UFV Academic Calendar 2010/11

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Theatre extended minor

This section specifies the extended minor discipline requirements only. Information on additional Bachelor of Arts requirements begins in this section.

Lower-level requirements: 24 credits

• Twenty-four credits 100/200-level Theatre including:
• Fifteen credits from THEA 101, THEA 111, THEA 121, THEA 201, or THEA 202, THEA 199 or THEA 299.

Note: Students are advised to select lower-level theatre courses that are prerequisites (or recommended) for the upper-level theatre courses that are of interest to them. See the course description section of the calendar for more information.

Upper-level requirements: 16 credits

• Sixteen credits of 300/400-level Theatre

Note: Students should note that most 300/400-level theatre courses are offered every other year. Please consult the Theatre department head for information on which courses are being offered.

Theatre minor

This section specifies the minor discipline requirements only. Information on additional Bachelor of Arts requirements begins in this section.

Lower-level requirements: 15 credits

Course Title Credits
THEA 101 Introduction to Theatre 3
THEA 111 Acting I 3
THEA 121 Introduction to Technical Theatre 3
THEA 199 Practicum I  
 or THEA 299 Practicum II 3
THEA 201 History of Theatre: 19th Century to the Present  
 or THEA 202 History of Theatre: Antiquity to the 18th Century 3

Note: Students are advised to select lower-level theatre courses that are prerequisites (or recommended) for the upper-level theatre courses that are of interest to them. See the course descriptions section of the calendar for more information.

Upper-level requirements: 16 credits

• Twelve credits from 300/400-level Theatre
• Four credits from: English 310, 312, 361, 368 or Theatre 300/400 level or Visual Arts 300-level

Note: Students should note that most 300/400-level theatre courses are offered every other year. Please consult the Theatre department head for information on which courses are being offered.

Certificate in Extended Studies in Arts

The extended studies certificate is designed for students who have baccalaureate degrees, who wish to complete the equivalent of a minor, or extended minor, in Theatre. For details about entrance requirements and program requirements, please contact the department.

Course listings

For complete details on courses see course descriptions section.