UFV Academic Calendar 2012/13

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Associate of Arts degree Theatre option

Admission for the program is for the September semester only. Students wishing to start in January may do so by taking any course for which they have the stated prerequisites and then applying for the following September.

Entrance requirements

Applicants should apply to the Associate of Arts: Theatre. See the Associate of Arts degree section for details on entrance requirements and application procedures.

General requirements

60 credits of 100- and 200-level courses. A minimum of 15 credits must be completed at UFV.

Each course must be transferable to one of Simon Fraser University, University of British Columbia, University of Northern British Columbia, or University of Victoria. Transferability of courses can be found on the B.C. Transfer Guide at bctransferguide.ca. No course will be used to meet more than one of the following specific requirements.

Graduation requires a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher calculated on all courses that could apply to the program.

Specific requirements

Course Title Credits
6 credits in English or Communications:  
ENGL 105 Academic Writing 3
ENGL 105–170 (ENGL 130 recommended) or one of CMNS 125, 155, 251 3
9 credits in Science:  
Mathematics, Computing Science, or Statistics course 3-4
Lab science 100-level course 3-4
Science elective 100- or 200-level course 3-4
45 credits in Arts:  
THEA 101 Introduction to Theatre 3
THEA 111 Acting I 3
THEA 112 Acting II 3
THEA 121 Introduction to Technical Theatre 3
THEA 123 Introduction to Technical Theatre II 3
 or THEA 201 History of Theatre — Major Trends and Issues in the 20th Century  
 or THEA 202 History of Theatre — Major Trends and Issues in the 19th Century  
THEA 199 Technical Theatre Practicum 3
 or THEA 299 Theatre Production Practicum  
THEA 201 History of Theatre — Major Trends and Issues of the 20th Century 3
 or THEA 202 History of Theatre — Major Trends and Issues of the 19th Century  
THEA 211 Acting III 3
THEA 212 Acting IV 3
English 200-level course (ENGL 230 recommended) 3
Social Sciences 100-level courses 6
Arts elective 100- or 200-level course 3
Arts electives 200-level courses 6
Total   60

Subject areas

Please see this section for a list of the subject areas which apply to Associate of Arts program categories.

Theatre practicum courses

The required practicum courses for the Associate of Arts — Theatre option are one of THEA 199 (Technical Theatre Practicum) or THEA 299 (Theatre Production Practicum). The Theatre department also offers two credit/non-credit practica designed for students who wish to develop additional experience in theatre practice: THEA 290 (Theatre Practice – Small Ensemble) and THEA 295 (Theatre Practice – Large Ensemble).

Theatre practica are grouped in accordance with each production in the department’s annual season of theatre. Since each production represents a unique project, students may repeat THEA 199 or 299 once for further elective credit towards a Theatre Arts diploma, Associate of Arts — Theatre option, Bachelor of Arts degree, or Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. Students may also acquire as many THEA 290 or THEA 295 credits as they wish, however only a maximum of six credits drawn from one each of THEA 199, 299, 290, or 295 can be used for elective credits towards any UFV degree program, including the diploma, AA, BA, or BFA. In all cases, additional credit will only be granted when the work undertaken in each practicum represents a different production role.

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.