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Global Development Studies

Bachelor of Arts in Global Development Studies

GDS is a broadly interdisciplinary program designed to equip students with the critical academic knowledge, skills and experience required to function effectively as development professionals in Canada or abroad or to continue on to graduate or other professional studies. 

Entrance requirements

The BA in GDS has the same entrance requirements as the Bachelor of Arts degree at UFV. Please see the Bachelor of Arts degree entrance requirements.

When to apply

Applications are accepted for entrance to the Fall, Winter, and Summer semesters. For application deadlines, see specific intake application process.

How to apply

1. Submit the application fee along with your UFV application for admission form to the Office of the Registrar (OReg). Application forms are available from any OReg or Student Services office. You can also print an application form or apply online at

  • Additional documents required for complete application: Official transcripts (or interim transcripts) from all post-secondary institutions you have attended showing grade/course achievement as per entrance requirements. To be considered official, transcripts must be sent directly to UFV from the originating institution; see the Transfer Credit section for details.

2. You will be advised of an admission decision and, if accepted, will be provided with registration information. A deposit is required when you register (see the Fees and Other Costs section). This money will be applied toward your tuition fees. Final payment of all course fees is due by the end of the second week of classes.

Basis for admission decision (non-competitive admission)

Applicants who meet the entrance requirements will be admitted in order of their application date. This date is set when an application, all required documentation, and the application fee have been submitted.

Fees and other costs

See the Fees and Other Costs section of the calendar. Additional fees for course field trips and Internship courses will apply to all students enrolled in Global Development Studies courses.

Program duration and total number of credits

Four years of full time study requiring a minimum of 120 credits, to include a minimum of 45 upper-level (300- or 400-level) credits.


UFV has four campuses (Abbotsford, Chilliwack (Chilliwack North and the Canada Education Park), and Mission) and three regional centres (Hope, Agassiz, and Chandigarh, India). The majority of the courses in the program will be offered on the Abbotsford campus. All students are required to complete an off-campus internship, which may be in Canada or, preferably, overseas.

Program Outline

Lower-level requirements

Course Title Credits
GDS 100 A World of Development 3
GDS 220/ANTH 220 Culture Change: Accommodation, Resistance, and Transformation 3
GDS 250/SOC 250 Sociology of Development 3
ECON 100 Principles of Microeconomics 3
ECON 101 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
One of:   3
POSC 230 Comparative Politics  
 or POSC 260 (formerly POSC 190) International Relations and Global Politics  
One of:   3
CMNS 155 Introduction to Workplace and Academic Writing  
 or ENGL 105 Reading and Writing for Prose  
One of:   3-4
STAT 104 Introductory Statistics  
STAT 106 Statistics I  
 or PSYC 110 Statistical Analysis in Psychology  
One of:   3
BUS 100 Introduction to Business  
 or BUS 204 Introduction to Non-Profit Management  
One of:   3
CMNS 180 Intercultural Communications  
CMNS 212 Public Relations and Advocacy  
 or CMNS 251 (see Note 2) Professional Report Writing  
One of:   3-4
SOC 255/ANTH 255/MACS 255 (see Note 2) Introduction to Social Research  
GEOG 252 Explanation in Geography: Quantitative Methods  
 or CRIM 220 Research Methods in Criminology  
Required: Four courses of one Modern Language (see Note 1) 12
Required: BA lab science requirement (see Note 4) 4
Required: BA reasoning requirement (see Note 2) 3-9

Note 1: All 12 credits must be in one language. The language requirement may be waived for students who are able to demonstrate that they already possess at least intermediate competence in a language other than English; less than intermediate competence may yield a partial exemption.

Upper-level requirements

Course Title Credits
GDS 340/GEOG 340 Geographies of Poverty and Development 4
SOC 363/GDS 363/ ANTH 363/LAS 363 Processes of Development 4
ECON 398 Development Economics 3
SOWK 380 Community Development 3
GDS 400 (see Note 3) Global Development Seminar 4
One of:   6
GEOG 396/GDS 310/SOC 396 Canada Internship  
 or GEOG 398/GDS 311/SOC 398 International Internship  
One of:   3-4
CMNS 360 (see Note 2) Advocacy Writing  
CMNS 365 Grant and Proposal Writing  
 or CMNS 445 Facilitation Skills for Professionals  
One of:   4
CRIM 320 Quantitative Research Techniques  
SOC 355/ANTH 355/MACS 355 Quantitative Research Methods  
 or SOC 356/ANTH 356/MACS 356 Qualitative Research Methods  

Note 2: The reasoning requirement can be met by completing PHIL 100 or ARTS 100 or by completing CMNS 251 or CMNS 360 within the required GDS courses.

Note 3: Students must complete GDS 310 or GDS 311 before they can enroll in GDS 400.

Note 4: Please see the lab science requirements on the Bachelor of Arts calendar page for more information on courses that meet this requirement.

Specializations or options of the program

Students may opt to use their electives to add a minor in another discipline; design their own thematic option; or complete requirements for one or more certificates approved by the GDS program.

Program regulations

Program regulations, which include continuance and probation, course repetition, readmission, graduation requirements, and maximum length of time to complete program are the same as the corresponding program regulations for the Bachelor of Arts degree. Please see the Bachelor of Arts degree program regulations.


The residency requirement for this program is 25%: thirty of the 120 credits in the degree must be completed at UFV. 15 of these credits must be at the upper level.  Transfer credits and credits earned through prior learning assessment, including course challenge, do not meet this requirement. Please see the Residency policy (96).

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.