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Adult Education

Bachelor of Arts (Adult Education) degree

The Bachelor of Arts (Adult Education) degree is a unique mid-career professional development program for people who are instructing, administering, developing programs for, or providing educational support to adult learners. The program consists of 120 credits, which may be achieved through a combination of coursework, credit for prior experience, and transfer credit. Most students are part-time students, taking one or two courses per semester. The program offers students the opportunity to link practical and theoretical course work to the challenges they meet in their work setting, while enhancing their knowledge, skills, and appreciation of the field of adult education.

Entrance requirements

Requirements for all applicants

1. All applicants must have one of the following:

  • a minimum grade of C+ over English 12 plus two Approved Grade 12 courses; or
  • the prerequisites for ENGL 105, and a minimum of C+ over three Approved Grade 12 courses; or
  • a minimum of 9 post-secondary credits, with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of at least 2.0 on all university credits attempted.

2. Applicants must satisfy the English language proficiency requirement. For details on how this requirement may be met, see English language proficiency requirement in the Admissions section of the calendar.

3. Applicants must provide high school transcripts, and transcripts from all post-secondary institutions they have attended.

Applicants meeting these standards may then apply for admission to the BA (AdEd) under Option 1 or Option 2.

Option 1

1. Applicants must have three or more years of demonstrable experience and development within the field of adult education. This may include experience and/or development in any of the following areas:

  • Teaching adults
  • Development of educational programs for adults
  • Administration of educational programs for adults
  • Counselling/advising adults
  • Providing educational support services to adult learners
  • Any other area related to the practice of adult education

2. Applicants applying under this option must submit a resume, and arrange for at least two letters of reference from workplaces or employers, addressing the applicant’s experience related to adult education. The letters of reference must be submitted in a sealed envelope directly to UFV Office of the Registrar.

Admissibility will be assessed based on the information provided in the applicant’s resume, questionnaire, and the letters of reference.

Option 2

1. Applicants must have completed a diploma, 30-credit certificate, or associate degree from a recognized post-secondary educational institution.

2. Applicants must have a demonstrated interest in the field of adult education, ideally with a developing field of practice.

Admissibility will be assessed based on transcripts of previous educational experience and on the information provided in the applicant’s resume and questionnaire.

Students who do not meet these requirements might consider the Adult Education Studies program path.

When to apply

Applications are accepted for entrance to the Fall, Winter, and Summer semesters. For application deadlines, see Specific intake application process.

How to apply

1. Submit the application fee along with your UFV application for admission form to the Office of the Registrar (OReg). You can apply online or download an application form at Application forms are also available from any OReg or Student Services office, or directly from the Adult Education department office in Abbotsford.

Along with the application form and the application fee, also attach the following documents:
 a. Completed questionnaire outlining work experience, prior training and education, and learning goals (available at
 b. Resume.

2. You will be advised of an admission decision. Following notification of admission to the program, students must contact the program advisor in order to create a program plan for their studies.

Basis for admission decision

Applicants who meet the entrance requirements will be admitted in order of their application date. This date is set when an application, all required documentation, and the application fee have been submitted.

Program planning

Applicants seeking credit in the program for previous credentials or educational experience must obtain official transcripts from every post-secondary institution attended, and proof of any previously earned trades qualifications, certificates, or diplomas. To be considered official, transcripts must be sent directly to UFV from the originating institution; see the Transfer Credit section for details. Submit all other official documents directly to the UFV Admission and Records office. These documents are required to assist in planning the program of study.

Program length and locations

The length of time required for program completion depends on the number of courses taken per semester, and the number of credits awarded through transfer credit or Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR).

The majority of courses are offered on the Abbotsford campus. Courses may be offered online, in a face-to-face format, or with a combination of online and face-to-face components. Some face-to-face courses may require students to have Internet access to use online full-text materials.

Program requirements

The BA (Adult Education) program requires completion of 120 credits with a minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 2.0. A minimum of 30 credits must be from UFV credit offerings. At least 45 credits must be from upper-level courses.

Students must maintain a CGPA of 2.0 to remain enrolled in the BA (Adult Education) program. Students not meeting this requirement will be subject to UFV’s Academic Warning policy (79).

Lower-level requirements

A total of 60 credits, acquired through a combination of the following:

1. Credit awarded through Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) to a maximum of 45 credits.

Note: Students applying for credit through PLAR are also required to complete ADED 305.

2. Transfer credit.

3. Credits acquired at UFV or elsewhere.

Note: Students wishing to take courses at other institutions for credit in the BA (Adult Education) program must first obtain permission from the program advisor, and obtain Letters of Permission from UFV and from the other institution.

The completed 60 credits must include:

1. One of ENGL 105, CMNS 125, or CMNS 155

2. One of CMNS 251, ENGL 120, ENGL 130, or ENGL 170

3. ADED 210 (Foundations of Adult Education)

BA (AdEd) students will not be permitted to enrol in upper-level ADED courses until they have completed at least 30 credits, including the three courses listed above.

Upper-level requirements

1. All of the following or equivalent:

Course Title Credits
ADED 310 Introduction to Adult Education 3
ADED 320 Adult Learning 3
ADED 340 Program Planning and Evaluation 3
ADED 345 Instructional Skills for the Workplace
ADED 360 Adult Education in the Canadian Context: History and Trends 3
ADED 370 Guided Independent Study 3
ADED 390 Selecting, Evaluating, and Using Adult Education Research
ADED 405 Diversity in Adult Education Contexts
ADED 407 Organizational and Workplace Learning: Reflections of Practice
ADED 408 Assessing Adult Learning
ADED 410 Adult Education and Social Change
ADED 420 Adult Education in the Global Context 3
ADED 470 Synthesis Project in Adult Education 3
ADED 472 Professional Portfolio for the Reflective Practitioner

2. Any three of the following or equivalent:

Course Title Credits
ADED 350 Storytelling and the Reflective Practitioner
ADED 365 History of Aboriginal Adult Education in Canada
ADED 380 Educational Technologies
ADED 445 Facilitating Skills for the Workplace
ADED 446 Popular Education

3. 9 credits of program electives, chosen in consultation with the program advisor. UFV courses other than ADED courses can be used to satisfy this requirement.

Workload and expectations

Coursework in the program combines theory and practice. Students should expect to spend at least three hours of study and preparation outside of class for each hour of class time.

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.