Certificates in Extended
Studies in Arts: Geography
The Extended Studies certificate is designed for students who have baccalaureate degrees, who wish to complete the equivalent of a major, extended minor, or minor, in
Entrance requirements
Studies in Arts: Geography major, with
or without concentration
1. Completion of a Bachelor degree from a recognized university.
2. A minimum of 18 credits in Geography courses, including GEOG 101 or 102
(or equivalents) and GEOG 140 (or equivalent), and a cumulative GPA of 2.33 or
3. For a Geography major, concentration in:
a. Physical Geography: completion of GEOG 201 and 202, or equivalents.
b. Environmental Studies: completion of two of the following: GEOG
201, GEOG 211, or GEOG 242, or equivalents.
c. International Studies: completion of two of the following: GEOG
240, GEOG 241, or GEOG 242, or equivalents.
d. Urban Studies: completion of GEOG 241 or 344 or equivalent.
e. Geographic Information Systems: completion of GEOG 253 or equivalent.
Extended Studies in Arts: Geography
1. Completion of a Bachelor degree from a recognized university.
2. A minimum of 12 credits in Geography courses, including GEOG 101 or 102
(or equivalents) and GEOG 140 (or equivalent), and a cumulative GPA of 2.33 or
Extended Studies in Arts: Geography minor
1. Completion of a Bachelor degree from a recognized university.
2. A minimum of nine (9) credits of lower-division Geography courses,
including GEOG 101 or 102 (or equivalents) and GEOG 140 (or equivalent), and a
cumulative GPA of 2.33 or higher.
Studies in Arts: Geography major with honours (no concentration chosen)
1. Completion of a Bachelor degree in Geography from UFV.
2. A GPA of 3.3 or higher in the program.
Studies in Arts: Geography major with honours with selected concentration
1. Completion of a Bachelor degree in Geography from UFV.
2. A GPA of 3.3 or higher in the program.
3. With a concentration in:
a. Physical Geography: completion of GEOG 201 and 202, or equivalents.
b. Environmental Studies: completion of two of the following: GEOG
201, GEOG 211, or GEOG 242, or equivalents.
c. International Studies: completion of two of the following: GEOG
240, GEOG 241, or GEOG 242, or equivalents.
d. Urban Studies: completion of GEOG 241 or 344 or equivalent.
e. Geographic Information Systems: completion of GEOG 253, or equivalent.
When to apply
Applications to the Extended Studies in Arts will be accepted
on a twice-yearly basis: starting on or after August 1 for the following January
and on or after October 1 for the following September.
How to apply
Submit the application fee along with the UFV Application for Admission Form
to the Admissions and Registrations (A&R) office. Application forms are
available from any A&R or Student Services office, or on-line at
Additional Documentation Required:
1. Transcript showing completion of the necessary Geography credits and
degree completion as per the entrance requirements. If transcripts are being
sent directly from the institution(s) attended, please indicate that they are on
order. To regain your original application date, order early so that transcripts
arrive within two weeks of the date your application is mailed or submitted.
2. A letter of intent stating the option for which you are seeking admission
(major, concentration, extended minor, or honours designation), your
professional and personal reasons for applying to the program, whether you
intend to complete the program on a full-time or part-time basis, and, if known,
the specific courses you anticipate taking. If necessary, the department will
call applicants for an interview to assess their particular needs. Admission
will be granted on the basis of the Geography department’s ability to meet the
student’s needs. The number of applicants accepted to the extended studies
programs may be limited.
Program requirements
Extended Studies in Arts: Geography major (with
or without concentration); Geography extended minor; Geography minor
Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 in:
All courses/credits attempted.
All Geography courses/credits.
ll upper-level courses/credits.
Extended Studies in Arts: Geography major with honours
Students completing an extended studies certificate in the Geography honours program must
meet the same requirements as all other students enrolled in this program. These
1. Application to the program through the department. This application is in
addition to that made to the university for admission. Application
guidelines for the honours program are available through the department and on
the department website at Students should check with the department prior to
application to the university to ensure that they have the
minimum requirements for the honours program.
2. A minimum CGPA, upon entry and completion, of 3.3 in the program.
3. Completion of 132 credits in total.
4. Completion of GEOG 354 and GEOG 492. Each honours student is assigned a
supervisor with whom they will work in completing GEOG 492.
5. Completion of 12 upper-level credits in a single, related field outside of
Geography. These may already have been completed as part of the Bachelor degree.
6. Students completing a certificate in extended studies: Geography with honours with a selected concentration must also fulfill the requirements of the
Residency requirement
Credit for some of the courses may be obtained at another university.
However, fifty percent of the upper-level requirements must be completed at
A program plan will be created for all students, outlining the required
courses to complete the program approved at the time of admission. Once admitted
to the Geography department, the student will be advised and approved for
graduation by the Arts Advice Centre. It is the student’s responsibility to
ensure that the program plan is followed and all program requirements are met.
This should be done by regular consultation with the UFV Bachelor of Arts
advisor. Any changes to the program plan must be approved by the arts advice centre and the Geography department.
Standing required for continuance
All students at UFV are expected to maintain acceptable standards of scholarship. Specifically, they are expected to maintain a minimum 2.0 CGPA.
Academic warning
A student who has a CGPA lower than 2.0 will be placed on academic warning for the next semester. A student on
academic warning may not register in a course overload.
Students who do not achieve a semester GPA of at least 2.0 while they are on
academic warning will be required to withdraw from the program.
A student on academic warning who achieves a single semester GPA of at least 2.0 will continue on
academic warning until the CGPA equals or exceeds 2.0.
Required to withdraw
Students who have been required to withdraw from the BA program may have the
opportunity to continue to take courses as an
Arts Studies student; however, they may not register for any upper-level courses.
Appeals for readmission
A student who is required to withdraw from the BA program must submit an appeal for readmission to the Academic Standards committee if he/she wishes to resume studies in the degree program.
In general, students who have been required to withdraw will be advised to complete a further nine credits of academic work or to repeat a similar amount of academic work taken previously in order to demonstrate their academic abilities. Appeals must be received at least three months before the start of the semester for which a student has applied. Readmission is not automatic.
Standing on readmission
If readmitted, students will be placed on Academic Warning again, subject to the conditions for Academic Warning as described above.
Fees and additional costs
See the Fees and Other Costs
section. Additional fees for course field trips and miscellaneous lab materials
will apply to all students enrolled in Geography programs.
Course listings
For complete details on courses see the
course descriptions section.
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