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Library and Information Technology

Library and Information Technology diploma

The Library and Information Technology diploma program prepares graduates for work in a wide range of information centres and libraries. This program is recognized by the Canadian Library Association (CLA) and was developed according to CLA’s Guidelines for the Education of Library Technicians. Diploma graduates are usually designated library technicians or library assistants and often work under the direction of an information specialist such as a librarian or a more senior library technician. Library technicians are qualified to supervise the work of clerical staff and other library technicians.

The diploma program includes technical courses and computer labs in subjects required to develop the skills necessary for work in information centres and libraries. Students graduate with a Library and Information Technology diploma and may choose to complete an additional concentration in Systems Technology, Youth Services, or Records Management.

The most effective library and information centre employees are interested in both books and non-print materials such as electronic resources accessed via the Internet. They are interested in serving the information needs of people who seek accurate and timely resources for career, professional, educational or recreational purposes. It is essential they possess a broad basis of general knowledge, an extensive vocabulary, competence in the use of the English language, excellent interpersonal and communication skills, excellent computer and information management skills and be detail oriented. In addition, library technicians must have an ongoing interest in lifelong learning for personal and professional growth and development.

Employment prospects

The importance and the challenges of managing information and human knowledge is becoming increasingly important as the emphasis on electronic information expands at an unprecedented rate. Over 96% of program graduates secure employment within the first 8 months of graduation in diverse areas, performing a wide range of tasks.

Entrance requirements

1. B.C. secondary school graduation or equivalent. (If applying as a “mature student” without high school graduation, attach a 250-500 word letter describing your interest, qualifications, and/or experience.)

2. Meet the prerequisites for ENGL 105.

3. Program suitability as determined through a personal interview and assessment. Applicants will be accepted based on a ranking of those who provide the best evidence that they are prepared to successfully undertake the rigorous program requirements.

Applicants will be assessed on the following:

A. Interest in and motivation toward a career in a library, archives or other information centre (up to 10 points)

B. Aptitude for work in a library, archives or other information centre (up to 20 points)

C. Oral communication skills including comprehension, vocabulary, grammar (up to 10 points)

D. Written communication skills including grammar, punctuation, spelling (up to 10 points)

E. Evidence of ability to handle course work (as shown by transcript of grades achieved in the last two years of academic study) (up to 10 points)

Points for ability to handle course work are based on high school and/or post secondary transcripts and will be assigned as follows:

Grade GPA Points awarded
A+ 4.33 10
A 4.00 9
A- 3.67 8
B+ 3.33 7
B 3.00 6
B- 2.67 5
C+ 2.33 4
C 2.00 3
C- 1.67 2
P 1.00 1

Applicants must score 40/60 for acceptance.

4. All Applicants must be willing and able to uphold the Canadian Library Association Statement of Intellectual Freedom.

Students who do not meet these requirements might consider the Library and Information Technology Studies program path.

When to apply

Applications are accepted for entrance to the Fall, Winter, and Summer semesters. For application deadlines, see Specific intake application process.

How to apply

1. Submit the application fee along with your UFV application for admission form to the Office of the Registrar (OReg). You can apply online or download an application form at Application forms are also available from any OReg or Student Services office.

Additional documents required for a complete application:
• Proof of B.C. secondary school graduation or equivalent.
• Transcript (or interim transcript) showing grade/course achievement as per entrance requirements.
• If you are applying to enter the program as a “mature” student who is without B.C. secondary school graduation or equivalent, please attach a letter (250-500 words) describing your experience and qualification for library and/or information work.
• Applicants who have completed post-secondary courses from other institutions must submit official transcripts from those institutions (to be considered official, transcripts must be sent directly to UFV from the originating institution; see the Transfer Credit section for details).
• Evidence that you meet the prerequisites for ENGL 105 (e.g. CPT score or detailed information on how you have achieved the equivalent)

2. Once your application is received and reviewed, you might be contacted to arrange an interview.

3. Upon admission to the program you will be provided with registration information. A deposit is required when you register (see the Fees and Other Costs section). This money will be applied toward your tuition fees. Final payment of all course fees is due the end of the second week of classes.

