Some of the seats in these courses are reserved for students in the Adult Education program. If there is space, other students are welcome to register providing they receive permission from the Adult Education department. The department offers at least one course per semester via online media.
English Language Requirements Students registering in post-secondary level courses (numbered 100 to 499) will be required to meet the English language entrance proficiency requirements. Students in ESL or the University Foundations programs can register in those courses identified in the University Foundations program with lower levels of language proficiency.

ADED 2003 credits
Portfolio Development for Prior Learning Assessment Prerequisite(s): None
An introduction to the concept of prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR) and its relationship to lifelong learning. Major emphasis will be placed on one of the methods used to assess prior learning -- the portfolio method. In the context of your educational goals, you will prepare a comprehensive written portfolio which identifies and documents your prior learning. The finished portfolio subsequently may be used to request PLA credit toward a post-secondary program. Because assessing institutions require portfolios to be well-written and well-organized, you should have strong writing and organization skills. We recommend Adult Education program students enrol in this course only after completing at least six Adult Education credits.
ADED 3103 credits
Introduction to Adult Education Prerequisite(s): None
This course surveys the philosophical and historical foundation of adult education, its methods and approaches, its organizations, and issues confronting contemporary adult education practice. Note: For BA Adult Education students it is highly recommended they take this course early in the program.
ADED 3203 credits
Adult Learning Prerequisite(s): None
This course will orient participants to adult learning, develop the participants understanding of some theoretical perspectives and provide an opportunity for consideration of implications for practice. Topics include: selected theories and concepts of adult development, selected theories regarding circumstances and processes of adult learning, and characteristics of adults as learners. Note: For BA Adult Education students it is highly recommended they take this course early in the program.
ADED 3303 credits
Special Topics in Adult Education Prerequisite(s): Admission to the BA Adult Education program, or instructor's permission
Course offerings under this heading will supplement regular program offerings by examining selected and emergent topics in adult education. Intermittent offerings will be determined by availability of faculty, resources, and learner interest. Contact program or refer to published timetables for current offerings.
ADED 3403 credits
Program Planning and Evaluation Prerequisite(s): Any two of ADED 310, ADED 320, or ADED 360
This course will provide a basis for responsible, reflective program planning practice by introducing participants to key concepts, principles, and issues in program planning processes, and to the diverse settings in which those processes are carried out. The course will emphasize the development of a critical perspective. Through study of recent theory and actual cases, participants will assess the extent to which educational program planning is an important site in the struggle over the definition, sources, and purposes of legitimate knowledge.
ADED 3454 credits
Instructional Skills for the Workplace Prerequisite(s): 30 credits of university-transfer courses, including 3 credits of CMNS or ENGL with a C or better. The Communications Department strongly recommends taking CMNS 250, CMNS 251, or CMNS 235.
This course provides an opportunity to design and teach lessons to diverse audiences in three domains (psychomotor, affective, cognitive) using a variety of media and strategies. Developing lesson plans, using instructional technologies, developing and using evaluation techniques, and conducting on-the-job training are the focus of the course. Note: Some public speaking skills are assumed in this course. This course is offered as CMNS 345 and ADED 345. Students may take only one of these for credit.
ADED 3503 credits
Storytelling and the Reflective Practitioner Prerequisite(s): Admission to program and ADED 310 or 320 or 360
This course will introduce learners to the theories and practices of using stories as a method for reflecting on our practice. The practice we will most likely be reflecting on is that of adult education, although this method of storytelling is also used for any reflection-oriented attempt to make meaning. We will explore common theories of teaching, learning, and storytelling, and we will all have opportunities to reflect on our experiences through stories.
ADED 3603 credits
Adult Education in the Canadian Context: History and Trends Prerequisite(s): Admission to the program or instructor's permission
Adult education in Canada operates within a diverse field of educational perspectives and within a complex public policy realm, shared between the federal and the provincial or territorial governments. This course examines the practices, vocation, and trends of the field within the context of historical, social, political, and economic influences. We examine ways in which formal, nonformal, and informal adult education practices shape and are shaped by this milieu.
ADED 3653 credits
History of Aboriginal Adult Education in Canada Prerequisite(s): One of ADED 310, ADED 320, or ADED 360
Aboriginal, indigenous, status, non-status, and Metis adult learners often challenge the principles and practices of mainstream adult education in Canada. This course will focus on the history of aboriginal adult education in Canada. Beginning with an understanding of the holistic approaches to education practised by North American tribal peoples prior to 1400 ce, content includes the educational policies and practices since the 1830s in Canada specifically, with relevant references to adult education practices in Australia, New Zealand, South America, and Finland; the development of the residential school systems in Canada; the government education policies of the mid and late 1900s; Indian Control of Indian Education as a social movement; the development of Indian Friendship Centres; the issues of 'Aboriginal learning styles'; and the emergence of indigenous adult and higher education institutions. (Students who have taken ADED 330G may not take ADED 365 for further credit)
ADED 3703 credits
Guided Independent Study Prerequisite(s): Nine UFV Adult Education credits and permission of the course coordinator
A supervised, research and/or field-based activity through which you will either diversify your experience base or refine and deepen your understanding of selected areas of concentration. The course offers an opportunity to integrate, and apply theories and practices in your areas of interest. (Subject to faculty availability.) Guidelines for the development of a learning contract for the study are available from the department or online. Students are urged to speak to the course coordinator and/or their program advisor well in advance of registration.
