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Teacher Education

Teacher Education Program

The Teacher Education Program (TEP) will provide professional development for students intending to become either an elementary school teacher (grades Kindergarten to 7), or a secondary school teacher (grades 8-12). Both programs are post-degree professional programs and are twelve months in length. TEP has a total of 55 credits and can only be taken on a full-time basis. TEP emphasizes the integration of knowledge, practice, and program components that are specifically designed to meet the TEP values and goals, and the curricular requirements of the Ministry of Education. The program is intended to help prospective teachers attain the professional standards established by the Ministry of Education through the B.C. Teacher Regulation Branch (TRB); see for more information. Upon successful completion of the program, students will be recommended to the Ministry of Education for professional certification through the Teacher Regulation Branch and will receive a certificate in Teacher Education from UFV.

Mission statement of the UFV Teacher Education Program

The mission of the UFV Teacher Education Program (TEP) is to educate teachers who will become responsible and effective professionals. Through our emphasis on the integration of knowledge, educational theory and practice, on social justice, and on curriculum development, our graduates will be distinguished by the knowledge, skills, and values expected of educators in the contemporary classroom.

Dates and location

The program has one intake per year. TEP is twelve months in length, beginning in late July and ending in late June.

All classes are held at the Abbotsford campus. School experiences and practica will take place in schools from the Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Mission, and Fraser Cascade school districts.

The elementary/middle school program has a capacity of 36 teacher candidates each year. The secondary program provides 18 seats for teacher candidates  in a humanities stream with teachable subjects of English and Social Studies, and 18 seats in a Science/Math stream. 

Please see the following links for more information:

TEP Elementary/middle school option

TEP Secondary school option