UFV Academic Calendar 2010/11

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English Language Requirements
Students registering in post-secondary level courses (numbered 100 to 499) will be required to meet the English language entrance proficiency requirements. Students in ESL or the University Foundations programs can register in those courses identified in the University Foundations program with lower levels of language proficiency.

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ASTR 1034 credits
Astronomy: The Solar System
Pre- or corequisite(s): None
This introductory course in astronomy focuses on the solar system. Topics include a brief history of astronomy, Newton's laws, gravity, orbits, eclipses, and seasons. It includes a discussion of the nature of light and other electromagnetic radiation, relativity and quantum theory, and a description of modern astronomical instruments. The second half of the course describes the geology, geography, and climates of the nine planets in the solar system, along with their moons and the asteroids. The origin of the solar system is discussed.
Note: Students with Physics 103 cannot take ASTR 103 for further credit.

ASTR 1044 credits
Astronomy: The Cosmos
Prerequisite(s): Principles of Math 11 (or MATH 085), or at least a C in Applications of Math 11
This introductory course in astronomy focuses on the stars and universe. Topics include properties of stars, galaxies, life cycle of a star, modern theories in astronomy, and origin and evolution of the universe. Students will be given a number of laboratory exercises to supplement the material covered in class. The course will place emphasis on conceptual development rather than a rigorous mathematical treatment and is a suitable non-calculus-based laboratory science course for Arts students.
Note: Students with Physics 104 cannot take ASTR 104 for further credits.

Last extracted: April 23, 2010 09:45:03 PMTop