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Fashion Design

Fashion Design diploma options

Technology option

Students who choose the technology option are prepared for a career in manufacturing with the emphasis on the technical aspect of the industry.

Course Title Credits
17 common courses 51
Plus the following:  
FD 290 Drafting Technology 3
FD 291 Draping 3
FD 292 Pattern Grading and Production Processes 3
Option course Chosen from the Textiles or Marketing options list below 3
Total   63

Textiles option

Students enrolled in this option will learn how to design and create original fabrics suitable for use in the garment industry. Machine knitting, weaving and surface design are all included.

Course Title Credits
17 common courses 51
Plus the following:  
FD 172 Machine Knitting 3
FD 174 Weaving Fashion Fabrics 3
FD 271 Surface Design I 3
FD 371 Surface Design II 3
Total   63

Marketing option

Students who wish to pursue a career in apparel sales and marketing need all of the following courses:


Course Title Credits
17 common courses 51
Plus the following:  
BUS 100 Introduction to Business (see Note 1) 3
BUS 120 Essentials of Marketing 3
BUS 223 Advertising (see Note 2) 3
BUS 328 Retail Management (see Note 2) 3
Total   63

Note 1: Students with credit for BUS 102 (previously offered) do not need to take BUS 100.

Note 2: BUS 120 is a prerequisite for BUS 223 and 328.

Certificate in Extended Studies in Fashion Design: Textiles option

This is a certificate designed to allow qualified students to complete the requirements of a Textile option in Fashion Design.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must have completed a Fashion Design diploma or a degree from UFV or equivalent. The number of admissions may be affected by the space available.

1. Submit the application fee along with your UFV application for admission form to the Office of the Registrar (OReg). Applications will be accepted beginning October 1 for the following fall semester.

2. Submit a letter of intent to the Fashion Design department head. The number of applicants accepted to the certificate may be restricted.

Program Requirements

The program requirements are those of the textiles option as listed in the UFV calendar. The following sections that apply to the Fashion Design diploma will also apply to this certificate: Standing Required for Continuance, Academic Warning, and Course Repetition, Appeals for Readmission, and Standing on Readmission.


A GPA of 2.0 in all courses/credits attempted, and a minimum GPA of 2.0 in Fashion Design courses/credits is required for the credential to be awarded. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all program requirements are met. This should be done in consultation with the Fashion Design Program Advisor.

Certificate in Extended Studies in Fashion Design: Marketing option

This is a certificate program designed to allow qualified students to complete the requirements of a Marketing option in Fashion Design.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must have completed a Fashion Design diploma or a degree from UFV or equivalent. Applications by students with degrees outside of Fashion will be assessed for applicability by the Fashion Design department head. The number of admissions may be affected by the space available.

1. Submit the application fee along with your UFV application for admission form to the Office of the Registrar (OReg). Applications will be accepted beginning October 1 for the following fall semester.

2. Submit a letter of intent to the Fashion Design department head, indicating which courses will be taken. If necessary, the department will call applicants for an interview. The number of applicants accepted to the program may be restricted.

Program Requirements

The program requirements are those of the marketing option as listed in the UFV calendar. The following sections that apply to the Fashion Design diploma will also apply to this certificate: Standing Required for Continuance, Academic Warning, and Course Repetition, Appeals for Readmission, and Standing on Readmission.


A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required for the credential to be awarded. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all program requirements are met. This should be done in consultation with the Fashion Design Program Advisor.

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.