Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) offers you the opportunity to have your
skills and knowledge assessed for applicable UFV credit. In order to receive
credit for what you know and can do, you will need to demonstrate how the skills
and knowledge you've acquired through work and life experience applies to UFV
courses and programs.
You are eligible to pursue PLAR if you are currently enrolled in UFV credit
courses; you are also eligible if you've completed one or more credits at UFV
within the past three academic years and are now re-admitted in a UFV program.
You may challenge up to 75% of your UFV degree program. Fees for PLAR challenges
are normally 75% of regular tuition fees.
PLAR options include course challenge, which can be achieved through a
variety of methods, (see Course Challenge, below) or multiple course challenge,
usually accomplished through portfolio assessment (see Portfolio Assessment,
below). UFV course outlines describe PLAR assessment methods used in specific
UFV courses. Please explore our UFV course outlines at
1) Course challenge
To challenge a course, you obtain credit by demonstrating mastery of learning
outcomes of the course. You may be asked to demonstrate your learning in a
written exam, assignment(s), or project, or through an interview with a faculty
member. You may be asked to provide samples of your work, or to conduct a
workplace demonstration. You will be assessed using methods that are most
suitable in your particular case and for the subject area being assessed.
2) Portfolio assessment
To challenge multiple courses, you may develop a portfolio to be assessed for
UFV program credit. Your portfolio will include a short autobiography, your
educational and career goals, a description of how your experiential learning is
equivalent to learning outcomes of UFV courses or programs, and evidence
documenting your learning. Assessment Services will assist you to develop your
portfolio according to program requirements.
To learn more about PLAR at UFV and to see examples of student portfolios,
see our website at, or make
an appointment to speak with Susan Brown, Assessment Services Coordinator
(PLAR). You can contact by phone at 604.851.6342 or by email at .