English Language Requirements Students registering in post-secondary level courses (numbered 100 to 499) will be required to meet the English language entrance proficiency requirements. Students in ESL or the University Foundations programs can register in those courses identified in the University Foundations program with lower levels of language proficiency.

BISC ADV010 credits
Advertising 101 for Results
BISC BP010 credits
Bus Plan Basics & Marketing
BISC BSU110 credits
Planning for Your Own Business
BISC CM010 credits
Chair Meetings Effectively
BISC CM1020 credits
Effective Negotiation Skills
BISC CM1030 credits
Stages of Conflict
BISC CM1040 credits
Mediation Skills
BISC CM1050 credits
Managing Change
BISC DP020 credits
Building Healthy Relationships
BISC ESA020 credits
Business Communications
BISC HRM010 credits
Strategic Human Resources Management Prerequisite(s): None
This course provides you with an introduction to the strategic role of human resources within today’s business environment. It clearly defines what it takes to align human resources with the organization’s business strategy, create a human resources plan, align HR functions with this plan, and successfully manage the human resources function. The content also includes an introduction to key human resources functions within organizations. You will develop an understanding of how to better position human resources as a strategic and influential partner within your business.
BISC HRM020 credits
Increasing Employee Engagment Prerequisite(s): None
This course introduces you to human resources best practices for organizational effectiveness and employee engagement. The content is designed to provide you with relevant content and tools to help enhance employee engagement within your organization, department, and work team. You will leave with a clearer picture of the dynamics of employee engagement and be able to implement “best practice” techniques to help lower turnover, improve employee satisfaction, and enhance employee productivity.
BISC HRM030 credits
Hiring for Performance
This course provides you with a systematic and structured recruitment process that can be immediately applied within their organization. This recruitment process will assist in attracting, identifying, interviewing, and selecting the right candidate for the right position. You will learn and practice planning, behavioral interviewing, and final selection techniques that will enhance your judgment of a candidate’s potential success and enhance your skills in choosing appropriate candidates.
BISC HRM040 credits
Managing Employee Performance Prerequisite(s): None
This course will provide you with the key elements for designing and implementing an effective performance management process within your organization. The content will include the evaluation of your current performance review process, the identification of required changes for more effective employee performance measurement, performance feedback, the design of a performance appraisal form that can be immediately applied within your organization, advice on handling performance issues, and the foundational elements for conducting annual performance reviews.
BISC HRM050 credits
Employee Development and Training Prerequisite(s): None
Effective organizations require knowledgeable and skilled employees. These high-performing employees possess the competencies to perform their current roles and responsibilities and as well as a level of competency for career advancement within the organization. This module will introduce you to current learning approaches and talent management strategies for the development of your employees. The content will include an introduction to corporate and individual training needs assessment, “on-boarding” and orientation approaches, succession planning, and training program design. You will leave with a format for your overall corporate training plan.
BISC HRM060 credits
HR Policies and Procedures: The Basics Prerequisite(s): None
A policy is a formal statement of a principle or rule that members of an organization must follow. A procedure tells members of an organization how to carry out or implement a policy. Policy is the “what” and procedure is the “how to”. This course will focus on the development of essential human resources guidelines – why do you do it and how to create HR policies and procedures that are useful, practical, and easy to understand. We will also discuss how to best communicate policy to employees.
BISC HRM070 credits
Handling HR issues Prerequisite(s): None
This course will introduce and discuss common situations and issues faced by human resources practitioners. Using real-life case studies at the organization, department, and individual level, you will analyze the situation, discuss the implications, and receive guidance on handling these situations from an experienced HR professional. You can also bring your individual HR issues to the sessions for input and coaching on handling these real-life challenges. You will leave with enhanced confidence and knowledge immediately applicable to your work environment.
BISC HRM080 credits
Understanding Leadership Prerequisite(s): None
As HR professionals take on additional responsibilities as strategic business partner, their role changes and they are able to have a greater impact on the organization, but only if they develop and demonstrate essential leadership skills. This course introduces you to the topic of leadership, builds understanding of the difference between leading and managing, and examines the most current theories of key leadership practices. You will examine your personal leadership style and its potential impact on how you lead the HR function within your organization.
