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Admission to UFV programs

The information that follows is intended to provide applicants with general admission guidelines for credit programs. For programs offered by Continuing Studies, please see or the Continuing Studies brochure, published in late August and December each year.

General admission requirements

When to apply

How to apply

English language proficiency requirement

English language proficiency standards

Provincial exam policy


Admission from other provinces

Equivalents to B.C. graduation

Conditional offers of admission

Special admission

Concurrent studies


Changing programs

International students

Assessment for placement

General admission requirements

Citizenship/residency status in Canada

Canadian citizens and permanent residents (landed immigrants) are eligible for admission as domestic students.

Students who do not meet these requirements may be eligible to attend UFV as International students. International students should be aware that different application forms, fees, timelines, and procedures will apply. Please see the International students section for more details.


Post-secondary programs at UFV generally require B.C. high school graduation or equivalent for admission. Some programs, such as program paths, accept mature students (age 19 or older as of the first day of classes) without high school graduation, however, non-graduates who may require academic preparation are encouraged to contact the Upgrading and University Preparation department (UUP) for assessment and advice before applying to post-secondary programs>

Many programs also require that you meet additional entrance requirements, such as completion of specific courses with certain grades or averages, written statements, references, etc. Specific admission requirements are set in order to ensure students have a reasonable chance of success. Please refer to your preferred program or discipline in the calendar for entrance requirements, documents required, and information about how and when to apply.

Programs may admit students in one of two ways:

1. Date of application: Qualified applicants are admitted in order of their “date of application” (recorded when the application is complete — see below), or

2. Competitive admission: Applicants are admitted on a competitive basis, according to criteria the program has established to determine best-prepared students. Students who meet the minimum entrance requirements are not guaranteed admission. Students must complete the application process by the application deadlines (see When to apply) in order to be considered in the best-prepared group. Applicants are then ranked and seats offered to qualified applicants in order of ranking. If seats remain after consideration of the best-prepared group, programs will either set a second deadline to consider applications competitively, or will consider applications according to application date order. Early applications are recommended, so the applications can be reviewed (and any missing requirements completed) prior to the deadline.

Programs that admit on a competitive basis will include information on the criteria that will be used in the “Basis of admission decision” section for each program in this calendar.

Admission to a program does not imply space availability in all courses required for the program.

When to apply

A list of when programs accept applications is available at This shows when the program has intakes, and whether applications are currently open.

Early application is recommended for all programs. Applications should be complete upon submission to UFV, or completed as quickly as possible. Review the entrance and document requirements that are listed in the calendar. The application date recorded is the date that the application form, all required information or documents for the program, and the application fee are mailed or submitted.

Application dates are used to order qualified applicants for many programs. For programs that admit students competitively, students should apply two to three months before the application deadline to give Admissions staff an opportunity to review the application and notify the applicant if any requirements are missing. Assignment of registration times for new applicants is currently ordered by program type and date of application.

Continuous application process

Continuous application means that applications are accepted throughout the year. Grade 12 students may apply beginning October 1 in their graduating year. Once applications are complete (all required documents have been received) an application date is recorded. Programs that admit students in date order will then offer a seat in the next intake to qualified applicants according to their recorded date of application. Programs that admit on a competitive basis will consider applicants who have completed the necessary requirements as of the application deadline, and will offer available seats to those who best meet the criteria.

Students applying to a continuous application program who want to enroll in courses while waiting, should contact the Office of the Registrar (OReg) to request admission to a program path.

Specific intake application process

For these programs, applications are accepted on or after a certain date, for a specific semester.

Application dates for specific intake applications:

Semester First day to apply Recommended application deadline: (see Note 1)
Fall (September) October 1 January 31
Winter (January) May 1 August 31
Summer (May) October 1 December 31

Note 1: This is the competitive entry deadline and the recommended deadline for most other programs. Applications for programs that admit competitively must be complete, with all entrance requirements met by this deadline, in order for an applicant to be considered in the best-prepared group.

Note 2: Many programs accept applications after this date. Check whether a program is accepting applications at If the program continues to accept applications, applicants who apply after these dates, or who do not provide all the required documents by these dates, will generally be considered after other applicants and scheduled to register later than other students in the program.

