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Paul  Herman

Paul  Herman

Professor Emeritus


email Paul


Professor Paul Herman taught at UBC, Carleton University, as well as at Fraser Valley College, UCFV, and UFV from 1975-present. His major interests have been in moral and political philosophy, although he remains curious about most fields of philosophy. He often teaches the following:

  • PHIL 110: Morality and Politics
  • PHIL 120: Knowledge and Reality
  • PHIL 240: Faith and Reason (Philosophy of Religion)
  • PHIL 310: Justice and Public Policy
  • PHIL 318: Environmental Ethics

In the last few years, he includes more Indigenous content in his courses, which fits well with some of his philosophical concerns, e.g., about environmental issues and alternatives to modern, Western philosophical perspectives.


BA, University of California
All PhD work completed except thesis, University of British Columbia (UBC)

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