ADED 3803 credits
Educational Technologies Prerequisite(s): One of ADED 310, ADED 320, or ADED 360
This course prepares you to select, implement, and evaluate appropriate technologies for the education of adult learners. Emphasis is placed on the application of adult learning theories and principles to educational technologies in global contexts. We will be considering overhead projectors and software to produce overheads; interactive television/video; audio- and video-conferencing; distributed learning strategies; computer-mediated communication, such as chat rooms and computer-based conferencing; and internet-based learning environments, such as weblogs, podcasts, interactive websites, and electronic discussion groups.
ADED 3903 credits
Seminar in Selecting, Evaluating, and Using Adult Education Research Prerequisite(s): Nine UFV ADED credits
This course will involve a survey and examination of past and current research in the disciplines related to education in general, and adult education in particular. It will include an examination of research perspectives, methods of inquiry, research trends, and interests served. Participants will be encouraged to build skills in summarizing and critiquing research reports by identifying a researchable issue and conducting a related literature review.
ADED 4053 credits
Diversity in Adult Education Contexts Prerequisite(s): Admission to ADED program and 15 ADED upper-level credits
This course provides participants the opportunity to explore various dimensions of diversity — age, race, class, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, ability, and gender — and their effects on learning: critically examine dominant attitudes toward diversity in the Canadian context; reflect on their own beliefs; examine the implications of exclusion and inclusion in adult education practice; and create inclusive learning environments.
ADED 4103 credits
Adult Education and Social Change Prerequisite(s): Six credits of ADED, or SOC 333, and three upper-level ADED credits
The sociological perspective is relevant to the study of adult education. Rapid economic and social change create new areas of practice, and social policy creates new groups of learners. This course provides an understanding of social change, a critical examination of competing perspectives on the role of Adult Education in social change, and on the influence of these perspectives on practice. It also addresses the effects of social change on the field itself.
ADED 4203 credits
Adult Education in the Global Context Prerequisite(s): ADED 310, 360 or 410, or SOC 101 or 250, or ANTH 102 or 220, or POSC 110 or 120
Institutions and the delivery of adult education have evolved very differently from country to country, and are increasingly affected by international organizations and other interests. Using a variety of program and policy examples, this course provides comparative and international perspectives on the history and the philosophical, socio-economic, and political foundations of adult education, including course participants' fields of practice.
ADED 4303 credits
Administration of Adult Education Prerequisite(s): Nine UFV ADED credits
The administration of adult education in institutions, community agencies, and private consulting is a specialized and complex management function. In this course you will examine concepts such as organizational planning, coordination, marketing, financing, and staffing, and learn how these concepts are applied to the administration and management of adult education. Special emphasis will be given to the idea of leadership.
ADED 4413 credits
Postcolonial Literatures and Adult Education Prerequisite(s): Nine upper-level ADED credits
This course engages the issues that arise when educators use literature outside the canon of English literature, especially what is referred to as diasporic or postcolonial literatures. Doing so without creating the spectre of the “Other” in Edward Said’s terms is difficult; defending the revisionist curriculum is also difficult. Participants will have the opportunity to read selected texts and determine how these texts might be used in an inter-cultural context, especially teaching English as an additional language, adult basic education, and lifelong learning.
ADED 4454 credits
Facilitating Skills for the Workplace Prerequisite(s): CMNS 345, or 45 university-level credits and CMNS 235
Facilitation is a core competency for working in and effectively managing learners, teams, groups, and committees.The facilitator leads by providing skills, guiding discussions, and encouraging the group to reach their own conclusions.The facilitator works collaboratively with the group and empowers them to identify their own goals and plans. The student will develop and apply effective approaches when facilitating for a variety of group situations and workplace learning communities. This course is offered as CMNS 445 and ADED 445. Students may take only one of these for credit.
ADED 4463 credits
Popular Education (formerly ADED 336)
Prerequisite(s): ADED 410 and three other UFV ADED credits
This course will be of interest to people currently working or preparing to work for progressive social change in community settings around such concerns as poverty, health, racism, peace, native self-government, environment, women's equality, community economic development, trade practices, food distribution, and media literacy. The course explores the use of a collective adult learning approach as an alternative or adjunct to purely political action or individual empowerment and healing models. Photo novels, radio, popular theatre, participatory research, and study circles are examples of alternative approaches that will be studied. In this course we emphasize the essential philosophical foundation of these alternative methods and practice skills required in their practical application in international and local settings. We explore the possibilities of adult education as a means of emancipation rather than domination.
ADED 4703 credits
Synthesis Project in Adult Education Prerequisite(s): Completion of 30 Adult Education credits and permission of the course coordinator
This course is intended to provide an opportunity for learners near the conclusion of their program of study to integrate the various concepts, philosophies, and knowledge of the field into a congruent professional identity in their practice through preparation of a major paper or other approved non-traditional project. (Subject of faculty availability.) Study in ADED 470 usually is conducted in the context of a student-prepared learning contract. Guidelines for the development of a learning contract for the study are available from the department or online. Students are urged to speak to the course coordinator and/or their program advisor well in advance of registration.
ADED 4713 credits
Synthesis Project in Adult Education - Extension Pre- or corequisite(s): ADED 470
This course represents a concurrent or consecutive expansion/enhancement of work undertaken in ADED 470. This course would be undertaken subject to faculty availability.
ADED 4803 credits
Seminar in Adult Education Issues Prerequisite(s): Nine upper-level ADED credits
This intermittent offering will provide opportunities to address, as they arise, particular emerging issues or areas of controversy in the field of adult education practice and/or study. Particular offerings will depend upon availability of faculty resources, trends in the field, and learner interest. Example of current offerings include Ethics in Adult Education, and Political & Social Dimensions of Workforce Training. Contact the department for current offerings.
Last extracted: April 23, 2010 09:45:02 PM