How to apply

Applications can be submitted online. Applications may also be submitted by mail, or in person. The date received is recorded. However, the official application date is not recorded until all the application is complete (see below).

Complete applications

An application will be considered complete when the application fee and all the documents listed in the How to Apply section for the program in the online calendar are included. This means that all required documents for a complete application are received by UFV. We recommend that applicants enclose all required documents and fees with their application. Applicants who complete the online application must pay the application fee when they apply. Any additional documents should be mailed or brought in the same day in order to retain the original application date. Transcripts should be ordered promptly, so they arrive within two weeks of the date the application is submitted.

If an application is incomplete upon submission, the “application date” will be updated to reflect the date the application becomes complete.

Students currently attending Grade 12 have until March 31 to submit interim grades and/or final grades for courses required for program entrance, and any test scores required for admission. All other required documents should be submitted with the application form. See the Documents section below for further information.

English language proficiency requirement

English is the language of instruction at UFV. UFV recognizes that applicants must have a level of English sufficient to participate and be successful in the learning process. Applicants to all post-secondary level programs, and students registering for post-secondary courses, are expected to be able to demonstrate language proficiency. Meeting the English language proficiency requirement meets the language requirements for most post-secondary courses, except for English and communications courses which have specific requirements.

All applicants to post-secondary programs will be checked to ensure the English language proficiency requirement has been met prior to being admitted. Applicants unable to meet the English language entrance requirement will be given the opportunity to upgrade their language skills through Adult Basic Education, English as a Second Language, and/or the University Foundation certificate.

English language proficiency standards

Someone who meets one or more of the criteria listed here meets the UFV English language entrance requirement:

1. Applicants whose first language is English.

2. Applicants who have studied for at least two years in and have graduated from a secondary school in which English is the language of instruction.

3. Graduation from a degree or two-year diploma program, or successful completion of two years of study at the university level with a 2.0 CGPA, at a post-secondary institution recognized by UFV in which English is the primary language of instruction.

4. TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) – score of at least 570 (or 230 if computer-based score), plus a minimum TWE (essay) score of 4.0, or IBT score of 88 with no section below 20.

5. IELTS (International English Language Testing System) Academic format– score of at least 6.5., with no band score less than 6.0.

6. UFV CPT (Composition Placement Test) – score of 48 or higher.

7. MELAB (Michigan English Language Assessment Battery) – score of at least 85.

8. CAEL (Canadian Academic English Language) – score of at least 70.

9. CanTEST – overall score of 4.5 in Listening and Reading, and 4.0 in Writing.

10. Cambridge Proficiency Examination – competence level of C.

11. LPI (Language Proficiency Index) – essay score of 30 (level 5).

12. UFV English as a Second Language Assessment results equivalent to completion of the 80-level, of UFVs ESL writing and grammar.

13. English 12 (or equivalent course) with a minimum grade of C+. The following courses are considered equivalent to English 12: English Literature 12, English 12 First Peoples, International baccalaureate English A (standard level or higher level), Advanced Placement English.

14. Completion of any course or test score with grades that meet the prerequisites for ENGL 105, ENGL 120, CMNS 125, or CMNS 155.

15. A minimum grade of C- for a course transcripted at UFV as first-year English or Communications.

16. ENGL 099 or CMNS 099 with a C or better.

17. ENGL 081 or ENGL 091 with a C+ or better.

18. ESL WG84 with a C+ or better.

19. Accuplacer Reading comprehension score of 80 or better, together with Accuplacer WritePlacer score of 6 or better on the 8-point scale.

English language proficiency and a student's record

To help students recognize their compliance with the UFV English Language policies, UFV will determine and record an "English Language Policy value" in "test scores" on the student's academic record. The ELP value should be interpreted as follows:

100 or higher: Student has met prerequisite for ENGL 105 or CMNS 155.
080 or higher: Student has met English language proficiency requirement.
070: Student has met University Foundations Level 2 entrance requirements.
060: Student has met University Foundations Level 1 entrance requirements.
• Missing ELP values, or values less than 060, may mean that insufficient data has been received from the student.

Provincial exam policy

B.C. secondary students applying to UFV are not required to submit provincial examination results for courses where the examinations are deemed optional.

