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Office of the President and Vice-Chancellor


Robert (Bob) Fowler

Oct 2, 2013

Sleeping with al Qaeda

Robert R (Bob) Fowler is uniquely qualified to discuss al Qaeda threats to Africa and the Western World and implications for Canadian Foreign policy. Fowler was a career diplomat working for the UN as Special Envoy to Niger when he was kidnapped and held hostage for 130 days by al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. Following his release he published a biographical account of the kidnapping ordeal: A Season in Hell: My 130 Days in the Sahara with al Qaeda.

A rock and roll evening with Red Robinson at the Clarke Theatre

April 9, 2013

Red Robinson is returning to the University of the Fraser Valley in April, this time in Mission. UFV president Mark Evered, partnering with the Mission Chamber of Commerce, welcomes the legendary Robinson to the Clarke Theatre adjacent to UFV’s Mission campus at Heritage Park Centre, on Tuesday, April 9, at 7 pm. Read more here.

Victor Chan

March 12, 2013

Educating the Heart

‌Not too many people are best known for being a close friend of the Dalai Lama, but Victor Chan can claim that distinction. The Vancouver-based author, visionary, and peace leader is a trustee and ‌founding director of the Dalai Lama Centre for Peace and Education. Based in Vancouver, the centre “educates the heart and fosters... [READ MORE]

Sheldon Kennedy

Feb 27, 2013‌

‌Sheldon Kennedy returned to UFV to bring his personal message of empowering individuals to stand up to bullying and abuse on Pink Shirt day. The... [READ MORE]

Futurist Herb O’Heron

Jan 28, 2013

The value of a degree

‌Although not as famous as Alvin Toffler, Herb O’Heron is Canada’s own educational futurist. Working with the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC), as Director of Research and Policy Analysis, he analyzes statistics and trends in education and makes predictions for the future of post-secondary education in Canada. O’Heron will be provid‌ing his... [READ MORE]