UFV Academic Calendar 2012/13

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Health Care Assistant

English Language Requirements
Students registering in post-secondary level courses (numbered 100 to 499) will be required to meet the English language entrance proficiency requirements. Students in ESL or the University Foundations programs can register in those courses identified in the University Foundations program with lower levels of language proficiency.

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HCA 1102 credits
Health I: Interpersonal Communications
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Health Care Assistant program
This course focuses on the development of self-awareness, increased understanding of others, and development of effective interpersonal communication skills that can be applied in a variety of care-giving contexts. Students will become more aware of the impact of their own communication choices and patterns. They will have opportunity to develop and apply communication techniques that demonstrate personal awareness, respect, and active listening skills.

HCA 1111 credit
Health II: Lifestyle and Choices
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Health Care Assistant program
This course introduces students to a holistic concept of health and the components of a health-enhancing lifestyle. Students will be invited to reflect on their own experience of health, recognizing challenges and resources that can impact lifestyle choices. Students will be introduced to a model that can be applied in other courses to understand the multi-faceted aspects of health and healing.

HCA 1127 credits
Healing I: Caring for Individuals Experiencing Common Health Challenges
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Health Care Assistant program.
This course introduces students to the normal structure and function of the human body and normal bodily changes with aging. Students will explore common challenges to health and healing in relation to each body system. Students will also be encouraged to explore person-centered practice as it relates to the common challenges to health and, in particular, to end-of-life care.

HCA 1132 credits
Healing II: Cognitive and Mental Health Challenges
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Health Care Assistant program
This course builds on content from other courses to assist students to explore concepts and care-giving approaches that will allow them to work effectively with individuals experiencing cognitive or mental challenges. Emphasis is on recognizing behaviors and identifying person-centered intervention strategies.

HCA 1144 credits
Health and Healing: Concepts for Practice
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Health Care Assistant program.
This course provides students with the opportunity to develop a theoretical framework for practice. Students will be introduced to the philosophical values and theoretical understandings that provide a foundation for competent practice as a Health Care Assistant. The course focuses on: concepts of caring and person-centered care, basic human needs, human growth and development; and family, culture and diversity as they relate to health and healing. Students will also be introduced to a problem-solving model that will be critical to their practice.

HCA 1151 credit
Introduction to Practice
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Health Care Assistant program.
This course provides an introduction to the role of the Health Care Assistant within the British Columbia health care system. Students are introduced to the health care team and the roles and functions of Health Care Assistants within the team. Students will also have opportunity to develop self-reflective skills required for competent practice. They are introduced to effective job searching approaches.

HCA 1203 credits
Healing III: Personal Care and Assistance
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Health Care Assistant program.
This practical course offers students the opportunity to acquire personal care and assistance skills within the parameters of the Health Care Assistant role. The course is comprised of class and supervised laboratory experiences which assist the student to integrate theory from other courses, and develop care-giver skills which maintain and promote the comfort, safety and independence of individuals, in community and facility contexts.

HCA 1304 credits
Complex Care Clinical
Prerequisite(s): HCA 120
This supervised practice experience provides students with an opportunity to apply knowledge and skills from all other courses in the program with individuals in a multi-level or complex care setting. Opportunity will be provided for students to gain expertise and confidence with the role of the Health Care Assistant within a continuing care facility.

HCA 1312 credits
Specialized Dementia Care Clinical
Prerequisite(s): HCA 120    
This supervised practice experience provides students with an opportunity to apply knowledge and skills from all other courses in the program with individuals in a multi-level or complex care setting. This clinical experience will be devoted to working with individuals experiencing cognitive challenges. Opportunity will be provided for students to gain expertise and confidence with the role of the Health Care Assistant within a continuing care facility.

HCA 1321 credit
Home Support and/or Assisted Living Preceptorship
Prerequisite(s): HCA 120
This practice course provides students with an opportunity to apply knowledge and skills from all other courses in the program with individuals and families in a community setting. Opportunity will be provided for students to become more familiar with the role of the Health Care Assistant within a Home Support Agency and gain abilities that will prepare graduates to assume the role of a Community Health Worker.

Last extracted: May 01, 2012 10:20:51 AMTop