UFV Academic Calendar 2010/11

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Trades and Technology

Electronics Technician — Common Core certificate

Entry-level trades training

The program is designed to prepare people with no electronics background for a range of entry-level technical service positions.

This program is recognized by the International Electronics Technician Articulation Committee. This recognition allows students national and global mobility in pursuing employment and further education in the electronics field.

The Electronics Technician program is the common core pre-requisite for advanced electronic technician specialty programs at post-secondary institutions throughout British Columbia and around the world.

Graduates will have fundamental skills and knowledge in analyzing, troubleshooting, repairing, and constructing analog and digital circuits.

Employment Opportunities

Graduates may find employment with:
 • manufacturers of electronic equipment
 • telecommunication centres
 • instrumentation service centres
 • business equipment service centres
 • cable companies
 • commercial sound companies

Most graduates will continue their education while specializing in any number of diverse fields such as business equipment, computer hardware and networking, industrial instrumentation, telecommunications and more.

Entrance requirements

1. B.C. secondary school graduation or equivalent.

2. Applications or Principles of Math 11 or UFV’s MATH 085.

If you think you have the equivalent courses or acceptable technical background, contact the instructor at 604-847-5429, to make an appointment.

When to apply

Applications are accepted on a continuous basis throughout the year. Qualified applicants are considered for the next intake in which there is space. See Continuous application process for more information.

How to apply

1. Read the program description and information carefully. If you wish to contact the instructor, call Randy Kelley at 604-847-5429 or email electronics@ufv.ca.

2. Submit a UFV application form, along with the $45 application fee, to the Admissions & Records office. Applicants currently in Grade 12 may apply during their Grade 12 year. A statement from the school counsellor or principal, indicating that you are likely to meet graduation requirements by June, must be presented.

3. Prior to classes starting in September, applicants will be notified by telephone of the registration procedures. Applicants who cannot be reached by telephone after three attempts will be removed from the waitlist.

Basis for admission decision

Applicants who meet the entrance requirements will be admitted in order of their application date. This date is set when an application, all required documentation, and the application fee have been submitted.

Fees and other expenses

See the Fees and Other Costs section. Electronics Technician students should also budget approximately $200.00 for basic tools and $990.00 for required textbooks.

Note: A deposit (currently $200) must be paid at the time of registration, which typically takes place one or two months before the start of each semester. The balance of fees must be paid by the end of the second week of the semester.


The Electronics Technician program is located in the Trades & Technology Centre at the Canada Education Park in Chilliwack. Reception is open 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday to Friday. Classes and shops are in session 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday to Friday.

Dates & attendance requirements

The Electronics Technician program starts in September and ends the following June.

The Electronics Technician program requires continuous attendance through all three semesters to successfully complete all requirements for the program. Students will be expected to attend classes five days per week for the duration of the entire program.

Students who fail to meet the attendance requirements as outlined in their individual program guides may be subject to a failing grade or academic warning.

• See UFV Policy 340.03 (Academic Warning).
• See UFV Policy 310.03 (Attendance).

Program requirements

Students must complete all requirements with a minimum of 70% or better to receive a Credit (CR) grade in order to graduate.

Students who do not receive a Credit (CR) grade in all required areas by the program end date, may apply to their instructor for re-entry into the program. Students who reapply may register as upgrading students and must complete all program requirements no later than the program end date of the following year.

See upgrading policy for more details.


Students must apply for graduation by completing a Request to Graduate form available at the Trades & Technology Centre. We recommend this be done at the beginning of your final semester.

Academic warnings

Trades & Technology students who demonstrate unacceptable academic performance will be placed on Academic Warning.
• See UFV Policy 340.03 (Academic Warning).

Unacceptable academic performance may, at the discretion of the instructor, include poor attendance, slow progress in theory and practical tasks, and/or lack of satisfactory participation in class activities.
• See UFV Policy 310.02 (Attendance).

Trades & Technology students are expected to conduct themselves in a mature and responsible manner, and will be held responsible for their actions, whether acting alone or in a group.
• See UFV Policy 310.12 (Student Conduct).

Withdrawal policy

Student-initiated withdrawal (discontinuing)

If a student wishes not to continue or return for the next semester, the Trades Centre will advise Admission & Records and initiate a withdrawal from the student’s current Trades program.

Required to withdraw (failed grades)

Failed grades may result in withdrawal from the program.

Required to withdraw (academic warning)

Students may be required to withdraw from a course or program for failing to comply with any of the following three policies.

• UFV Policy 340.03 (Academic Warning)
• UFV Policy 310.02 (Attendance)
• UFV Policy 310.12 (Student Conduct).

Upgrading policy

An upgrading student will be enrolled for no more than 13 weeks. Upgrading students will not displace anyone registered in the next intake.

The upgrading program allows those currently or recently employed in the industry to complete their certificate requirements or to become proficient in specific processes or techniques.

Upgrading students are expected to meet program prerequisites through previous or proof of industry experience approved by the program instructor.

Re-admission policy

Students who begin a trades program, but withdraw before completing the program, may contact the department to request re-entry to the program provided their absence is less than two years. Re-entry is subject to space availability.

If you are absent more than two years you will be required to apply for re-admission.

• An Application for admission form and Application fee will be required
• Trades & Technology entrance exams will need to be retaken

Program outline

The program will focus on electronics as applied to:

• Computers
• Networking
• Home technology integration
• Automotive applications.

Skill development will consist of learning activities that provide hands-on lab work mixed with classroom-based activities including lectures, group activities, reading assignments and practice problems.

UFV’s Electronic Technician program is organized into the following areas of concentration:

• Introduction to AC and DC Circuits
• Discrete Semiconductor Circuits
• Linear Electronic Circuits
• Digital Electronic Circuits
• Microprocessors/Microcontrollers