Students must write the provincial examinations for those subjects where examinations are mandatory in order to meet graduation program requirements; however, the higher of the school mark or the blended grade will be for evaluating entrance requirements or meeting course prerequisites. For more information, please see the Provincial exam policy.


Official transcripts from other institutions you have attended are required for entrance to programs. Students who have taken course prerequisites at other institutions will also need to submit official post-secondary transcripts for evaluation. A post-secondary transcript is considered official if it is submitted in the original sealed envelope imprinted with the institution's name and address. The transcripts must bear the official institution seal or authorizing signature.

An English translation by a certified translator must accompany the official transcripts if the document is in a language other than English (some exceptions may be possible for documents in French).

Allow a minimum of six weeks for the evaluation. You may need to submit course outlines if the courses have not previously been articulated.

Documents submitted become the property of UFV. Only documents that are considered by UFV to be irreplaceable will be returned to the student if requested by the student at the time of submission.

Official high school transcripts are required for program applications unless otherwise specified. Some programs, including program paths, General Studies and English as a Second Language, require that students be high school graduates or be 19 years of age by the first day of the semester. Students who are under 19 and not in school will be required to submit proof of high school graduation (an official high school transcript) with their application forms. B.C. Grade 12 students can arrange to have their grades sent directly from the Ministry of Education upon graduation. Students enrolled in Grade 12 should note that if the program requires completion of specific high school courses, Grade 12 students will be given until March 31 to submit spring interim high school grades, and until August 3 to submit final grades and proof of graduation (for fall and winter semester entry).

Equivalents to B.C. high school graduation from outside the province

Many programs require that students have B.C. secondary school graduation or equivalent in order to meet entrance requirements. The following is considered as equivalent to B.C. high school graduation from other parts of Canada:

Province or Territory Equivalent to B.C. school graduation
Alberta Secondary school (Grade 12) graduation
Saskatchewan Secondary school (Grade 12 graduation)
Manitoba Secondary School (Grade 12) graduation
Ontario (graduation prior to 2003) Six OAC courses (or Grade 13)
Ontario (graduation 2003 or later) Secondary school (Grade 12) graduation
(new curriculum)
Quebec Completion of high school plus one full academic year at CEGEP
New Brunswick Secondary School (Grade 12) graduation
Nova Scotia Secondary School (Grade 12) graduation
Prince Edward Island Secondary School (Grade 12) graduation
Newfoundland Secondary School (Grade 12) graduation
Yukon Territories Secondary School (Grade 12) graduation
Northwest Territories Secondary School (Grade 12) graduation
Nunavut Secondary School (Grade 12) graduation

International qualifications that are considered equivalent to B.C. high school graduation can be viewed at International qualifications.

Equivalents to B.C. high school courses will be established for students who graduate outside the province. Where program entrance requirements include Approved Grade 12 courses, equivalent courses from other jurisdictions will be accepted.

Alternatives to Grade 12 graduation

Students who have completed the International Baccalaureate diploma program, the ABE Provincial diploma, the B.C. Adult Graduation diploma, or the General Education diploma (GED) may be considered to have the equivalent of B.C. secondary school graduation for admission purposes. Students with these grade 12 equivalents who are applying for any program that requires specific secondary school level courses for entrance, e.g., Biology 11 or English 12, or who intend to register for a course that has a specific secondary school course as a prerequisite, must still provide an official transcript showing a final grade in the appropriate subject. International Baccalaureate standard or higher level diploma courses, and Advanced Placement courses, are usually accepted as equivalent to the grade 12 academic course in the same discipline. In most cases, equivalent courses are also available at UFV.

Conditional offers of admission

If an admission decision is based on courses and/or high school graduation in progress, acceptance will be conditional upon proof of completion of final academic requirements. Your offer of admission will state a final date for receipt of this information. However, applicants are encouraged to submit final grades as soon as possible.

Special admission

Any person who does not meet stated admission requirements may petition the Undergraduate Education Committee for special consideration. Special Admission request forms are available at under Student forms, or at the Office of the Registrar. Special Admission requests, with supporting documents, should be forwarded to the Admissions Coordinator.

