Note: Transferability information is available online by viewing the B.C. Transfer Guide at Note: Additional computing courses are listed in the CIS section.
English Language Requirements Students registering in post-secondary level courses (numbered 100 to 499) will be required to meet the English language entrance proficiency requirements. Students in ESL or the University Foundations programs can register in those courses identified in the University Foundations program with lower levels of language proficiency.

COMP 0611.5 credits
Introduction to Computers Prerequisite(s): UUP department permission
This course is a basic introduction to computer concepts, keyboarding, word processing, email, and Internet use for those people who have little or no experience. It is designed for students in Upgrading and University Preparation, but others may be admitted with permission of the UUP department.
COMP 0621.5 credits
Introduction to Computers: Navigating the Digital World Prerequisite(s): COMP 061 or equivalent
This course introduces students to current computer technology and online resources. Students will learn the basics of file management; techniques and terminology of digital photography; online communications (e.g., social networking, messaging, Facebook, Skype); Internet services (e.g., banking, auctions, ticket purchasing, and trip planning); and computer security.
COMP 0711.5 credits
Introduction to Computers (Part II) Prerequisite(s): COMP 061 or UUP department permission
This course is an intermediate computer course that combines some computer theory background, Windows environment, introduction to spreadsheets, electronic communication, and intermediate topics in word processing. COMP 071 is designed for students in Upgrading and University Preparation, preferably those who have taken COMP 061, but others may be admitted with permission of the UUP department. Note: Beginner students are advised to take COMP 061 before taking COMP 071.
COMP 0813 credits
Introduction to Computers (Part III) Prerequisite(s): COMP 071 or UUP Departmental Permission
COMP 081 is an introductory computer course that combines a broad background of computer theory with an introduction to the Windows operating system, MS Word, MS Excel, PowerPoint, and optionally MS Access and Website Design.
COMP 0913 credits
Computer Applications Prerequisite(s): COMP 071 or instructor's permission
This course teaches intermediate and/or advanced computer skills in the areas of publishing, spreadsheets, presentation software, databases, graphics, web searches, and online technologies. Students will use computer skills to develop problem solving/critical thinking skills as they apply their knowledge to real-life situations. Towards this end, project work will be emphasized.
COMP 1253 credits
Principles of Computing Prerequisite(s): One of the following: C or better in one of Pre-calculus 11, Foundations of Mathematics 11, Principles of Mathematics 11, or MATH 085; or one of Principles of Mathematics 12, Foundations of Mathematics 12, Pre-calculus 12, or MATH 094.Competent in computer skills - see ‘CIS Required Skills’ section on the CIS department website for details.
This course provides students with a broad understanding of the fundamental concepts of computing, logic, and data processing, in order to prepare them for further studies within the computing field. Concepts include introductory hardware and software architecture, models of computation, representation of data, machine arithmetic, assembler programming, command line interfaces, and an introduction to some of the logical and mathematical ideas used in computing.
COMP 1504 credits
Introduction to Programming Prerequisite(s): One of the following: C or better in one of Pre-calculus 11, Foundations of Mathematics 11, Principles of Mathematics 11, or MATH 085; or one of Principles of Mathematics 12, Foundations of Mathematics 12, Pre-calculus 12, or MATH 094. Competent in computer skills - see ‘CIS Required Skills’ section on the CIS department website for details.
An introduction to computer programming using a modern programming language. Students will cover fundamental concepts such as variables, data types, control structures, collections, recursion and objects. Emphasis will be placed on clarity, style and design throughout. Note: COMP 152 cannot be taken for further credit
COMP 1524 credits
Introduction to Structured Programming Prerequisite(s): C+ or better in one of the following: Principles of Mathematics 12, Pre-calculus 12, or MATH 095. Competent in computer skills - see ‘CIS Required Skills’ section on the CIS department website for details.
This course is an introduction to structured computer programming. Students will study algorithms and top-down design, and will implement algorithms in a procedural programming language. Lab exercises and programming assignments will emphasize scientific and numerical applications. Note: COMP 150 cannot be taken for further credit.
COMP 1554 credits
Object-oriented Programming Prerequisite(s): COMP 150 or COMP 152 with a grade of C+ or better.
This course continues the systematic study of programming started in COMP 150 focusing on object-oriented programming and design. The prevailing theme of COMP155 will be to move to large and complex collaborations of objects while adding a number of important skills.
COMP 2514 credits
Data Structures and Algorithms Prerequisite(s): COMP 155 and MATH 125 (COMP 138 may be substituted for MATH 125 if credit was received before January 2009)
This course is an introduction to the abstract data structures used in the solution of common computing problems. Students will apply concepts such as stacks, queues, trees, and graphs to problems using a modern object-oriented programming language. The course will also include a discussion and assignments on the correctness and efficiency of algorithms.
COMP 2563 credits
Introduction to Machine Architecture Prerequisite(s): CIS 190, COMP 125, and one of COMP 150 or COMP 152
This course introduces students to microcomputer architecture. Students study the fundamental digital circuits in typical microcomputer hardware, and assembly language programming as a tool for understanding the computer architecture and for controlling computer hardware devices.
