UFV Academic Calendar 2012/13

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Philosophy major

This section specifies the major discipline requirements only. Information on additional Bachelor of Arts requirements begins in this section. Credit requirements are dependent on completion of courses in each of the following areas. Students must complete a minimum of 18 lower-level course credits and a minimum of 30 upper-level credits.

Introductory courses

Required: 9 credits

Course Title Credits
PHIL 100 Reasoning 3
PHIL 110 Morality and Politics
PHIL 120 Knowledge and Reality 3

History of Philosophy

Three of the following, including one of PHIL 251A or 251B and one of PHIL 252 or 352: 9 credits

Course Title Credits
PHIL 250 History of Western Philosophy: Ancient Philosophy 3
PHIL 251A Rationalism and Early Modern Philosophy 3
PHIL 251B Empiricism and Early Modern Philosophy
PHIL 252 History of Continental Philosophy 3
PHIL 352 History of Analytic Philosophy 3


Required: 3 credits

Course Title Credits
PHIL 300 Symbolic Logic in Context 3

Philosophical Theory

Students must complete one course from each of the following areas.

Moral and Political Theory: 3 credits

Course Title Credits
PHIL 315 Contemporary Ethical Theory 3
PHIL 480 Selected Topics in Morality and Politics 3

Metaphysics and Epistemology: 3 credits

Course Title Credits
PHIL 322 The Philosophy of Mind 3
PHIL 325 Contemporary Philosophy: The Problem of Truth 3
PHIL 481 Selected Topics in Epistemology and Metaphysics 3

Political Philosophy: 3 credits

Course Title Credits
PHIL 371/
POSC 311
Power, Knowledge, and Order: Early Western Political Thought 3
PHIL 372/
POSC 312
Order, Liberty, and Equality: Western Political Thought from the 17th Century to 1900 3
POSC 320 Canadian Political Thought 3

Applied Philosophy

Three of the following: 9 credits

Course Title Credits
PHIL 230 Philosophy of Law 3
PHIL 240 Faith and Reason: Philosophy of Religion 3
PHIL 305 Philosophy of Decision Making and Dispute Resolution 3
PHIL 310 Ethics and Public Policy 3
PHIL 312 Occupational Ethics 3
PHIL 318 Environmental Ethics 3
PHIL 323 Philosophical Issues in the Social Sciences: Values, Objectivity, and Neutrality 3
PHIL 360 Special Topics: Contemporary Issues for Philosophical Analysis 3
PHIL 362 Philosophy of Education 3
PHIL 364 Philosophy and Children 3
PHIL 367 Philosophy for Counsellors 3
PHIL 370 Practical Studies in Applied Ethics and Politics 3

Other electives

Course Title Credits
PHIL 353 Philosophies of India 3
PHIL 482 Selected Topics in the History of Philosophy 3

Philosophy extended minor

This section specifies the extended minor discipline requirements only. Information on additional Bachelor of Arts requirements begins in this section.

Lower-level requirements: 15 credits

Course Title Credits
PHIL 100 Reasoning 3
PHIL 110 Morality and Politics
PHIL 120 Knowledge and Reality 3
Plus three of the following courses: 9
PHIL 210 Contemporary Issues in Morality and Politics  
PHIL 220 Issues in Metaphysics and Epistemology  
PHIL 230 Philosophy of Law  
PHIL 240 Faith and Reason: Philosophy of Religion  
PHIL 250 History of Western Philosophy: Ancient Philosophy  
PHIL 251A Rationalism and Early Modern Philosophy  
PHIL 251B Empiricism and Early Modern Philosophy
PHIL 252 History of Continental Philosophy  

Upper-level requirements: 15 credits

15 upper-level credits in Philosophy.

Philosophy minor

This section specifies the minor discipline requirements only. Information on additional Bachelor of Arts requirements begins in this section.

Lower-level requirements: 12 credits

Two of the following:

Course Title Credits
PHIL 100 Reasoning 3
PHIL 110 Morality and Politics
PHIL 120 Knowledge and Reality 3

Two of the following:

Course Title Credits
PHIL 210 Contemporary Issues in Morality and Politics 3
PHIL 220 Issues in Metaphysics and Epistemology 3
PHIL 230 Philosophy of Law 3
PHIL 240 Faith and Reason: Philosophy of Religion 3
PHIL 250 History of Western Philosophy: Ancient Philosophy 3
PHIL 251A Rationalism and Early Modern Philosophy 3
PHIL 251B Empiricism and Early Modern Philosophy
PHIL 252 History of Continental Philosophy 3

Upper-level requirements: 15 credits

Five of the following:

Course Title Credits
PHIL 300 Symbolic Logic in Context 3
PHIL 305 Philosophy of Decision Making and Dispute Resolution 3
PHIL 310 Ethics and Public Policy 3
PHIL 312 Occupational Ethics 3
PHIL 315 Contemporary Ethical Theory 3
PHIL 318 Environmental Ethics 3
PHIL 322 The Philosophy of Mind 3
PHIL 323 Philosophical Issues in the Social Sciences: Values, Objectivity, and Neutrality 3
PHIL 325 Contemporary Philosophy: The Problem of Truth 3
PHIL 352 History of Analytic Philosophy 3
PHIL 353 Philosophies of India 3
PHIL 360 Special Topics: Contemporary Issues for Philosophical Analysis 3
PHIL 362 Philosophy of Education 3
PHIL 364 Philosophy and Children 3
PHIL 367 Philosophy for Counsellors 3
PHIL 370 Practical Studies in Applied Ethics and Politics 3
PHIL 480 Selected Topics in Morality and Politics 3
PHIL 481 Selected Topics in Epistemology and Metaphysics 3
PHIL 482 Selected Topics in the History of Philosophy 3
PHIL 483 Selected Topics in Philosophy 3
PHIL 490 Directed Studies in Ethical and Political Philosophy 3
PHIL 491 Directed Studies in Philosophy 3

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.

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