UFV Academic Calendar 2012/13

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Financial Aid and Awards

Financial Aid and Awards provides information and assistance to UFV students needing financial help. Despite careful budgeting, hard work, and planning, many students still have difficulty saving enough to complete their studies. Those needing help in financing their education are encouraged to contact Financial Aid and Awards for information about appropriate funding information and advice.

StudentAid BC

StudentAid BC is a need-based program that is available to assist students with educational costs at the post-secondary level. StudentAid BC supplements funds available to students through work, savings/assets, and family resources/income.

Funds awarded through this program may be disbursed through a combination of Canada Student Loans, B.C. Student Loans, and grants. Students can apply online at studentaidbc.ca.

Grants (non-repayable)

There are various types of Canada student grants (CSG) available to eligible students who enroll in part-time post-secondary studies. Adult Basic Education Student Assistance Program (ABESAP) is a funding source that is available to eligible students taking Upgrading and University Preparation, ESL, and Adult Special Education studies. Grant funding is for direct educational costs: tuition, books, supplies, and in some cases, transportation. Living costs are not funded.

Emergency assistance

In situations involving unforeseen financial interruption or crisis, students may be able to receive emergency assistance. Contact Financial Aid and Awards for appropriate applications.

Bursaries and scholarships

There are many opportunities to apply for bursaries and/or scholarships through UFV. Bursaries are non-repayable awards and are given to students who demonstrate genuine financial need. Scholarships are awarded to students who demonstrate excellence in academic progress and sometimes other achievements in areas of leadership and/or service. The Financial Aid and Awards website (ufv.ca/fineaid/) outlines these opportunities. Deadline information and applications are available online or can be picked up in person at either the Abbotsford or Chilliwack Financial Aid and Awards office.

Abbotsford 604-864-4601
Chilliwack 604-702-2618