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Nancy Pennier

Nancy Pennier

Resident Elder

Indigenous Student Centre

Chilliwack campus at CEP, A1447

Phone: 604-504-7441 ext. 2835

email Nancy


Elder Nancy Pennier

Nancy is a member of the Sq’ewlets First Nation where she resides with her husband. They have a son, a daughter and four beautiful grandchildren. Nancy was born and raised in Quilchena, a small community along the Nicola Lake near Merritt. At 6 years old she was shipped off to the Kamloops Indian Residential School. Nancy attended school there until grade eight and then she along with other students were bussed into St Ann’s Academy. She graduated from St. Ann’s Academy in 1969. Students went home during Christmas, Easter and summer holidays.

Nancy received her professional training from UBC. Her first two years of teacher training with the NITEP was at a field centre. After completing two years there, she transferred to UBC. After completing her degree, she began work at the Seabird Island Community School then worked for the Fraser Cascade School district. Nancy continued working while raising her children and obtaining her degree in Special Education then finally a Masters degree.

In November of 2019, Nancy was hired as a UFV elder in residence to work mainly with the TEP. It is because of her years of teaching and life experiences that she fit well with this program. She has enjoyed the new challenges and the opportunity to learn again.

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