BISC HRM090 credits
Employee Rewards Prerequisite(s): None
This course will provide you with a basic understanding of the key components of a total compensation strategy: the combination of direct financial rewards (such as base salary and bonuses), and indirect financial rewards (such as benefits, retirement savings plans, and recognition programs). You will learn to determine the appropriate mix of cash and non-cash rewards appropriate for your organization, the basics of designing base-pay (salary) structures, how to identify the level and mix of benefits offered to employees, and how non-cash rewards such as recognition or employment development programs can be integrated into the employee’s total compensation package.
BISC HRM100 credits
Introduction to Labour Relations Prerequisite(s): None
This course introduces the basics of current labour relations (LR) legislation in B.C., how to interpret this legislation, and the impact of LR legislation on workplace practices. Participants will learn examples of good LR practices, tips for managing within the unionized workplace, and how to handle everyday labour relations issues. The content focuses on practicing human resources within a unionized workplace.
BISC HRM110 credits
B.C. Employment Law Prerequisite(s): None
This course introduces the basics of key employment law in B.C. including the Employment Standards Act, Human Rights Code, and the Personal Information Act. The content will address how to interpret this legislation, the impact of employment legislation on workplace practices, and how to handle key employment issues impacted by this legislation. The content focuses on practicing human resources within a non-unionized workplace, but will address which of the legislation is applicable within a unionized workplace.
BISC HRM120 credits
Workplace Health and Safety Prerequisite(s): None
Employers have legal responsibilities to ensure the health and safety of workers and to provide their workers with the information, instruction, and training necessary to fulfill these responsibilities. This module will review the responsibilities of employers and examine legal accountability arising from the Workers’ Compensation Act and Occupational Health and Safety Regulations. Participants will learn the role of human resources in supporting health and safety activities and strategies for improving workplace safety thereby reducing the company’s potential legal liabilities.
BISC HRM130 credits
Designing Employee Orientation Programs Prerequisite(s): None
Effective “on-boarding” is an investment in employee retention, morale, and productivity. However, all too often employees receive a poor orientation or no orientation at all. This module will provide an outline for a professional and formalized orientation program that will set the stage for effective and focused employee performance. Learn proven techniques and current research for designing and implementing an orientation program that engages new employees early in the employment relationship.
BISC HRM140 credits
Measuring HR's Impact Prerequisite(s): None
Measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of the human resources (HR) function is one of the best ways to increase HR’s relevance to the company and prove the business impact of proposed HR initiatives or programs. This course focuses on introducing a common set of HR metrics, including formulas and descriptions. You will review the list and identify those metrics that best fit your organization. You will also learn the benefits of comparing your company’s metrics to external benchmarking data.
BISC MAR020 credits
Internet Marketing and SE
BISC MLV050 credits
Instructional Techniques
BISC MLV060 credits
Practicum Volunteer Management
BISC MSS010 credits
Management Foundation Prerequisite(s): None
This course provides an introduction to the key principles of management. Learners will examine different styles of management and identify their own style. Core values, beliefs, and ethics will also be examined.
BISC MSS020 credits
Management and Communication Prerequisite(s): None
Good managers are known for their ability to communicate clearly and effectively, listen to problems and solutions, and encourage motivation and goals. This course is ideally suited for new supervisors and managers to enhance their ability to provide clarity to their employees, encourage enthusiasm, and chair great meetings. You will learn how to save time with concise conversations and clear requests, enhance your leadership skills with effective communication and listening, empower individuals to make necessary and productive changes, and create an atmosphere for engagement and productivity.
BISC MSS070 credits
Customer Service Excellence Prerequisite(s): None
You will build on your own experiences in this course to identify the essential elements of outstanding customer service, develop strategies based on leading practices to provide your customers with a high level of service, and learn what is needed to develop lasting, value-added relationships with customers.