In cases where interim transcripts are submitted, an admission decision may be made conditional upon completion of academic requirements.

Basis for admission decision

Applicants who meet the entrance requirements will be admitted in order of their application date. This date is set when an application, all required documentation, and the application fee have been submitted.

LIBIT Studies

Students who wish to explore library and information technology or do not meet the program requirements may consider the Library and Information Technology Studies program path.

If the program is full, or you are waiting to find out about your admission to the program, you will be given an opportunity to register as a Library and Information Technology Studies student. If you meet the entrance requirements and a space becomes available later, you will be contacted.

Fees and additional costs

See the Fees and Other Costs section. Textbook costs range between approximately $50 and $250 per course. In addition, in LIBT 161 and LIBT 265, which include field trips and practicums, students will incur transportation, food, and accommodation costs.

Please contact the Financial Aid and Awards department in the Student Services office if you require information about student loans, grants, and work/study opportunities.

Keyboarding requirements

Since most information centres and libraries require demonstrated competence in keyboarding skills, in order to graduate, students must provide proof of the ability to keyboard at minimum of 45 words per minute. The department provides students with resources that enable them to practice and demonstrate keyboarding mastery. Applicants who have had no experience using a keyboard will benefit from taking a typing or word processing course through Continuing Studies or another agency as early as possible.

Workload and classroom expectations

All Library and Information Technology courses (LIBT) are taught at the Abbotsford campus or online. The program may be completed through either full- or part-time studies. Typically, full-time students carry a workload of five courses per semester. All students should be prepared for a heavy course of study, with assignments due on a weekly basis. Students are expected to attend all classes and to participate effectively in class activities.

For each hour spent in class, students can expect to spend an average of two hours in out-of-class work. Most courses require extensive use of the UFV library, computer labs, and/or personal computers for preparing weekly assignments, which tend to be practical in nature. Courses in this program emphasize the development of excellent oral and written communication skills. All written assignments must be word processed; computers in the LIBIT Resource Room and in computer labs throughout UFV campuses are available for use by program students.

Academic performance requirements

To continue in the Library and Information Technology Diploma program, students must maintain a minimum semester GPA of 2.0 (a C grade) and a cumulative GPA of 2.0. Students whose cumulative and/or semester GPA falls below 2.0 during their program are subject to academic warning and/or removal from the program.

Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 to receive the diploma.


To demonstrate mastery of course material, program students must achieve a C or higher in all LIBIT courses. Students who receive a grade below C must retake the course. A course may not be taken more than twice.

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)

The LIBIT Program recognizes that knowledge and skills are acquired through formal learning, and life and work experience. Please see the PLAR section for more information.

Program outline

The curriculum for the Library and Information Technology diploma program consists of a combination of academic and applied courses extending over two years for full-time students. Students who enrol in the program on a part-time basis will typically extend this program over three to five years. Students taking online courses to complete the program be aware that timetable constraints may mean it will take up to five years to complete the diploma.

Those who begin the program in the Winter or Summer terms may not be able to complete their diploma in the traditional two years, as some courses are only offered once per year. However, this situation may vary depending on the number of sections offered in a given year.

If credit for some of the required arts/sciences or applied courses have been completed at UFV or can be transferred from other post-secondary institutions, students may have a lighter course load, or take additional courses of their choice. At least 25% of credits required for the Library and Information Technology diploma must be completed at UFV.

The Library and Information Technology program consists of 21 courses. Students may take up to five years to complete the program.

