Biology major
Students who wish to specialize in a sub-discipline of biology or prepare for professional studies as part of their Biology major may choose to complete a concentration in Pre-Medicine, Pre-Veterinary, Ecology, Biology of Organisms, or Cellular, Molecular, and Genetics.
Students may declare their intention to complete a concentration any time
after first year.
The Biology major may be combined as a concentration with a minor in another discipline (e.g., Cellular, Molecular, and Genetics concentration with a Chemistry minor) or students may wish to complete a double concentration (e.g., Pre-Medicine with Cellular, Molecular, and Genetics).
Students are strongly advised to consult a science advisor for information on course sequencing prior to starting a concentration.
Note: A special topics course or any other appropriate course can be designated for credit under a particular concentration.
Pre-medicine concentration
The pre-medicine concentration does not guarantee admission into a medical school program. It requires more course work than most medical school programs require. However, the Biology Department
advises that the courses in this concentration will better prepare students for both writing the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) and pursuing a career in medicine. Students interested in this concentration should consult with a science advisor for program planning.
The pre-medicine concentration requires completion of the following courses
as part of a Biology major or Biology Honours program:
• CHEM 214
• STAT 106 or MATH 270/STAT 270 (see Note)
• Any two courses of ENGL 105 or above
• BIO 203, 320, 325
• PHYS 105, or PHYS 111 and 112
• PSYC 101
• And any three of: BIO 280, 312, 350, 401; KPE 215, 270, 370; or PSYC 102
Note: The Biology major accepts STAT 104 as a statistics requirement, but the Pre-medicine concentration requires STAT 106 or MATH 270/STAT 270.
Pre-Veterinary concentration
The pre-veterinary concentration does not guarantee admission into a veterinary school program. The Biology department advises that the courses in this concentration will better prepare students for pursuing a career in veterinary medicine. Students interested in this concentration should consult with a science advisor for program planning.
This concentration requires completion of the following courses as part of a Biology major or Biology Honours program:
• BIO 203, 312, 320
• CHEM 350
• STAT 106 or MATH 270/STAT 270 (see Note)
• Two lower-level Physics courses (PHYS 101 and PHYS 105, or PHYS 111 and PHYS 112)
• Any two of AGRI 237, AGRI 238, AGRI 239, AGRI 254, AGRI 256, or AGRI 331
• Any two of BIO 305, BIO 306, or BIO 325
• Any two of BIO 280, KPE 170, KPE 270, or KPE 370
Note: The Biology major accepts STAT 104 as a statistics requirement, but the Pre-veterinary concentration requires STAT 106 or MATH 270/STAT 270.
Cellular, Molecular, and Genetics concentration
In addition to the courses required for a Biology major or Biology Honours, this concentration requires completion of the following:
• BIO 320, 401
Plus four courses (14-16 credits) from:
• BIO 308, 312, 325, 326, 350, 402, 403, 406, 407, 414, 415, 416
• BIO 408, 409, 499 (appropriate topic)
• BIO special topics course designated for credit under the Cellular, Molecular, and Genetics concentration
• CHEM 350
Ecology concentration
In addition to the courses required for a Biology major or Biology Honours, this concentration requires completion of the following:
• BIO 310, 416
Plus four courses (14-16 credits) from:
• BIO 330, 340, 390, 410, 430
• BIO 408, 409, 499 (appropriate topic)
• BIO special topics course designated for credit under the Ecology concentration
• BIO 417/GEOG 417
Biology of Organisms concentration
In addition to the courses required for a Biology major or Biology Honours , this concentration requires completion of the following:
• BIO 312, 416
Plus four courses (14-16 credits) from:
• BIO 301, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 360, 385, 470
• BIO 408, 409, 499 (appropriate topic)
• BIO special topics course designated for credit under the Biology of Organisms concentration
Course listings
For complete details on courses see the
course descriptions section.