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Faculty of Business and Computing


Dean’s Coffee Series

Beginning Friday 29th of September and continuing every last Friday of the month, Dean Chris Schinckus welcomes all members of the Faculty for breakfast from 8:30-9:30 am. This event is open to all faculty and staff in the Faculty of Business and Computing, to drop by for a casual conversation with the colleagues.

The Dean’s Coffee events are also open to our alumni giving them the opportunity to catch up with old friends.

When: Every last Friday of the month from 8:30 am to 9:30 am

No registration required, just drop by and pull up a chair.

Dean’s Conversation Series

The Dean's Conversation Series provides an interactive and dynamic platform for Faculty members to discuss important questions and significant priorities that are engaging educators today. The Faculty being composed by two schools, these conversations aims at promoting inspirational exchanges between faculty and staff having different disciplinary background. Presentations are held throughout the academic year and give attendees the opportunity to share and hear new perspectives on education.

If you have an interest in facilitating one of these conversations (see the themes below), please do not hesitate to contact us.

When: Visit the Dean's conversation series page for the schedule

Dean’s Community Alumni & Stakeholder Engagement Series

Sessions will be organized in collaboration with alumni, K-12 educators, students and/or members of our community aiming at discussing the best ways to prepare young people for the regional market workforce. Participants will have the opportunity to ask the panel questions and also engage in informal small group conversations with peers.

When: January 17, 2024 from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm
Where: AB A225