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Rilla Apostolakis

Rilla Apostolakis

Academic Advisor

Academic Advising Centre

Abbotsford campus, 3rd Floor, Building S (SUB)

email Rilla


Rilla has come full-circle at UFV, having been a student during the Fraser Valley College days and now as an employee since 2001. She has worked in a variety of departments such as Marketing and Communications, University Advancement, Health Sciences, and in Computer Information Systems. But advising was where she found her passion and she has been advising students from a variety of disciplines at UFV for 15 years.

She received a BFA degree in Theatre from the University of Victoria and a MSc degree in Academic Advising from Kansas State University (Go Wildcats!). Rilla’s interests include beachcombing, baking, gardening, and seeing as much live theatre as she can.

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