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Glen Baier

Dr. Glen Baier

Associate Professor


Chilliwack campus at CEP, A3453

Phone: 604.504.7441, local 2421

email Glen


Professor Glen Baier began teaching at UFV in 1995. He also has taught at Douglas College and Capilano College. He teaches a wide range of courses at UFV. He frequently teaches the following:

  • Philosophy 100: Reasoning
  • Second year courses in the history of western philosophy
  • Philosophy 325: Contemporary Philosophy: The Problem of Truth
  • Philosophy 315: Contemporary Ethical Theory
  • Philosophy 482G: Nietzsche
  • Philosophy 482O: Selected Readings in Phenomenology. 


PhD, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, 1995
MA,  McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, 1989
BA (Hons), University of British Columbia, 1987

Teaching Interests

He is a past recipient of the UFV Teaching Excellence Award. His primary interests are in the history of continental philosophy and the history of political and social theory. In the past, he published and presented papers on the work of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. He is currently working on some papers on Nietzsche.

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