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Computer Information Systems

Professional Computer Proficiency certificate

The Professional Computer Proficiency certificate is designed for students in programs or in the workplace who require a good working knowledge of computers and computer applications. The 9 to 10 credit certificate focuses on a skill set that is most useful in the business world, to an advanced level. The certificate can include software applications, networking, hardware, or web publishing.

Entrance requirements

1. Entrance requirements for the CIS certificate are the same as those for the BCIS degree. Please see the BCIS section for complete details. Students who do not meet these requirements might consider the Computer Information Systems Studies program path.

2. As this is a completion credential, students are not admitted directly to the program. Students must complete the three certificate courses with a minimum 2.0 GPA, with a minimum grade of C in any individual course, to be eligible for the certificate.  Students in other UFV post-secondary programs can complete the courses required for the certificate and apply for graduation.

When to apply

Applications are accepted for entrance to the Fall, Winter, and Summer semesters. For application deadlines, see Specific intake application process.

How to apply

1. Submit the application fee along with your UFV application for admission form to the Office of the Registrar (OReg). You can apply online or download an application form at Application forms are also available from any OReg or Student Services office.

Additional documents required for a complete application:
• Proof of B.C. secondary school graduation or equivalent, or permission from the program head.
• Transcript (or interim transcript) showing grade/course achievement as per entrance requirements.

• An official transcript from every post-secondary institution you have attended. To be considered official, transcripts must be sent directly to UFV from the originating institution; see the Transfer Credit section for details. Unofficial copies may accompany the application form if official transcripts have been ordered.


All courses are offered in Abbotsford and courses are offered in Chilliwack, Mission, and online. Some courses will be offered in the evening for people working full-time who wish to take courses on a part-time basis.

Fees and additional costs

See the Fees and Other Costs section.

Program requirements

The certificate can be completed in a minimum of one semester and a maximum of three semesters and consists of 9 to 10 credits. Students must complete the three courses within three years; otherwise, they may need to repeat a course, as technology changes constantly.

Program outline

Course Title Credits
Any three of:    
CIS 100 Introduction to Computer Information Systems 3
CIS 110 Computerized Business Applications and MIS 3
CIS 124 Introduction to Wireless Networks 3
CIS 145 Web Publishing 3
CIS 146 Web Publishing - Intermediate 3
CIS 190 Systems Hardware Concepts 3
CIS 192 Introduction to Networking 4
  Total credits: 9-10


All credits required for the certificate must be completed at UFV.

Graduation requirement

This is a completion certificate. Any student who completes the three certificate courses with a GPA of 2.0 or higher, with a minimum grade of C in any individual course, will be eligible for the certificate. 

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.