UFV Academic Calendar 2012/13

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Computer Information Systems

Mathematics minor
(for BCIS students only)

The BCIS degree (Math minor) is designed for students who wish to prepare for information technology careers requiring a mathematical background. For information on Mathematics minors available in other programs, see this section.

Entrance requirements

Entrance, academic performance, and all other requirements are the same as for the regular Bachelor of Computer Information Systems degree program, with one exception. In the lower-level diploma program, students intending to enter this degree will take two Math courses as a start to their minor, in place of the Business or Communications elective and the approved Arts or other approved elective normally taken in the CIS program.

Entry to the BCIS degree (Math minor) may be granted when students have completed the lower-level requirements shown below.

Entry to the BCIS degree (Math minor) will be limited by available space. Students should advise the CIS department head of their intentions while in their first year of study. For this option, students should apply to the CIS department in the last semester of their lower-level requirements.

Students may change from the BCIS degree (Math minor) to the regular BCIS degree at any time, providing they meet the current CIS degree continuance requirements.

Program requirements

Lower-level requirements

Lower-level requirements are the same as for the CIS diploma, with the exceptions that:

• the Business/Communications elective is replaced by MATH 111
• the approved Arts or other approved elective is replaced by MATH 112

Students are advised that upper-level Mathematics courses have prerequisites. Students should plan their lower-level course work carefully to ensure that they have these prerequisites in place.

Upper-level requirements

Course Title Credits
CIS 385 Project Management 3
CIS 390 Data Communications 3
CIS 440 Project 3
CIS 485 Ethics and Other Management Issues 3
COMP 340 Operating Systems 3
CIS or COMP 7 courses numbered 300 or higher 21
CIS or COMP 1 course numbered 200 or higher 3
MATH 211 Calculus III 3
MATH 221 Linear Algebra 3
MATH 270 Introduction to Probability and Statistics 4
MATH 302 Analysis of Observational and Experimental Data  
 or one: 200-level Mathematics course, excluding MATH 205 (see Note) 4
MATH 15 credits from courses numbered 308 or above 15
Total   68

Note: MATH 225 is strongly recommended.

Students should consult the CIS degree program outline for information on when CIS upper-level courses are normally taken. Students should consult the Mathematics department and current timetables for information on when Mathematics courses are offered.

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.