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Student Wellness

Supporting your wellness journey

What does your holistic wellness look like?

We want you to feel empowered to take control of your wellness journey. This means having spaces to discover and celebrate wellness on campus. 

Student Wellness will offer a variety of resources to help you find, access, and honour your wellness on our website and the Wellness Centre. Look out for updated resources that reflect the current and ongoing research on health and wellness for post-secondary students. We encourage you to stay close and check back regularly!

If you have feedback to share about the Student Wellness website or a new resource topic to suggest, please use the website feedback form.

Explore self-guided wellness resources



Mental & emotional wellness

Being a university student can be tough on your mental health. Learn knowledge and skills for dealing with the ups, downs, and pressures of academic life.




When we are overwhelmed with student life, it can be difficult to stay on top of our physical health. Here are some useful tips for finding movement, eating well, and using alcohol and other substances in a safe way.



Sex & relational wellness

Part of being a student is understanding the values and boundaries around your body. Check out some information on making informed choices around relationships, intimacy, and sex.  




When we are feeling isolated or alone, we may need to lean on practices and ceremonies that help to fill our spirits. Find ways to connect through environment, community, nature, religion, or spirituality. 


Please note that this website does not constitute, and should not be interpreted as, medical advice, diagnosis, or opinion. This website is for informational purposes only and is not guaranteed to be accurate, complete, reliable, or error-free. This website is not intended as a tool for self-diagnosis, is not a recommendation of a specific treatment plan or healthcare provider, and is not a substitute for proper medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek a consultation with a qualified medical or health professional.


"One unique aspect of the Wellness Centre is that you can talk one-on-one with a peer to receive support and resources to help with your well-being. This is especially helpful if you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or just want someone to talk to."

- Arshdeep W, BSc student (3rd year) 

Remember, you are not alone in this journey.

We're here to help!

If you are finding that these self-guided resources are just not enough, help is available. Please consider reaching out to one of the many resources at UFV:

  • Student Support Centre


Four students walking together on the UFV campus. They are a diverse group, smiling and talking.

A calm space to relax & connect

A calm space to relax & connect

The Wellness Centre is a dedicated space for students to lounge, read, and relax. We offer nourishing snacks, coffee, and tea. You will find an assortment of wellness books, activities, and games for well-needed restoration.

The Wellness Centre will be open in August. To connect with our team or our Centres, please email us at

Take advantage of UFV services for students


Academic Success Centre

Get help managing your studies 


UFV-SUS food bank

Become more food secure


Centre for Accessibility Services

Learn about accessibility support


Indigenous Student Centre

Get info about the ISC


Campus Recreation

Get info on-campus fitness options


Multi-faith prayer spaces

Prayer spaces on campus

Contact Us