Early Childhood
Education/Child and Youth Care
Bachelor of Arts in Child and Youth Care — Child Welfare
This degree program is offered in cooperation with the School of
Social Work and Human Services (SWHS).
Program requirements
For entrance requirements and other program details, please see the main
Bachelor of Arts in Child and Youth Care section.
Program outline
First Year
Course |
Title |
Credits |
CMNS 155 |
Introduction to
Workplace and Academic Communication
(see Note 1) |
3 |
CMNS 251 |
Professional Report Writing
(see Note 1) |
3 |
PSYC 101 |
Introduction to Psychology I
(see Note 2) |
3 |
PSYC 102 |
Introduction to Psychology II
(see Note 2) |
3 |
Elective |
Approved by department |
3 |
Elective |
Approved by department |
3 |
Elective |
Approved by department |
3 |
Elective |
Approved by department |
3 |
Elective |
Approved by department |
3 |
Elective |
Approved by department |
3 |
Total |
30 |
Note 1: CMNS courses can be replaced with first-year and second-year university-level English.
Note 2: PSYC 101 & 102 are prerequisites to PSYC 250.
Note 3: Graduates of approved ECE certificate and diploma programs are eligible for block transfer credits.
Second Year
Course |
Title |
Credits |
CYC 201 |
Introduction to Child and Youth Care |
3 |
CYC 210 |
Professional Practice in Child and Youth Care |
3 |
CYC 220 |
Theoretical Foundations for Child and Youth Care |
3 |
CYC 267 |
Introduction to Working with Individuals in Child and Youth Care |
3 |
CYC 268 |
Introduction to Working with Groups and Families in Child and Youth Care |
3 |
PSYC 250 |
Introduction to Developmental Psychology |
3 |
Elective |
Approved by department |
3 |
Elective |
Approved by department |
3 |
Elective |
Approved by department |
3 |
Elective |
Approved by department |
3 |
Total |
30 |
Third Year
Course |
Title |
Credits |
CYC 310 A/B |
Supervised Practicum |
9 |
CYC 320 |
Administration in CYC Practice |
3 |
CYC 321 |
Critical Issues in Current CYC Practice |
3 |
CYC 340 |
Developmental Theory in CYC Practice |
3 |
CYC 341 |
Applying Developmental Theory in CYC Practice |
3 |
SOWK 312 |
Legal Knowledge for Social Work Practice |
3 |
SOWK 394 |
Substance Abuse Issues |
3 |
Elective |
Approved by department |
3 |
Elective |
Approved by department |
3 |
Total |
33 |
Note: Students may not register for 300-level core CYC courses
until they have completed all 200-level core CYC courses and are admitted to the
Fourth Year
Course |
Title |
Credits |
SOWK 412 |
Legal Skills for Social Work Practice |
3 |
CYC 410 A/B |
Advanced Supervised Practicum
(see Note 2) |
9 |
CYC 423 |
Research Methods in CYC |
3 |
CYC 425 |
Data Analysis in CYC |
3 |
CYC 467 |
Advanced Skills with Individuals in CYC |
3 |
CYC 468 |
Advanced Skills with Groups in Child and Youth Care |
3 |
CYC 469 |
Advanced Skills with Families in CYC |
3 |
CYC 496 |
Special Topics: Disability Issues |
3 |
Total |
30 |
Note: Students may not register in any 400-level core CYC courses, except 423 and 425, until they have completed all CYC 200- and 300-level core courses.
Recommended areas for elective courses could include arts, science, human services, English, and criminology. Electives must be
university level. CYC-sponsored electives may also be offered under courses CYC 260, 360, and 460. To confirm elective transferability, contact the ECE/CYC program head.
Certificate in Extended Studies in Child and Youth Care
This program uses the framework for Extended Studies in a Program to allow students who have completed the Bachelor of Arts in Child and Youth Care to be recognized for additional work to meet the Child Welfare Specialization.
The credential to be awarded is a type B certificate: Certificate in Extended Studies in Child and Youth Care: Child Welfare Specialization.
Entrance requirements
To be admitted students must have completed a Bachelor of Arts in Child and Youth Care from UFV or other similar recognized university program (University of Victoria, Vancouver Island University).
The department may interview applicants to assess their particular needs. Admission will be granted on the basis of the ECE/CYC department’s ability to meet the student’s needs. The number of applicants accepted to the program may be restricted.
Program requirements
Students must complete the requirements for the Child Welfare Specialization as set out in the UFV Calendar.
The department will set a detailed program plan for each student.
In order to be awarded the certificate students must have a GPA of at least 2.33 on the required courses. At least 25% of the credits must be completed at UFV.
Course listings
For complete details on courses see the
course descriptions section.