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Indigenous Studies

Learning resources

Language resources

Explore the richness of the Halq'eméylem language through an online resource offering stories, games, songs, and lessons to support language learning.

First voices dictionnary

Immerse yourself in the Halq'eméylem language with this comprehensive digital resource, which includes a dictionary, audio clips, and community-contributed resources.

Consult the First Voices dictionary

Stó:lō Shxwelí dictionary

An online resource offering stories, games, songs, and lessons to help in learning the Halq'eméylem language.

Consult the Stó:lō Shxwelí dictionary

Good Medicine Songs

Discover the cultural harmony in Good Medicine Songs, fostering respect and reconciliation through language and ecological awareness.

Watch the Good Medicine Songs

Indigenous resources at UFV

Engage with events, access academic resources, and connect with Indigenous heritage in Abbotsford and Chilliwack campuses.


Indigenous Student Centre

UFV Indigenous Student Centre, offers cultural and academic support. Engage with events, mentorship, and resources tailored for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit students. Visit us in Abbotsford or Chilliwack to join our community and enrich your educational experience.

Visit the Indigenous Student Centre


Indigenous Peer Mentorship Program

Discover the UFV Indigenous Peer Mentorship Program, designed for Indigenous students to thrive at UFV. Connect with experienced mentors, access cultural and academic resources, and join a supportive community.

Learn more about the peer mentorship program


UFV's Gathering Place

Connect with Indigenous heritage at UFV's Gathering Place, a modern take on a Sto:lo longhouse in Chilliwack. Access academic and cultural support, self-identify for specialized services, and book the space for events. Celebrate and learn in a setting that honors the land and traditions.

Learn more about the Gathering Place


Indigenous Teaching Garden

Discover winding pathways, carved structures by Stó:lō artist Rocky LaRock, and medicinal plants, offering a unique educational experience. From formal classes to peaceful reflection, immerse yourself in Indigenous culture and sustainable gardening practices.

Learn more about the Indigenous Teaching Garden