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Latin American Studies

Latin American Studies extended minor

This section specifies the extended minor discipline requirements only. Please refer to the Bachelor of Arts section for more information on additional requirements. Please check the Bachelor of Arts residency section of the calendar for how many upper-level credits must be completed at UFV in order to graduate with this program. The LAS program is administered through the Social, Cultural, and Media Studies (SCMS) department.

Note: Additional courses (such as SOC 205) may be counted toward the LAS extended minor when there is sufficient relevant content, but only with departmental approval.

Lower-level requirements: 21 credits

Required Course Credits
Four of: LAS 100, 102, 110, 200, 206; HIST 261, 262 12
Two of: SPAN 101, 102, 201, 202, 301 6
One of: LAS 100, 102, 110, 200, 206; ANTH 220; GEOG 233; HIST 261, 262; SOC 250; SPAN 201, 202, 301 3

Note: Students may not use one course to meet two criteria.

Upper-level requirements: 16 credits

16 credits selected from the following:

Course Title Credits
LAS 312 Special Topics: Latin American Cultural Topics 4
LAS 402 Field Study (no longer offered) 4
LAS 498 Directed Readings in Latin American Studies 4
GEOG 343 Geography of Transitional Societies 4
GEOG 433A Geography of Selected Regions 4
HIST 357 History of Inter-American Relations: Latin America, the United States, and Canada 4
HIST 358 African Slavery in the Americas 4
HIST 359 Problems in Latin American Regional History 4
HIST 457 Sexuality and Gender in Latin America 4
HIST 458 History of Indigenous Peoples in Latin America 4
HIST 459 Topics in the Political and Social History of Latin America 4
HIST 460 State Terror, Human Rights, and the Politics of Memory in Latin America 4
LAS 310C-I/
ANTH 310C-I/
SOC 310C-I
Special Topics: Regional Studies of Latin America (see Note) 4
LAS 363/
ANTH 363/
SOC 363
Processes of Development and Underdevelopment: Latin America 4
ANTH 388/
LAS 388/
SOC 388
Minority Indigenous Peoples of the World 4
LAS 442/
SOC 442
Religion in Latin America 4
LAS 463/
ANTH 463/
SOC 463
Special Topics in Development Studies 4
LAS 472/
SOC 472
Latin America: Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration 4

Note: No more than eight credits can be taken in LAS 310C-I/ANTH 310C-I/SOC 310C-I.

Latin American Studies minor

This section specifies the minor discipline requirements only. Please refer to the Bachelor of Arts section for more information on additional requirements. Please check the Bachelor of Arts residency section of the calendar for how many upper-level credits must be completed at UFV in order to graduate with this program.

Note: Additional courses (such as SOC 205) may be counted toward the LAS minor when there is sufficient relevant content, but only with departmental approval.

Lower-level requirements: 9 credits

Required Course Credits
Two of: LAS 100, 102, 110, 200, 206; HIST 261, 262 6
One of: 100–200-level LAS or Latin American content courses: LAS 100, 102, 110, 200, 206; ANTH 220; GEOG 233; HIST 261, 262; SOC 250 3

Note: Students may not use one course to meet two criteria.

Upper-level requirements: 16 credits

16 credits selected from the following:

Course Title Credits
LAS 312 Special Topics: Latin American Cultural Topics 4
LAS 402 Field Study (no longer offered) 4
LAS 498 Directed Readings in Latin American Studies 4
GEOG 343 Geography of Transitional Societies 4
GEOG 433A Geography of Selected Regions 4
HIST 357 History of Inter-American Relations: Latin America, the United States, and Canada 4
HIST 358 African Slavery in the Americas 4
HIST 359 Problems in Latin American Regional History 4
HIST 457 Sexuality and Gender in Latin America 4
HIST 458 History of Indigenous Peoples in Latin America 4
HIST 459 Topics in the Political and Social History of Latin America 4
HIST 460 State Terror, Human Rights, and the Politics of Memory in Latin America 4
LAS 310C-I/
ANTH 310C-I/
SOC 310C-I
Special Topics: Regional Studies of Latin America (see Note) 4
LAS 363/
ANTH 363/
SOC 363
Processes of Development and Underdevelopment: Latin America 4
ANTH 388/
LAS 388/
SOC 388
Minority Indigenous Peoples of the World 4
LAS 442/
SOC 442
Religion in Latin America 4
LAS 463/
ANTH 463/
SOC 463
Special Topics in Development Studies 4
LAS 472/
SOC 472
Latin America: Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration 4

Note: No more than eight credits can be taken in LAS 310C-I/ANTH 310C-I/SOC 310C-I.

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.