Students in all diploma options are required to take the following 19 courses:

Course Title Credits
LIBT 100 Introduction to Information Services 3
LIBT 115 Descriptive Cataloguing Techniques 3
LIBT 120 Introduction to Technical Services 3
LIBT 130 Introduction to Classification Systems 3
LIBT 135 Introduction to Subject Analysis 3
LIBT 140 Introduction to Reference Services 3
LIBT 145 Internet Information Retrieval 3
LIBT 161 Work Place Site Visits 1.5
LIBT 200 Information and Society 3
LIBT 205 Supervision in Information Centres 3
LIBT 220 Database Management and Software Implementation 3
LIBT 240 Media in Information Centres 3
LIBT 265 Work Experience Practicum 1.5
LIBT elective One non-core LIBT course (e.g. LIBT 230, 235, 250, 270, 280, 310, 345) 3
CIS 100 Introduction to Computer Information Systems 3
CIS 145 Web Publishing 3
Plus the following:  
Any university-level English or Communications course with a significant writing component chosen in consultation with program advisors (e.g. ENGL 105, CMNS 125) 3
Any university-level course with significant content in general or specific aspects of Canadian history, geography or culture including but not limited to courses in anthropology, geography, sociology, etc. chosen in consultation with program advisors (e.g. HIST 101, GEOG 130) 3
Any university-level course with significant Canadian political, economic, legal, criminological or governmental content chosen in consultation with program advisors (e.g. POSC 110, CRIM 135) 3
Total   54

In addition to the 19 required courses, students must successfully complete two additional courses chosen from LIBIT or other university-level course offerings. These courses will be chosen according to each student’s career goals.

For specialization, students can select one of three concentrations.

Library and Information Technology diploma, no concentration

Students graduating with the diploma will be equipped to work in a variety of information centres and libraries depending upon the electives they have chosen.

Course Title Credits
Required 19 courses (listed above) 54
LIBT or UL elective Any LIBT or university-level course chosen in consultation with program advisors. LIBT electives: 230, 235, 250, 270, 280, 310, 345 3-4
LIBT or UL elective Any LIBT or university-level course chosen in consultation with program advisors. LIBT electives: 230, 235, 250, 270, 280, 310, 345 3-4
Total   60-62

Systems Technology concentration

This concentration allows students to specialize in the organization and provision of information using computer systems. Graduates of this concentration will be qualified to work as library technicians with additional responsibilities for supervising the operation of computers and computer networks.

Course Title Credits
Required 19 courses (listed above) 54
CIS 190 Systems Hardware Concepts 4
CIS 192 Introduction to Networking 4
Total   62

Records Management concentration

This concentration prepares students for additional responsibilities of maintaining records, documents, and archives of any organization. Graduates of this concentration will be qualified to work as library technicians and with additional responsibilities for maintaining the records and archives of an organization.

Course Title Credits
Required 19 courses (listed above) 54
LIBT 250 Records Management 3
LIBT 270 Archival Techniques 3
Total   60

Youth Services concentration

This concentration prepares students for work as library technicians with a specialized understanding of information services for youth. Graduates of this concentration will be qualified to work as library technicians with additional responsibilities for working with children and young adults.

Course Title Credits
Required 19 courses (listed above) 54
LIBT 230 Information Services for Children 3
LIBT 235 Information Services for Young Adults 3
Total   60

Co-operative Education option

Students have the option of participating in Co-operative Education by alternating course studies with two paid work terms at jobs related to their field of study. Students must apply to the Co-op program through the Career Centre. Students must be enrolled in full-time studies (at least 9 credit hours) and have a GPA of at least 2.33. Students receive 6 credits for each placement. Thus, students will graduate with up to an additional 12 credits for the Library and Information Technology Diploma with a Co-op option.

Co-operative Education formally integrates a student's academic studies with relevant and productive paid work experience with employers in business, industry, government, and the non-profit sector. Co-op students gain skills and experience that prepare them for the job market and give them improved employment opportunities upon graduation. See the Co-op section for more information.

Course listings

For complete details about courses see the course descriptions section.