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Indigenous Student Centre

Elders Services

View Territory Acknowledgement information

Resident Elder support for an activity

The University of the Fraser Valley, Indigenous Student Centre has the support of community Elders on call at both Abbotsford and Chilliwack centre. Along with supporting the students at the centre, our Elders are involved with supporting classes at the university which include, History, Halq’eméylem language classes, Stó:lō Tea & Talk, and Indigenous Studies. Other events that our Elders participate in throughout the year have been The Witness Blanket Ceremony, Friends without Borders, Indigenous Film Series, Indigenous Student Graduation Reception, Metis Day, and National Indigenous Peoples Day.

Are you a UFV student, faculty member or staff member looking for support? Our Elders can provide support for the following activities:

  • In-class support for students
  • Indigenous knowledge and cultural activities, and
  • Attendance at requested meetings


Service require an honorarium payment

Elder and Knowledge Keeper request cost table
Service Cost
Half day $150
Full day $250



  • Request for Elder’s will be considered in its entirety and completing the form does not guarantee that an Elder will be available for your event.
  • Requests must be made 15 working days prior to the date requested (some exceptions considered). 
  • Once your request has been reviewed and approved, a follow-up email will be sent including the amount due and the budget transfer form.

Request Elder support for an activity

Student request for individual Elder support

Students may also request a one-on-one meeting with an Elder for the following services:

  • Cultural
  • Guidance
  • Working on project or course work 

Request individual Elder support for a student