COMP 3313 credits
Data Quality Prerequisite(s): CIS 230 and one of the following: STAT 104 with a B+, STAT 106 with a B, STAT 270, or STAT 271.
This course will focus on issues relating to data quality as they pertain to data acquisition, storage, integrity, and use. Students will learn to identify and analyze data quality problems, assess strategies and costs to solve quality problems, and use simple statistical and other tools to find and correct problems. Privacy and security issues will be introduced. The course will also focus on the data quality needs of data warehousing and data mining applications.
Note: This course is offered as COMP 331 and STAT 331 (formerly MATH 331). Students may take only one of these for credit.
COMP 3403 credits
Operating Systems Prerequisite(s): COMP 251. Acceptance to CIS degree program. (Students accepted to a CIS or Computing Science minor may register with permission of the department.)
Students will examine computer operating system architecture. Students will gain understanding of the general features that operating systems share and others that distinguish various systems. Students are also expected to do some system programming on multi-user operating systems such as UNIX or LINUX.
COMP 3503 credits
User Interface Design and Programming Prerequisite(s): COMP 251. Acceptance to CIS degree program. (Students accepted to a CIS or Computing Science minor may register with permission of the department)
This course introduces students to some theory and practical guidelines for designing usable and enjoyable human-computer interfaces, emphasizing user-centered design and graphical user interfaces. It illustrates techniques of programming for a graphical user interface using a variety of modern programming environments and operating systems.
COMP 3513 credits
Advanced Website Programming Prerequisite(s): COMP 251. Acceptance to CIS degree program. (Students accepted to a CIS or Computing Science minor may register with permission of the department.)
This course covers current technologies for client and server side programming of dynamic web sites, web enabled applications, and web services. The course will examine Internet protocols, security issues, and database connectivity for the technologies. The course will also introduce common design architectures used for the technologies.
COMP 3603 credits
Computer Graphics Prerequisite(s): COMP 251; acceptance to the CIS degree program. (Students accepted to a CIS or Computing Science minor may register with permission of the department.)
This course focuses on the development of Computer Graphics technology. Topics include graphics hardware, lighting models, texture models and the geometric representation of shapes and surfaces.
Note: Students cannot obtain credit for both CIS 496 and COMP 360.
COMP 3613 credits
Introduction to Robotics and Embedded Systems Prerequisite(s): COMP 155 with C+ or better
Pre- or corequisite(s): COMP 256
This course is an introduction to the design and programming of electromechanical systems based on imbedded microcontroller technology. The target application will be the programming of a small robot capable of navigating simple environments.
COMP 4313 credits
Data Mining Prerequisite(s): STAT 271, STAT 331/COMP 331, and CIS 230
Advances in data collection and computer storage technology have generated a very large volume of data sets in business, internet, medicine, and a variety of scientific fields. Traditional methods of statistical data analysis have been challenged. New methodologies and algorithms in Computer Science, Statistics, and Business Intelligence are then developed. Data mining provides the techniques of extracting useful information and hidden patterns from this massive amount of data. The main topics in this course are data exploration, classification, decision trees, Bayesian classifiers, frequent item sets, association rules, clustering, K-means, EM algorithm, and anomaly detection. Statistical software such as SAS will be used to implement the algorithms. Students are expected to complete a group project based on a large data set.
Note: This course is offered as STAT 431 (formerly MATH 431) and COMP 431. Students may take only one of these for credit.
COMP 4453 credits
Web Server Installation and Maintenance Prerequisite(s): CIS 341 or CIS 390. Acceptance to CIS degree program. (Students accepted to a CIS or Computing Science minor may register with permission of the department.)
Students will gain hands-on experience in installing and maintaining a web server. Both Internet and Intranet issues will be discussed. Maintenance issues such as system optimization and server activity monitoring will be discussed. In addition, server and client security will be discussed.
COMP 4553 credits
Distributed Programming Prerequisite(s): C+ or better in COMP 251. Acceptance to CIS degree program. (Students accepted to a CIS or Computing Science minor may register with permission of the department.)
This course focuses on the technology of distributed computation, whereby a collection of distinct programs, distributed over a network, work together to achieve a common goal. Programming models studied include sockets, Java/RMI, and JINI. This course provides degree students with advanced technical knowledge and experience with the design and deployment of complex distributed software. Distributed systems can be considered to be the place where the two major streams of the UFV CIS program, programming and networking, meet. This course will focus on managing distributed computation.
COMP 4903 credits
Network Security and Cryptography Prerequisite(s): STAT 106 (formerly MATH 106), and CIS 390 with a grade of C or better. Acceptance to CIS degree program. (Students accepted to a CIS or Computing Science minor may register with permission of the department.)
This course will provide students with an understanding of important concepts in network security and cryptography. A practical technological survey of cryptography and network security will be given. This includes conventional encryption algorithms such as DES and AES, public-key design and algorithms such as RSA and elliptic curve, digital signatures and authentication protocols, key managements, and applications of authentication such as Kerberos and X.509. IP security and web security will also be covered. Network security plans and procedures may be formulated at the end.
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