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Adult Education

Adult Education and Workplace Training certificate

The Adult Education and Workplace Training certificate (AEWTC) is a four-course (12-credit) certificate designed to offer a foundation in applying adult learning and education principles to the workplace. The credential can be used to support related employment or further studies in adult education in the undergraduate program at UFV or graduate studies in other institutions.

Entrance requirements

There are three pathways into the certificate courses:

Option 1: New students can apply to the UFV open access program pathway and select the Adult Education Studies pathway. Students will be required to meet the admissions requirements for Open Studies.

Option 2: Current UFV students in the Bachelor of Arts (Adult Education) are free to register for these courses to meet the certificate requirements and to use towards their degree requirements.

Option 3: Current UFV students enrolled in other degree programs can contact the department for permission to register in ADED 320, 407, and 408.

Fees and additional costs

See the Fees and Other Costs section. Other than the $25 graduation fee, there are no additional fees for the certificate.

Program requirements

Students are required to have a minimum GPA of 2.0 in the four courses to be eligible for the certificate.


Three of the four courses in the certificate must be taken at UFV; only one of the four courses is eligible for transfer credit or PLAR.

For more information, contact the Adult Education Department at 604-854-4500 (4621).

Program outline

Certificate requirements: 12 credits

Course Title Credits
ADED 320 Adult Learning
ADED 340 Program Planning and Evaluation
ADED 407 Organizational and Workplace Learning: Reflections of Practice (formerly ADED 330F) 3
ADED 408 Assessing Adult Learning (formerly ADED 330N) 3

Note: Students in programs other than the Bachelor of Arts (Adult Education) or Adult Education Studies should contact the department for permission to register in ADED 320, 407, and 408.

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.