The request must be accompanied by an Application for Admission form, and the application fee (currently $45), as well as a rationale for special consideration, transcripts, and a reference from a UFV advisor or counsellor. Applicants may also be required to undertake testing, write provincial examinations, attend an interview, and/or write an essay in order to assess academic level. Applicants are advised to apply for special admission by April 30 for fall entry, October 31 for winter, or February 28 for summer semester.

Concurrent studies

Secondary school students may take courses at UFV while still working toward secondary school graduation, under the following guidelines:

1. The student is attending a secondary school.

2. The student is deemed to have strong academic ability or may benefit substantially by taking the university course.

3. The student’s parent or legal guardian provides written support, and the student’s counsellor or principal provides a letter of recommendation.

4. The student may be considered for a maximum of two courses per semester, under normal circumstances. This limit may be increased in special circumstances, with approval of the appropriate dean.

5. The student is expected to meet course prerequisites, if any.

To apply for concurrent studies:

1. Submit a Request for Concurrent Studies form and the Application for Admission for the initial request (both available here) for concurrent studies to the Admissions Coordinator at least one month before the start of classes (submission by May 31 is recommended for fall semester).

2. Indicate the specific course(s) and section(s) you are requesting. One or two alternatives may be selected.

3. Both the student and a parent or guardian must sign the form, and attach a recent high school transcript (including interim grades for the current term), a letter of support from the high school principal or counsellor, and the application fee.

Once the request is received, the admissions office will:

1. Contact the course instructor(s) and program/department head for approval.

2. Advise the applicant of acceptance and registration procedures.

3. Schedule a registration time at the end of the regular registration period, or as soon as possible thereafter.

Students should be aware that approval of a concurrent studies request does not guarantee the student a seat in a course.

Registration as a concurrent studies student:

Approval to register as a concurrent studies student is given for one semester at a time. Students wishing to apply for a subsequent semester of concurrent studies can submit a second concurrent studies request form following the same procedures, except an application form and application fee would not be required.

Students in concurrent studies will be treated as regular students in most respects, except that they may not register in a full range of courses, and are not admitted on an ongoing basis. Fees and deadlines are the same as for regular students. Upon completion of courses, students can order an official transcript to be sent to their school.

Students' information is protected under the B.C. Freedom of information and protection of privacy act. Information will only be released to any third party, including parents, if the student has signed a Release of information form, available at under student forms.

To continue studying at UFV after high school graduation, concurrent studies students need to apply to a UFV program for the semester following high school graduation. Regular application procedures for high school students should be followed; however, students will be treated as returning UFV students (i.e. if they have registered at UFV within two years before the semester start date, they will not be charged an application fee and will be given a continuing student registration time upon admission).

Students who have enrolled in concurrent studies at other recognized post-secondary institutions prior to secondary school graduation may be eligible for transfer credit. The student should submit an official transcript from the institution they attended.

Re-admission policy

Students who have been admitted to a program at UFV and who fall into any of the following categories must apply for re-admission to that program:

1. UFV students who fail to attend courses in the program for two years. Some programs, e.g., Health Sciences and Trades, require continuous enrolment. Check individual program information.

2. Students who fail to register in the first semester, or who withdraw completely in the first semester of attendance.

A $20 re-application fee is required.

Please refer to UFV's Re-Admission policy (91) for more information.

Changing programs

New applicants who wish to apply to a different program must submit another Application for Admission form, and the $20 re-application fee.

Continuing UFV students who would like to enter a new program must also submit an Application for Admission form. No application fee is required for continuing UFV undergraduate students (i.e. students who are currently registered or who have completed courses other than continuing studies within two years prior to the start of the semester).

International students

For information concerning international education and the enrolment of foreign students please call UFV International at 604-854-4544, 604-504-7441, or, or refer to the International Education website at

Assessment for placement

Students may need to take tests to determine skill levels and aid in selection of courses appropriate to their educational backgrounds and abilities. Placement tests may also be used to meet entrance requirements for some programs, the language proficiency policy, and/or course prerequisites.

Dates, times, location, cost, minimum scores, preparation, etc., and detailed handouts on placement tests are available from Assessment Services in Room G159 on the Abbotsford campus, Room CEP 1350 on the Chilliwack Education Park campus, or online at Contact the Abbotsford office at 604-557-4006, or the Chilliwack office at 604-792-0025, local 2460, or