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Academic Advising Centre

Bachelor of Social Work

This guide has been prepared with the information you need to successfully register for your first year at UFV. Please review the information provided on this page thoroughly before contacting your academic advisor with questions.



Suggested course plan

This program is designed to be completed in 2-years. It is possible (and recommended) to take less than five courses in the first semester and stay on track for graduation if you take courses in the summer semester.

If you plan to take this program part-time, this will create a delay in practicum and graduation, and you must email

Fall semester

  • SOWK 300 — Social Work Practice with Individuals
  • SOWK 311 — Social Work Theory and Ethics
  • SOWK 320 — Anti-Racist and Cross Cultural Social Work
  • SOWK 392 — Aboriginal Social Work
  • SOWK elective or upper-level general elective

Meet with your advisor to create a completion plan for the remainder of the program.



As part of the program, you also have two practicums to complete:

  • SOWK 330 — Bachelor of Social Work Practicum I
  • SOWK 430 — Bachelor of Social Work Practicum II

Note: You must complete prerequisites and submit the required documents to take practicum.

Questions about the practicum?

Visit the student practicum page or email


Where can I find a list of courses for the program?

You can access a list of all approved and required courses for your program in two ways:


First time using MyGRADplan?

Visit MyGRADplan website to get login instructions and review tutorials. Specifically, you will want to learn about the 'What if' and 'Look ahead' features as they will be most helpful in your course planning.

Note: To view acceptable general electives and indigenous content courses, click on the Bachelor of Social Work accordion under 'Additional documents' on the Social Work and Human Services website.


Child Welfare specialization

As part of the Bachelor of Social Work, you can declare the Child Welfare specialization.

This would include taking specific Social Work elective courses and completing your fourth-year practicum with the Ministry of Children and Family Development or with a Delegated Aboriginal Agency.

You will need to contact your Academic Advisor to declare the Child Welfare specialization, and plan your electives.

This is a competitive application process and acceptance is not guaranteed with the declaration.


Planning worksheets

Bachelor of Social Work planning worksheet


Orientation and welcome gathering

Practicum orientation is held in June. If you do not receive an invitation, please email

The School of Social Work and Human Services will also have a welcome gathering in the fall for your specific program. An invitation will be sent to your UFV student email.

Make sure to check your UFV student email regularly for updates.


Next steps

Prepare for registration

Watch tutorials, review information on fee payment, important dates, and more.

Explore courses of interest

Find official course descriptions and outlines in the Academic Calendar.

Track your degree progress

Access your program audit & identify the requirements that are needed for graduation.


Still have questions?

Book an appointment with an academic advisor or email your questions to