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Science in the Community

Children of today are the scientists of tomorrow. To foster a love of learning and science in the next generation, the UFV Faculty of Science supports fun and engaging science programming, targeted at elementary, middle school and high school students.

ASIA's Rube Golberg Machine

In 2016, faculty and students from UFV's Physics department were asked to help a local high school, Abbotsford School of Integrated Arts (ASIA) with their Rube Golberg machine. Interested UFV students went down to the school regularly to assist the high school students with the physics needed to make their ideas a reality. The level of creativity and talent will amaze you!

View the video

Bridge Building Competition

In May of 2015, the UFV Physics department helped Shxwetetilthet- Sto:lo Alternate School in Chilliwack with their bridge building competition. The students each built a bridge that they thought would withstand the most weight, within a certain set of criteria (no more than 200 Popsicle sticks and two glue sticks). The Physics Department aided with the testing and judging of these bridges.

Learn more and view the winners

Fraser Valley Regional Science Fair

Science Fairs are held each year in hundreds of elementary and secondary schools around the province. Projects can come in the form of a report, a demonstration or a model. All must follow specific criteria and all must display original scientific research.

Students in the Fraser Valley are given the opportunity to display their outstanding projects to the public through the Regional Science Fair held each year in April or May at UFV.

Learn more

Funding for Computer Coding Courses

In September 2016 UFV was the location for a provincial government announcement about funding for short-term computer coding courses.  Building on the #BCTECH Strategy, Advanced Education Minister Andrew Wilkinson announced $500,000 in funding to expand short-term computer coding courses to nine public post-secondary institutions.

In March 2015, five public post-secondary institutions each received targeted one-time funding of $50,000. The funding supported short-term coding pilot programs tailored to meet local tech-industry needs and job openings.

Learn more

Super Science Club

Super Science Club is a partnership between the UFV Faculty of Science and Telus World of Science.  Every fall and winter semester UFV science students are trained by Science World to deliver fun and informative after-school science activities to children in the Fraser Valley.  The UFV students get fantastic training by Science World and an opportunity for hands-on teaching experience.  

Since 2010 UFV students have been delivering Super Science Club programs in schools throughout the Fraser Valley including, Bernard Elementary, Central Elementary, Rosedale Elementary, and Deroche Elementary. Each year, Super Science Club reaches over 100 elementary students (and future scientists?!!).

Learn more about Super Science

Science Rocks

The Faculty of Science offers Science Rocks! summer camp every year in July and August. Designed especially for young people going into Grades 4, 5, 6, and 7. These camps are great fun and an awesome learning opportunity for campers.

Learn more about Science Rocks