UFV Academic Calendar 2010/11

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English Language Requirements
Students registering in post-secondary level courses (numbered 100 to 499) will be required to meet the English language entrance proficiency requirements. Students in ESL or the University Foundations programs can register in those courses identified in the University Foundations program with lower levels of language proficiency.

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FILM 1103 credits
North American Film Studies
Prerequisite(s): None
This course is an introduction to the historical development and fundamental principles of film as a creative medium. Students will develop the skills to critically analyze various film genre as a form of cultural communication. The course will entail the screening and discussion of Classical Hollywood films, documentary, independent, and experimental films from North America.

FILM 1203 credits
Foreign Film Studies
Prerequisite(s): None
An introduction to theories of film aesthetics and criticism, together with a study of selected foreign movies (with English subtitles). Essays and an examination are required from credit students.

FILM 2003 credits
Special Topics in Film
Prerequisite(s): None. FILM 101 or FILM 102 recommended
The specific topic of this course will vary as opportunity permits (consult timetable), but students will encounter aspects of cinema which examine the diversity of narrative styles and film practices. Students will be exposed to the historical context and influences in the development of film language in addition to film culture.

FILM 2103 credits
The Woman's Film of the 1940s
Prerequisite(s): None.
This course provides an introduction to both the Hollywood woman’s film of the 1940s as well as readings in contemporary film theory. The theory will be used to examine the cinematic representation of subjectivity in the woman’s film and will include an introduction to Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis and introductory film semiotics. Films presented will include sub-genres of the woman’s film such as the medical discourse film, the maternal melodrama, and the gothic romance film.

FILM 2203 credits
India on Film
Prerequisite(s): 18 credits at the first- or second-year level
This course examines the culture and history of modern India through its films, ranging from the classic art films of Satyajit Ray to contemporary Bollywood hits. Discussion will focus on the role of film in creating a national consciousness and in preserving the cultural identity of Indians living abroad. In examining the conventions of Indian film--its heroes and heroines, its songs, dances, and plots--we will consider how they reflect changing attitudes toward gender, caste, class, and religion.

FILM 3103 credits
Introduction to Film Theory
Prerequisite(s): FILM 110 or 120
In this course, students will learn key concepts and major theoretical perspectives in contemporary film theory. Theoretical work will include semiotics, Marxism, Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis, feminist and postmodernist film theory. Students interested in this course might also want to consider ENGL 366.

FILM 3653 credits
Documentary Video Storytelling
Prerequisite(s): 15 credits of university-level arts courses. It is also recommended that students have FILM 110 or FILM 120 and one of the following: VA 160, VA 165/ENGL 165, VA 170, or VA 172. Alternatively, students should have some other experience of working with film or video production.

This course offers students knowledge of fundamental concepts and practical skills in documentary storytelling in film or video. Students will have an opportunity to develop a short documentary video (of approximately 10 minutes in length) from the proposal/treatment stage through pre-production, production, and post-production. Students will be introduced to the work of Canadian filmmakers, who have long been considered leaders in the documentary genre.

Note: This course is offered as VA 365, FILM 365, and JRNL 365. Students may take only one of these for credit.

Last extracted: April 23, 2010 09:45:10 PMTop