This three course, nine credit certificate is designed for students in programs
or in workplace environments that require good communication skills. The
certificate focuses on the communication essentials of business writing and
public speaking. The writing includes direct, indirect, and persuasive messages,
document/webpage design, and emails, memos, letters, and reports. Public
speaking includes running meetings, giving oral presentations, and working in
This certificate is given as a completion credential. Any student successfully
completing the three courses is eligible for the certificate. Some students
might complete the certificate while enrolled in their current programs, while
others may be admitted to UFV for the purpose of taking the certificate.
Entrance requirements
New students should apply to the Arts Studies
program path. Students will be
required to meet the admissions requirements for Arts Studies, as well as meet
CMNS course prerequisites.
Students currently enrolled in post-secondary programs are required to meet
only the course prerequisites.
Fees and additional costs
See the Fees and Other Costs section. Other than the $25 graduation fee, there are no additional fees for the
certificate. Students will be eligible for financial aid if they take all three
courses in the summer.
Program requirements
Certificate requirements: 9 credits
CMNS 235
Oral Communication
CMNS 251
Professional Report Writing
Plus one of:
CMNS 125
Introduction to Workplace Communication
CMNS 155
Introduction to Workplace and Academic
CMNS 175
Writing for the Internet
Students are required to take two of the three courses at UFV.
Graduation requirements
Students are required to have a completion GPA of at least 2.5 in the three
courses to be eligible for the certificate, with a minimum of a C grade in any
individual course.
Students can apply and be eligible for the certificate retroactively to Fall
2005. All three courses must be completed within a 10 year time period.
Course listings
For complete details on courses see the
course descriptions section. All
Communications courses (except CSM 104, CSM 108 and CMNS 115) require some
proficiency with email, web-based research, and word-processing packages. CMNS 125, 155, 251, 325, 351, and 360 are offered online, as well as in classroom format.