UFV Academic Calendar 2012/13

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General Studies

General Studies is designed for students who are exploring various options, are combining coursework to keep their options open, and are not ready to apply to a specific area, or find that a program doesn’t exist which accommodates all their needs. Credits completed while in General Studies may be applied to program areas at a later date, assuming the coursework was appropriate. General Studies can be as simple or as complicated as the intended goals.

Students who wish to complete a specific program at UFV but do not meet the entrance requirements for the program may follow a path that leads to the program. For more information about program paths, please see this section. Students who are taking a course for interest, with no particular program in mind, might consider taking the Studying for Interest path.

For those who wish to continue in General Studies, UFV offers a Bachelor of General Studies degree, and a General Studies diploma.

Bachelor of General Studies degree

General Studies diploma

Program paths