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Develop a new policy

Do we need a policy?

A university policy states a governing principle which gives direction to decision-making or prescribes action in a particular academic or administrative area, or sets out principles to comply with legal obligations or institutional standards or to reduce risk. It should have broad applicability at the university and advance UFV’s mission. A specific rule for students or employees to follow or be aware of may simply need a regulation, alert or procedure stated in the calendar or on the website, rather than a formal university policy.

Departmental regulations, rules, guidelines or procedures should not be referred to as “policies” to avoid confusion with the formal university policies.

If yes, below are the steps for developing the policy and submitting your request:


Determine what the policy will do

The purpose statement clarifies the reason for a policy. Consider what values the policy is based on and what problems you are trying to solve. Policies should be consistent with the mission, goals and values of the institution.


Determine the scope

The scope defines any limits on the applicability of the policy. If it does not apply universally to all types of students or employees or all situations at UFV, indicate who or what it pertains to.


Determine the key elements to include

  • Consult with key players.
  • Research similar policies at other institutions and the main elements covered. Note related policies at UFV; what precedents do we have?
  • Include definitions when words are used in a particular way in this policy or when terms are not commonly understood. Definitions are not necessary when a word is used in the usual way.
  • The policy should establish “what” and “who” but not usually “how”; procedures are developed at the unit level, in compliance with university policy.

Draft the policy

Use UFV's standard Policy template (Word file) that contains guidelines for completing each section and for formatting.


Complete a Policy Request form & submit

When ready, complete and submit the Policy Request form, along with the policy draft to

Refer to the Procedures template for crafting related procedures or guidelines.

Next steps

To write the policy, see Draft your policy.

To prepare for consultation see, Preparing for consultation.

To launch an approved policy see, Launch approved policy.