Search this online French-English audio dictionary for a French word or expression to hear the correct pronunication and its English translation.
TERMIUM Plus, one of the largest terminology and linguistic data banks in the world, gives you access to millions of terms in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. You can find terms, abbreviations, definitions and usage examples in a wide range of specialized fields. The data bank is an essential tool for understanding an acronym, checking an official title, finding an equivalent in another language, and much more.
The Office de la langue française du Québec's terminology and linguistic data bank. Le grand dictionnaire terminologique (GDT) est une banque de fiches terminologiques rédigées par l’Office québécois de la langue française ou par des partenaires de l’Office. Chaque fiche renseigne sur un concept lié à un domaine d’emploi spécialisé et présente les termes qui le désignent en français, en anglais et, parfois, dans d’autres langues.
Word Tailoring is a dictionary-style reference tool that allows you to access a wealth of information quickly and easily. With a few clicks, you can find a number of English equivalents for a given French word or phrase used in everyday or administrative writing. As these French keywords often have multiple meanings, Word Tailoring contains concise examples in both English and French for each equivalent to help you select the best possible translation for your context.