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Anthropology extended minor

This section specifies extended minor discipline requirements only. Information on additional Bachelor of Arts requirements begins in this section. Please check the Bachelor of Arts residency section of the calendar for how many upper-level credits must be completed at UFV in order to graduate with this program.

Lower-level requirements: 18 credits

18 lower-level credits, as follows:

Course Title Credits
ANTH 102 Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 255/ SOC 255/ MACS 255 Introduction to Social Research
Three additional Anthropology electives (9 credits), with at least one 200-level course 9
SOC 101 Introductory Sociology

Upper-level requirements: 16 credits

16 credits in upper-level Anthropology courses.

Combined Anthropology and Sociology extended minors

Students taking more than one SCMS program (Anthropology, Latin American Studies, Media & Communications Studies, and Sociology) may satisfy overlapping requirements with a single course (e.g. SOC 255/ANTH 255/MACS 255 is required for more than one SCMS program). However, students must still complete the required number of lower- and upper-level credits for each major/extended minor/minor by taking additional courses in the specific discipline.

Anthropology minor

This section specifies minor discipline requirements only. Information on additional Bachelor of Arts requirements begins in this section. Please check the Bachelor of Arts residency section of the calendar for how many upper-level credits must be completed at UFV in order to graduate with this program.

Lower-level requirements: 9 credits

Nine lower-level credits, as follows:

Course Title Credits
ANTH 102   3
Any other lower-level Anthropology course 3
Any lower-level Anthropology or Sociology course or SOC 255/ANTH 255/MACS 255 3

Upper-level requirements: 16 credits

16 credits in upper-level Anthropology courses.

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.

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