General introductions to the nature of philosophy and to methods of reading and writing philosophy are available from the UFV Bookstore, Library, and Writing Centres.
Available from the UFV library
- Jay F. Rosenberg's The Practice of Philosophy: A Handbook for Beginners
- Paul A. Edwards (ed.), The Encyclopaedia of Philosophy: generally excellent except for its often biased articles on leftist philosophers.
- D.J. O'Connor, A Critical History of Western Philosophy: standard work in the analytic tradition.
- Frederick J. Coppleston, A History of Philosophy: standard work by a Jesuit (Aristotelian).
UFV Library article indexes, databases, and libguides
Philosophy web sites
- Epistemé Links - contains philosophy material especially useful for undergraduate students of philosophy such as online encyclopaedias and dictionaries, aides for writing better papers, bibliographies, etc.