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School of Social Justice and Global Stewardship

Discover SoJust

What SoJust is about

SoJust is home to several academic programs focusing on human and planetary well-being. Students can explore majors and minors in Global Development Studies, Indigenous Studies and Peace and Conflict Studies or special programs in Indo-Canadian or Latin American studies and certificates in Migration and Citizenship or Diaspora Studies. 

Our faculty and students embrace our core values and goals, working together to transform our world. We believe in the principles of equality, diversity, peacebuilding, activism, and transformative change. Through classroom and internship experiences, we aim to help students think critically and become leaders and agents of change. At SoJust, you will find vibrant and change-making courses and meet people who want to make a positive change in the world.

Who we are

Tuka Bakri

School Coordinator

School of Social Justice and Global Stewardship

Abbotsford campus, B322

email Tuka

Dr. Lolehawk Laura Buker

Assistant Professor

Indigenous Studies

Abbotsford campus

email Lolehawk Laura

Dr. Nicola Campbell

Assistant Professor

Indigenous Studies

Chilliwack campus at CEP, A1421

email Nicola

Dr. Cherie Enns

Associate Professor

Planning, Geography, and Environmental Studies

Abbotsford campus, A407b

Phone: 604-504-7441 ext. 4716

email Cherie

Dr. Geetanjali Gill

Associate Professor and Program Chair

Global Development Studies

Abbotsford campus, D3432

email Geetanjali

Shirley Hardman

Associate Vice-President


Chilliwack campus at CEP, Abbotsford campus

Phone: 604-702-2615

Toll Free: 1-888-504-7441, ext. 2615

email Shirley

Dr. Nicola Mooney

Associate Professor, Anthropology Nicola is on sabbatical until September 1, 2025
Convenor, School of Social Justice and Global Stewardship

Abbotsford campus, D3425

Phone: 604-504-7441

email Nicola

Dr. Jacqueline Nolte

Associate Professor, Peace and Conflict Studies

Peace and Conflict Studies

Abbotsford campus

email Jacqueline

Steven Schroeder, PhD

Associate Professor (On leave)

History, Peace and Conflict Studies

Abbotsford campus, A202a

Phone: 604-504-7441 local 4251

email Steven

Dr. Kirsten Van Houten

Assistant Professor

Global Development Studies, Peace and Conflict Studies

Abbotsford campus

email Kirsten