BISC MSS110 credits
Personality Dimensions for Leaders
BISC MSS120 credits
Presentation Skills Prerequisite(s): None
Presentation skills are essential for business, sales, training, public speaking, and self-development. A well-documented, well-planned, and well-structured presentation can be very effective and beneficial to your organization. Good presentations can eliminate confusion and ambiguity, increase productivity, increase morale, and save time and money. The purpose of this course is to provide and demonstrate key points on which to focus in the preparation and delivery of effective presentations.
BISC MSS130 credits
Recruiting: Interviewing and Hiring Good Employees
BISC MSS140 credits
Management & Creative Problem Solving
BISC MSS150 credits
Management and Team Building Skills Prerequisite(s): None
Participants will explore the basic principles of working with small groups. Group member roles, the process of group formation, group dynamics, and group problem solving are also explored in this course.
BISC MSS160 credits
Delegating, Motivating and Giving Feedback Prerequisite(s): None
The performance of a business or organization depends upon the performance of every staff member. Participants will identify and examine the concepts of and connections between motivation and delegation as well develop an action plan for dealing with them effectively. In addition, participants will explore the nature of feedback and develop a practical approach to the feedback process.
BISC MSS170 credits
Leadership and Managing Change Prerequisite(s): None
Workplace change can create tension. So learn methods of addressing employees’ emotions as you manage the process of change, and how to apply steps to communicating change to employees and deal with employee resistance.
BISC MSS180 credits
Writing in the Workplace Prerequisite(s): None
Skillful writing is a learned craft and the quality of written communication is critically important to both personal and corporate success. Topics covered include writing process, generating strategies, audience analysis, structure, persuasion strategies, format, style, and revision.
Today, writing in the workplace goes well beyond a business letter. This workshop will explore the latest trends and skills needed for workplace writing.
BISC MSS190 credits
Marketing and Branding Your Business
Marketing and branding are critical in maintaining a business. A strong brand is invaluable as the battle for customers intensifies day by day. It is important to spend time investing in researching, defining, and building your brand. After all, the brand is the source of a promise to the consumer. It’s a foundational piece in marketing communications and one a business does not want to be without.
BISC MSS200 credits
Management and Conflict Resolution Prerequisite(s): None
This course provides an introduction to the key principles of conflict handling and an understanding of the meaning and causes of conflict. It also gives supervisors an insight into managing relationships with customers and colleagues, our individual conflict resolution styles, internal and external customer conflict, the cost of conflict, resolving conflict, communicating effectively during conflict, and preventing conflict through communication.
BISC MSS210 credits
Management and Administration Skills Prerequisite(s): None
The focus in this course is on selecting and hiring effectively, orienting staff, conducting purposeful and meaningful interviews, making reference checks and job offers, defining responsibilities and goals, and using workplace retention strategies.
BISC MSS240 credits
Time and Stress Management Prerequisite(s): None
The ability to manage time and stress is absolutely critical to the success of the roles of manager and leader. Learn techniques for effective time and stress management including identifying stressors, setting priorities, handling interruptions and crises, and improving work methods.
BISC MSS250 credits
Leadership Skills Inventory Prerequisite(s): None
Although there are common traits that define good managers there is not a cookie-cutter mold. Being authentic as a leader is a quality that is outstanding. This workshop will allow you to gain an understanding of who you are and how that affects your leadership style. Topics of self-discovery will include personality inventories, self-esteem, beliefs, values, goals, and stress management. You will discover what type of leader you are and what type of position best suits you. Understanding yourself will lead to freedom to be who you are as a manager.
BISC MVL010 credits
Volunteer Management Introduction
BISC MVL020 credits
Communication Skills for Volunteers
BISC MVL030 credits
Leadership Effectiveness
BISC MVL040 credits
Risk Management
BISC MVL050 credits
Instructional Techniques
BISC MVL060 credits
Practicum Volunteer Management
BISC PD040 credits
Business Etiquette
BISC PM010 credits
Property Management I
BISC PM020 credits
Building Maintenance for PM
BISC SMB020 credits
International Quality Man
BISC SSWK0 credits
Business Stu Success Workshop
Last extracted: October 15, 2013 10:51:19 AM