CIS 100, CIS 110, CIS 124, CIS 145, CIS 146, CIS 165, CIS 185
Communications — CMNS 099
Computing Science — COMP 125, COMP 150
Criminology — CRIM 100, CRIM 201, CRIM 202
English — ENGL 099
Fashion Design — FD 113, FD 171, FD 180, FD 193
Kinesiology — KPE 103, KPE 160, KPE 170, KPE 215
Languages — FREN 100, HALQ 101, JAPN 101, MAND 101, RUSS 101, SPAN 101
LAS — LAS 100
Math — MATH 084, MATH 085, MATH 094, MATH 095, MATH 104, MATH 106, MATH 110, MATH 111, MATH 112, MATH 115, MATH 117, MATH 124, MATH 125, MATH 140, MATH 141, MATH 152, MATH 170
Music - MUSC 101, MUSC 150
Physics — PHYS 083, PHYS 093, PHYS 100, PHYS 101, PHYS 102, PHYS 105, PHYS 111
Theatre — THEA 111
Visual Arts — VA 113, VA 115, VA 116, VA 117, VA 123, VA 124, VA 131, VA 132, VA 151,
VA 152, VA 160, VA 170, VA 171, VA 180, VA 183, VA 184
Students with a GPA of 3.0 or more have the option of choosing 3 maximum from list above or below (only 1 “bolded” course)
Anthropology — ANTH 101, ANTH 102
Art History — AH 101, AH 102
Business — BUS 162
CIS — CIS 190
Criminology — CRIM 101, CRIM 103, CRIM 104, CRIM 105
Economics — ECON 100, ECON 101
Geography — GEOG 101, GEOG 102, GEOG 140
History — HIST 100-level or 200-level
Kinesiology — KPE 270
LAS — LAS 200
LING — LING 101, LING 110
MACS — MACS 110, MACS 130
Physics — PHYS 112
Political Science — POSC 100, POSC 110, POSC 120, POSC 190
Sociology — SOC 101, SOC 250
Note: Students may take alternate university preparation or academic electives with advisor and/or instructor approval
Course listings
For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.